LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C22 Elder Bai Yih Actually Wanted to Kill Me!
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C22 Elder Bai Yih Actually Wanted to Kill Me!
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C22 Elder Bai Yih Actually Wanted to Kill Me!

Despite having read numerous books at the Carefree Sect, Jiang Su was unfamiliar with Sky Heart Grass.

"System, what is Sky Heart Grass?"

Sky Heart Grass is a plant that once thrived on the ancient Thousand Feet Snow Mountain. It could accelerate the growth of the ancient Demonic Beast, the Demonic Blood Kylin. Nowadays, in the Cultivation World, it has become extinct.

So, Sky Heart Grass was beneficial to the Little Kylin.

Its extinction explained its immense value. He could only acquire it by completing a hidden mission.

Jiang Su settled onto the surprisingly pristine ground, as if the assailants who had just tried to kill him had never existed.

The system's cleanup capabilities were impressive!

Using his sleeve, Jiang Su wiped Nan Qi's blood from his folding fan before tucking it back at his waist.

With the bloodstain gone, it was as if Nan Qi had never walked the earth.

He didn't bother to ask Nan Qi who had sent him. In the entire Cultivation World, only a select few could afford to hire Nan Qi, one of the four great assassins of the Nebula Pavilion.

He was merely a cook who had recently crossed only one person, Ye Nong.

Clearly, Ye Nong lacked the means, but his patron, Elder Bai Yih, did not.

Moreover, Bai Yih was aware of the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit within Jiang Su, hence his hiring of the Nascent Infant Stage assassin Nan Qi to eliminate Jiang Su.

But what was the root of Bai Yih's animosity towards Jiang Su from the start?

Unable to make sense of it, Jiang Su let the question go and closed his eyes to meditate.

The spiritual energy around him flowed tangibly, funneling into his Dantian.

After the fight and a prolonged meditation, when he opened his eyes again, dusk had fallen.

The orange glow bathed the bamboo forest, casting a warm hue over it.

The sun neared the horizon, and the mountains in the distance rose in layers. Occasionally, the clear flap of a Demon Bird's wings could be heard as it soared by.

Jiang Su had already attained the Golden Core Stage, yet to the outside world, he appeared to be merely in the Qi Sensing Stage. To sidestep any unwelcome complications, he made it a point to eat his meals regularly.

Having skipped both breakfast and lunch to cultivate, skipping dinner as well would certainly raise eyebrows.

Thus, he rose and made his way out of the bamboo grove, intent on fetching some Sky Heart Grass to feed the little qilin.

Unbeknownst to Jiang Su, as he headed back to the kitchen, Lin Tian, one of the four elders of the Devil Sect, was kneeling in the Conference Hall, drenched in a cold sweat.

Elder Chiu Yue had sought out Jiang Su at noon, hoping to take him on as a disciple. Shortly after Elder Chiu Yue's departure, Lin Tian was summoned by the Female Ruler.

After a tense afternoon of waiting in the Conference Hall, the Female Ruler finally made her entrance.

Upon her arrival, Lin Tian immediately knelt. She, however, strode past him to the window, her maids following suit and taking their places by her side.

Leaning against the window, the Female Ruler was bathed in the sunset's glow, her beauty surpassing that of the blooming flowers around her.

She radiated the commanding presence and majesty of a sovereign. With a slight furrow of her brows and a chill in her gaze, she asked indifferently, "How long has it been since you last fortified the sect's formations?"

Lin Tian's anxiety spiked. Did the Female Ruler's question imply that the sect's formations had weakened recently? Could someone have infiltrated without their notice?

Renowned for his exceptional skills as a Talisman Cultivator, Lin Tian was held in high esteem by both the Female Ruler and Elder Chiu Yue. He had lived up to their expectations, creating a Mountain Guarding Formation more formidable than those of other sects.

He confessed, "I have erred. This year, I haven't yet inspected or renewed the formations, leaving only the disciples to maintain them."

The Female Ruler looked out towards the setting sun. Though it cast a pale yellow light, the rays that touched her eyes seemed to turn a fiery red.

Lin Tian humbled himself to the utmost. As the sovereign of the Ten Devil Domains, the Female Ruler could easily dispose of someone as insignificant as him with a mere flick of her wrist.

Formations typically underwent updates every three years. What prompted the Female Ruler to inquire about it so suddenly today? Had his formation actually been breached? Was someone dear to her in peril?

That seemed unlikely. The Female Ruler's husband was safely ensconced in her chambers, guarded by a top-notch expert. Should the formation have been compromised, she would have hastened back to the Devil Sect immediately, not delayed her return for so long.

This oversight was his own. Despite appearances of tranquility throughout the Lower Realm, the Immortal Domain and the Devil Domain were far from harmonious, engaging in numerous clandestine conflicts. With the Immortal Domain harboring ambitions to subjugate the Devil Domain, he should have expedited the updating of the formation.

Murong Yan gestured dismissively, signaling Lin Tian to withdraw. He rose swiftly and offered another bow. Lingering any longer, and his nervous perspiration would have soaked the floor.

Once Lin Tian departed, Murong Yan's furrowed brows softened. Her attendant promptly served her a cup of tea, warmed with spiritual energy, and presented it with reverence.

Adorning the teacup was the vibrant image of a plum blossom.

Murong Yan held off from accepting the tea and turned to the maid, "What's your take on Jiang Su?"

The maids had only encountered Jiang Su once, recognizing his striking looks but deeming him a failure in the realm of cultivation. Given his meager status and prowess, he hardly seemed a fitting consort for the Female Ruler. The fact that she hadn't visited his room today might suggest she had grown weary of his countenance.

The tea-bearing maid, a long-time confidante of the Female Ruler, mustered her courage to speak frankly, "Forgive my candor, Female Ruler, but that son-in-law falls short of your stature and spiritual cultivation."

Murong Yan's lips curled into a faint smile as she accepted the teacup, sipping the tea with an inscrutable expression, "I find him quite intriguing. He's exceeded my expectations."

The maid blanched, realizing her blunder. She had neglected the virtue of prudence and now stood trembling, overcome with anxiety.

Murong Yan sensed that Jiang Su was unharmed. She had intended to offer some guidance to Lin Tian, but instead, she gently placed the teacup into the maid's quivering hands and said softly, "You may go."

Relieved, the maid regained her composure.

She was fortunate that the Female Ruler had chosen to spare her today. Despite serving her for years, the maid still found the Female Ruler's thoughts enigmatic.

She resolved to tread more cautiously from now on.

Jiang Su caught sight of Wang Tian sneaking a glance through the kitchen door. Wang Tian's eyes sparkled when he noticed Jiang Su's return and he hurried over to greet him, leading the way into the kitchen.

With palpable excitement, he said, "Jiang, after you left, Elder Chiu Yue paid us another visit during dinner. He's adamant about taking you as his disciple, even knowing you're a Medical Cultivator. Maybe you should just accept his offer?"

Jiang Su was taken aback; he hadn't anticipated Elder Chiu Yue's persistent visits. Elder Chiu Yue's desire to mentor him was based on the belief that Jiang Su was a Medical Cultivator.

Jiang Su felt a wave of emotion.

He also realized that if Elder Bai Yih was indeed behind the attempt on his life, his only option might be to become Elder Chiu Yue's Head Disciple. Would Bai Yih dare to challenge Chiu Yue, the leader of the Four Elders?

Jiang Su knew he couldn't depend solely on the system for his sword cultivation journey. The Lower Realm was rich with sword cultivation texts, and he wasn't sure how long it would take the system to provide them all. Besides, real combat experience couldn't be imparted by the system.

To achieve mastery in the Sword Tao, Jiang Su needed a mentor, and if that mentor could be Chiu Yue, a powerhouse in the Late Nascent Infant Stage, it would be ideal.

Amidst the admiring and envious stares of onlookers, Jiang Su followed Wang Tian into the hall where Elder Chiu Yue was seated with dignity, showing no sign of impatience. In contrast, Ye Nong appeared somewhat tense.

Upon the arrival of the young man dressed in white, Ye Nong ceased his fanning of Elder Chiu Yue, his pupils contracting in a telltale sign of alarm.

Upon witnessing Ye Nong's demeanor, Jiang Su grasped the situation immediately, and his gaze grew icy. Yet, in the moment their eyes met, Jiang Su offered Elder Chiu Yue a warm smile, bowed respectfully, and greeted, "Greetings, Elder Chiu Yue."

Elder Chiu Yue's heart fluttered with excitement. Jiang Su's approachable manner hinted at the possibility of a mentor-disciple relationship.

"As a Medical Cultivator, you have a different path from me, a Sword Cultivator. But that doesn't mean you're limited to a single mentor. I can guide you in the art of the sword, and also bring in a renowned Medical Cultivator from the Devil Domain to co-mentor you. Together, we can forge a new tradition."

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