LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C37 It Was Very Hard for Elder Wuyou to Sing.
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C37 It Was Very Hard for Elder Wuyou to Sing.
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C37 It Was Very Hard for Elder Wuyou to Sing.

As soon as Su Wuyou began to sing, Jiang Su felt as though his soul was being ripped from his body.

He now realized why Shen Yunqing wore such a pained expression. Elder Wuyou's singing was excruciatingly bad.

Having reached the Foundation Stage in his cultivation, Jiang Su no longer needed to eat. He hadn't touched food in ages.

Yet, he felt a wave of nausea and a strong urge to vomit.

"Bravo! Elder Wuyou, what a performance! This melody is delightful! Your voice will always have my adoration!"

"Goddess Wuyou! Your voice is like the skylark's song, leaving me utterly spellbound. I could listen to you here for eternity!"

"Goddess Wuyou, I love you!"

With each compliment, Su Wuyou's excitement grew, her voice swelling in volume.

Watching the male cultivators in the back rows swoon, Jiang Su began to question whether his senses were somehow different from those of his fellow male practitioners in the Cultivation World.

He had never heard the original rendition, but he was certain Su Wuyou was off-key.

Yet, why did these men seem to revel in her singing?

They actually wanted to stay and listen to her forever.

Jiang Su felt on the verge of a breakdown after just a few lines.

Shen Yunqing, noticing the turmoil beside him, finally grasped the situation.

She had done everything in her power to prevent Jiang Su from coming here, knowing this was within the domain of a Nascent Infant Stage Expert. With their level of cultivation, they stood no chance against the allure of such singing.

Unable to endure the enthusiastic crowd any longer, Jiang Su mustered his spiritual force in silence. He had to throw up; if he didn't, he feared for his health.

He passed the grotesque stone he'd been clutching to Shen Yunqing. Shen Yunqing accepted it. Was this the reason Jiang Su had sought out her master?

"Please give this to Elder Wuyou. Thanks. I need to go throw up now."

Jiang Su took to the skies, fleeing the Carefree Pavilion with all haste. It had quickly become one of the most nightmarish places he knew.

Once at a safe distance, he settled beneath a large tree to recuperate and meditate.

Su Wuyou's singing was absolutely terrifying!

But consider this: if Su Wuyou channeled her full spiritual energy into her voice, she could use it to attack enemies. The destructive power of such an attack would be immense. Her song alone could sever someone's heart meridian and shatter their will—a truly formidable weapon!

After Jiang Su finished his breathing exercises, he retrieved a black cloak from his storage space.

It was an Invisibility Cloak, designed to conceal his spirit breath.

This was one of the treasures recently given to him by Elder Chiu Yue, and it quickly became his favorite.

With this cloak, he could maintain a much lower profile.

Ignoring the protests of the little Kylin in his storage space, he donned the cloak and flew back to Sword Wing Peak on his sword.

Sure enough, by the time he arrived at Sword Wing Peak, Wang Tian's spirit vein had nearly finished forming. Ever since Jiang Su had unblocked his meridians, Wang Tian had been able to draw Qi into his body and had successfully advanced to the Qi Sensing Stage.

Yet there was Wang Tian, sitting on the stairs, looking incredibly pale. The reason was clear: the Body Cultivator books that surrounded him and filled his hands.

Jiang Su removed his cloak, and Wang Tian looked up almost immediately.

Jiang had returned at last.

Wang Tian's eyes were devoid of light, but upon seeing Jiang Su, he looked as if he had seen a family member: "Jiang, you're back at last. Help me. Can I really master these Body Cultivator books so quickly? Master Yang Shuang is being unreasonable. I only said I'd follow you; I never agreed to take Elder Chiu Yue as my master!"

After his meditation, Wang Tian had discovered that Jiang was gone and several Body Cultivator tomes had appeared. Initially, he thought Jiang had left them for him, but then Elder Chiu Yue informed him they were a test from Senior Yang Shuang.

The test was proving to be a tough one for Wang Tian.

The more he dwelled on it, the more disheartened he felt. He said, "Jiang, I don't have your natural talent. Can I put off learning the Divine Body Forging Spell for a while?"

Wang Tian's eyes sparkled as Jiang Su gave a nod of affirmation.

Jiang Su offered a smile and remarked, "Certainly not. Once you begin the Divine Body Forging Spell, there's no turning back."

Wang Tian felt a wave of despair. He leaned back, crashing heavily onto the wooden staircase with a creaking groan. The floorboards seemed on the brink of splintering, yet they held firm under his weight.

As a robust Body Cultivator, he was unscathed by the fall.

Jiang Su exhaled a weary sigh, "I'm not exactly having an easy time either. I have to master numerous martial arts quickly. We'll have to push through this together."

With those words and an encouraging glance at Wang Tian, he retreated to his room.

Wang Tian mused bitterly, "We're hardly alike. You could master the Divine Body Forging Spell in fifteen minutes, while I'd barely manage to scarf down two buns in the same time!"

"Host, you have activated this month's mystery mission: Enter the Thousand Feet Illusion. The reward remains confidential for now."

Before Jiang Su could even settle down, the familiar mechanical voice announced his unexpected quest.

"Do you wish to enter the Thousand Feet Illusion immediately?"


Consciousness slipped away from Jiang Su.

Upon awakening, he found himself sprawled across a stretch of grass, with snow cascading down from the heavens above him.

He felt utterly insignificant in that moment, yet the grass beneath him remained vibrantly green, untouched by the snowfall.

Rising to his feet, he peered into the distance. The heavy snow blurred the line where earth met sky.

The horizon was lost to his sight, obscured by the relentless expanse of snow.

Despite the howling wind and the thick snowfall, which would typically signal freezing temperatures, Jiang Su, clad only in a thin robe, felt no chill.

Moreover, amidst the swirling snow, only the ground beneath him boasted a patch of grass—a bizarre anomaly.

Here was a stark contrast: a sky blanketed in snow and a grassland teeming with life, coexisting side by side without any visible barrier, sharing the same temperature and conditions.

As Jiang Su scanned his surroundings with a puzzled gaze, he noticed a pair of shoes. They belonged to a man whose build seemed quite similar to his own.

The stranger was clad in a thick black robe, ornately embroidered with intricate golden patterns.

Just then, a chill wind picked up, swirling together the scents of snowflakes, rainwater, and fresh grass, all of which were swept into the folds of the robe worn by the man who had appeared so abruptly.

His robe billowed with the breeze as he stood there, his eyes fixed on Jiang Su.

He began to approach Jiang Su at a leisurely pace, yet remarkably, his steps left no trace upon the snowy ground.

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