LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C12 Everyone Wanted to Bully the Servants of the Devil Sect!.
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C12 Everyone Wanted to Bully the Servants of the Devil Sect!.
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C12 Everyone Wanted to Bully the Servants of the Devil Sect!.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Heng found himself transported to a courtyard.

Jiang Su entered the space, greeted by a message: "Registration complete. The Demonic Blood Kylin has been added to your Storage Space."

A solitary sweeper occupied the yard, his thick eyebrows and large eyes set above a slightly plump frame, his gaze lively and alert.

He approached Jiang Su with a warm smile. "Hey there, Jiang. I just got word of your promotion. Looks like we'll be working together in the No.1 kitchen from now on. Follow me inside."

Could Elder Chiu Yue really work that fast? The swift communication from a Tribulation Crossing Stage Expert's divine sense was impressive.

Wang Tian was already bustling about, making the bed. His enthusiasm was boundless, matched only by his stamina. It was a pity his cultivation level was limited to the Body Forging Stage.

"Thanks. Is it just us in the kitchen? We'll need to support each other and maintain a good relationship moving forward."

Wang Tian's response to Jiang Su's question was stuttered and uncertain. "Actually, there are dozens of us. But Chief Ye has taken the others away, and he's expecting you as well."

Jiang Su realized this was Chief Ye's way of flexing his authority over the newcomers. Despite being an obscure kitchen disciple within the Devil Sect, Jiang Su had secured a position in the prestigious No.1 kitchen. It made sense that he was a target for some.

"Jiang, I'm heading out. Neither of us has reached the Foundation Stage, so we still need to eat. We'll do that together later, okay?"

Jiang Su gave a nod of agreement.

Once Wang Tian departed, Jiang Su turned to the system and commanded, "Bring out the Demonic Blood Kylin."

"The system is now hatching the Demonic Blood Kylin for you."

"Hatching complete."

At the system's cue, Jiang Su immediately felt a weight in his sleeve.

Was the Demonic Blood Kylin just a baby at this stage?

Reaching into his sleeve, Jiang Su pulled out a tiny creature.

The Demonic Blood Kylin was an odd mix of antlers, sheep's hooves, scaly armor, and a cow's tail, defying any natural comparison. Its forehead bore a striking blood-red mark. The creature was incredibly small and appeared undernourished with its wrinkled skin. It was an odd and diminutive sight to behold.

The Demonic Blood Kylin perched obediently in the palm of his hand, seemingly preferring the warmth there to the chill outside the sleeve. Its eyes, just opened from a recent nap, were endearingly cute.

It appeared to recognize Jiang Su as its awakener, climbing onto his shoulder and affectionately nuzzling his chin with its antlers.

Jiang Su let out a sigh. He had envisioned himself with a grand Demonic Blood Kylin, not the pint-sized creature before him. Yet, this was a blessing in disguise; they could comfortably spend their days together in the kitchen. He was committed to completing daily check-ins and tasks, nurturing the little one as it grew.

It was time to find some food.

Wang Tian had informed him of his room's location.

Cradling the Little Kylin, Jiang Su pushed open the door and stepped out, only to be met with an unexpected sight. The space before his room was crowded with unfriendly faces.

The group's leader, his face marred by a menacing scar, glared at Jiang Su. "I don't know why I'm cursed with such bad luck," he sneered. "You waltz into the Devil Sect's finest kitchen as if you own the place, just because Elder Chiu Yue backs you. Don't get cocky."

Ye Nong caught sight of the creature in Jiang Su's arms and derided the Little Kylin, "What's this hideous thing? Pets aren't allowed in the kitchen. I'll chop it up and have it for my meal today."

The Little Kylin, grasping the stranger's hostile intent, returned a frosty stare. Jiang Su's displeasure grew palpable.

Ye Nong was intent on flexing his muscle by threatening the life of the Little Kylin, aiming to intimidate Jiang Su.

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