LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C10 Suddenly, She Was Lucky and Kept a Low Profile.
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C10 Suddenly, She Was Lucky and Kept a Low Profile.
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C10 Suddenly, She Was Lucky and Kept a Low Profile.

Jiang Su cast a glance toward the four elders, causing a ripple of tension to spread among them.

Su Wuyou flirtatiously lifted her skirt, exposing her long, pale legs. With a coy smile, she traced her fingers delicately along her skin.

At that moment, Jiang Su caught sight of her and mused, "Such long legs; it'd be a waste if she didn't become a tractor driver!"

"I am Chiu Yue, the leader of the Devil Sect's four elders. What's your name?" inquired the elder.

Jiang Su concocted a name on the spot. "I'm Jiang Hee, a cook within the Devil Sect."

Both Su Wuyou and Shen Yunqing breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, this man wasn't the betrothed of the Female Ruler, the infamous Jiang Su.

Yet, it was surprising to see a cook in the Devil Sect looking so strikingly handsome.

Feeling the gaze of two stunning women and a bevy of female disciples, Jiang Su couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

Chiu Yue repeated "Jiang Hee" to himself, a name unfamiliar to him. With over a thousand chefs in the sect, it was impossible to know them all.

But since this man was part of the Devil Sect and skilled in its martial arts, he had to be a disciple.

Chiu Yue wouldn't pass up the chance to mentor such a promising individual. "Jiang Hee, how long did it take you to learn the Shadowless Step?" he asked, his voice quivering with anticipation.

Jiang Su paused to consider. Being in the Qi Sensing Stage, he needed to remain understated.

After all, he had plans to keep a low profile while checking in at various Devil Sect locations. The less noticeable he was, the better.

He was content with his cover as a cook. "Half a month," he replied, hoping they'd perceive his aptitude as subpar.

The Shadowless Step was a mere five steps, which he had grasped and mastered without much difficulty.

His earnest demeanor betrayed no hint of deception.

The elders were staggered, nearly choking in astonishment. To master the Shadowless Step in just half a month was nothing short of incredible—this young man was exceptionally skilled!

It took the Female Ruler a whole month to master the Shadowless Step, yet this young man's talent is nothing short of extraordinary!

Chiu Yue couldn't contain his excitement, exclaiming, "As the Great Elder of the Devil Sect, I recognize your exceptional gift. Should you choose to join us, I assure you a future of unparalleled growth, along with a gift of one hundred top-quality pills!"

Su Wuyou, already smitten with Jiang Su's looks, was now even more impressed by his talent. Without hesitation, she offered, "Become my disciple, and I will bestow upon you a top-quality sword!"

Bai Yih and Lin Tian were left speechless, mouths agape. Lin Tian yearned to mentor a prodigy like Jiang Su but shied away from competing with Chiu Yue and Su Wuyou. Bai Yih brooded in silence, his disdain for handsome men rooted in his own lack of allure, which he believed cost him the Female Ruler's affection.

As Jiang Su pondered a polite refusal, a voice of deep authority boomed, "How dare you behave so brazenly before my master!"

The formidable presence of a Late Period of Tribulation Crossing Stage expert bore down on the elders, its source none other than the Golden Dragon, emanating from within Jiang Su himself!

The Devil Sect members were astounded. The Golden Dragon, willing to submit to this youth as its master? And he possessed the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit, no less! The revelation left some gasping for air, the less advanced disciples even coughing up blood from the overwhelming pressure.

Chiu Yue shook uncontrollably, staring at Jiang Su in utter disbelief. With a calm demeanor, Jiang Su simply stated, "Don't be shocked."

The Devil Sect was abuzz with the question: How did such a formidable young man emerge among them? His power was undeniable, wielding the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit. He outshone the Female Ruler's unworthy fiancé by leagues, and was undoubtedly more dashing than Jiang Su himself! Chiu Yue lamented not intervening in the engagement. Truly, in the Lower Realm, only this young man was a fitting match for the Female Ruler.

Amidst the turmoil, the young man remained unflustered, the epitome of composure. He was, indeed, an exceptional man.

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