LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C16 Man and Sword as One, Sword Technique Great Completion!
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C16 Man and Sword as One, Sword Technique Great Completion!
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C16 Man and Sword as One, Sword Technique Great Completion!

"Jiang, the kitchen chief is someone with quite the pedigree. His cultivation level surpasses that of some Outer Sect disciples within the Devil Sect. He's related to Bai Yih, one of the four esteemed elders of the sect. Bai Yih often provides him with resources and backing, which is why he acts with such impunity. We all steer clear of crossing him."

Jiang Su's eyebrows lifted as he grasped the situation. He recalled Bai Yih's icy stare, laced with a hint of murderous intent.

Clearly, the kitchen chief was more than meets the eye.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting its luminous glow upon an old man with a white beard in the Conference Hall.

In the still of the night, a woman clad in red approached.

The old man was none other than Chiu Yue. Upon seeing the red-dressed woman, he promptly greeted her, bowing respectfully, "Greetings, Female Ruler!"

"Elder, I appreciate your diligence these past days."

Murong Yan responded before taking her place at the head of the Conference Hall.

Once seated, Chiu Yue began, "Female Ruler, a significant event occurred today in the Devil Sect. A cook managed to deplete all the spiritual energy from the Spirit Gathering Lake. His talent is remarkable; mastering the Shadowless Step in just a fortnight and possessing the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit. Wuyou and I had hoped to mentor him, but he chose to remain a simple cook. Hence, I've temporarily assigned him to No. 1 kitchen."

Murong Yan's lips curled into a smile, her beauty undeniable.

Jiang Su had certainly earned a newfound respect from her. She had learned from Chiu Yue about the millennia of spiritual energy drained by a mysterious youth from the Spirit Gathering Lake, and Chiu Yue's intention to take him as a personal disciple. That's why she had come to the Conference Hall. Yet, to her surprise, that youth was her own husband, Jiang Su.

In a single afternoon, he had advanced to the Qi Sensing Stage.

He had forsaken the role of her husband to become a cook!

She was curious to see how long he could keep it up.

Meanwhile, after Jiang Su had settled Wang Tian, he wandered near No. 1 kitchen.

The spiritual energy there was indistinguishable from that in other areas of the Devil Sect. However, Jiang Su sensed a powerful spirit vein beneath the kitchen. Could it be that something valuable was hidden beneath No. 1 kitchen?

Figuring out how to get underground was a challenge; he currently lacked the ability to burrow into the earth.

He detected an area brimming with spiritual energy, ideal for cultivating the unity of man and sword.

With a mere thought, he glided on the wind. In an instant, he found himself in a secluded bamboo grove near the No. 1 kitchen.

The moon hung high in the sky by then, its light casting a flattering glow on Jiang Su as he stood before the spiritually charged bamboo forest, enhancing his already striking appearance.

Moonbeams danced through the grove, accompanied by the chorus of cicadas. Occasionally, Demon Birds streaked across the heavens.

He ventured deeper into the lush bamboo, seeking a spacious clearing conducive to sword practice. Once positioned, he drew the unremarkable sword from his waist.

A crisp sound echoed in the tranquil grove.

"System, grant me the Man and Sword as One."

Subsequently, Jiang Su's mind was flooded with an array of sword techniques. He executed the Shadowless Step in harmony with the sword movements that materialized in his thoughts. For a time, his form and the sword shadow intertwined, casting shimmering reflections on the verdant bamboo, imbuing it with a sliver of light.

Ultimately, Jiang Su mastered the sword with ease, wielding it as naturally as his own limbs.

In that moment, though a sword rested in his hand, his heart was empty of it, for he and the blade had become indistinguishable.

This was the essence of Man and Sword as One.

His sword once again found its home in the scabbard. As the tip slid in, it emitted a piercing metallic sound.

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