Limitless Imperial Sovereign/C33 Strenuous training and suffering!
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Limitless Imperial Sovereign/C33 Strenuous training and suffering!
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C33 Strenuous training and suffering!

Seeing the Elder Zhang's malicious smile, Jiang Huan felt a gust of cold wind blow from his feet to his head, causing him to tremble uncontrollably.

He asked, "How do we stabilize our cultivation?"

Elder Zhang walked to the center of the courtyard and said.

"Let me accompany you in your training. I will focus on training your body technique in close combat. After all, this Overlord Spell cultivates the physique of the body, so you must display its strengths!" "Only by melee combat can the advantage of the Overlord Spell be displayed!"

With that said, Elder Zhang extended out his pipe, and pointed at Jiang Huan.

"Come on, don't use your elemental energy, just use your body in close combat!"

Hearing that, Jiang Huan rolled up his sleeves and laughed.

"Then I won't stand on ceremony with you!"

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Jiang Huan stomping on the ground! High jump! His body flipped in mid-air! He stepped on the Elder Zhang!

Jiang Huan thought that he already had the advantage, but he didn't think that Elder Zhang's single arm would grab onto Jiang Huan's ankle, and ruthlessly kick towards Jiang Huan's abdomen!

"Bang!" A loud sound was heard.

Before the pitiful Jiang Huan even landed on the ground, he was kicked back into the Elder Zhang! After rolling a few times, he got up again! There was no disappointment on his face. Instead, he clenched his fists and rushed forward in excitement!

This time, he was no longer pretending. Instead, he aimed at the Elder Zhang and focused on attacking at the top three paths and sweeping down at the bottom three paths!

The Elder Zhang was not vague, he was still calm and collected, the one-handed blocked Jiang Huan's attack, both of its legs kept changing its footwork, its speed was extremely fast, to the point where Jiang Huan was unable to understand what it was trying to do, thinking that the Elder Zhang was really nimble in his next three paths!

It was also at this time that Elder Zhang caught hold of Jiang Huan's absent mind and dodged to the side to avoid the force of the fist. His right leg leaned forward to block Jiang Huan's single leg, the cigarette in his left hand directly wedged onto Jiang Huan's head!

"Ouch!" With a shout, Jiang Huan suffered from the pain and consecutively retreated. Elder Zhang followed closely behind and with a leap, he rose! His right leg smashed down onto Jiang Huan's shoulder, causing Jiang Huan to fly backwards! He fell back to the original spot!

Looking at Jiang Huan who was crawling on the ground in the distance, the Elder Zhang said, "Remember! Never underestimate your opponent! Furthermore, do not give up on an opening that you think is a flaw! Find it! Destroy it! "Again!"

Hearing that, Jiang Huan did not stop, and rushed forward! His aura grew even more imposing!

The Elder Zhang laughed and said, "This is power!"

"Bam!" Bang! "Bang!"

Countless times he had charged! Countless times he was sent flying back to his original place! Again and again! Jiang Huan displayed the tenacity and willpower that was once mocked by others, but once again tested in the stage!


Until late at night, when Jiang Huan was covered with footprints and Fist s, and lying on the ground with bruises all over his face, Elder Zhang smoked as he looked at Jiang Huan.

"Let's stop here for today. You can keep the Pill Cauldron and use it to concoct pills in the future. Tomorrow, we'll go to Heavenly Thunder Tower and test out how many levels you can climb!"

Jiang Huan looked at the starry night sky and said, "I still have to go to the Collegiate Martial Field to fight Niu Zhenyuan tomorrow!"

Elder Zhang indifferently replied, "Don't embarrass me!"

With that, he walked back to the thatched cottage.

Jiang Huan sat up, clenched his fists, and felt the energy that was being released from the Qi tornado, and laughed as he spoke.

"That's a must!"

Jiang Huan did not plan to return to his room to rest after the night wind turned cold. He remembered his father saying that human muscles had the best memory, so he sat down cross-legged and channeled his Overlord Spell to slowly absorb energy before starting to cultivate.

Seeing that, the Elder Zhang in the room lit up his cigarette, shook his head and laughed.

"This kid!" The moment he improved, he would be training day and night, but he was much faster than Ji Heng that little brat! "


Noon the next day.

On the huge Collegiate Martial Field, the center of the stage was surrounded by a crowd that was packed to the point that not even a drop of water could trickle through.

On the stage, there were still the outer hall elders who took the second round as judges, and Niu Zhenyuan who was standing in the middle with his hands folded and his eyes closed.

And not far away from the stage, Ji Hua, who had been "educated" by Jiang Huan, and Southern Garden, Li Yuehan, had all come. Even Ji Linglong, who had just entered the hall yesterday, was amidst the crowd!

Yesterday, Ji Linglong found out from Dong Fang that Jiang Huan was a warrior rank warrior, challenging a martial master?! At the beginning, it was rather shocking! However, she was still a little nervous in her heart, but in order to express her support, she resolutely took out five hundred taels of silver from the eyes of the people looking at her. She bet five hundred taels of silver on Jiang Huan to win the bet set by the students, Dong Fang had scolded him for being a loser, and in the end, he beat her up! Furthermore, he was forced to use up all his belongings and also bought from Jiang Huan!

Although Zheng Min and his family were not as good as Dong Fang, but they still spent thirty taels to win with Jiang Huan!

Today, when the students around the stage saw Ji Linglong appearing on the Collegiate Martial Field, whether it was the honorary disciples of the Outer Palace or the disciples of the inner palace and four gardens, they were all shocked and jealous. They even looked at him with the face of a fairy.

On the other hand, there was a person who looked at Ji Linglong with unfriendly eyes, and could even be said to be holding a grudge; this person was Liu Fenghan.

Liu Fenghan had already recovered from his injuries, and dared to challenge one of the top ten Core Disciples, Niu Zhenyuan?!

She was so happy that she could not wait to see the Collegiate Martial Field s. She wanted to see how Jiang Huan was beaten up to the point that the floor was covered with his teeth, and last night she even sent someone to deliver a thousand taels of silver and a piece of primeval stone to Niu Zhenyuan.

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