LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C41 At the Same Time, He Was Performing the Sword Cultivator, Talisman Cultivator, Armament Cultivat
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C41 At the Same Time, He Was Performing the Sword Cultivator, Talisman Cultivator, Armament Cultivat
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C41 At the Same Time, He Was Performing the Sword Cultivator, Talisman Cultivator, Armament Cultivat

Jiang Su steadied his emotions and asked with a sense of resignation, "Master Shangguan, is there a way out of here for us?"

The thought of his future cultivation journey filled him with a deep sense of melancholy. It was clear that his path wouldn't be as easy as merely checking in.

"I never imagined that fate would bring me such an astonishing surprise—to encounter you, the second cultivator in the Cultivation World with a Celestial Spiritual Root. And to think, I've become your master. Come, my disciple, let's move forward!"

Shangguan Yue, brimming with enthusiasm, clapped a hand on Jiang Su's shoulder. A realization struck him, and he inquired, "My disciple, have you decided where to place me?"

"I have. Inside me resides the Golden Dragon. If you were to join me, the two of you would surely bicker endlessly. Would you consider becoming the sword spirit of Chen Pingsheng's blade?"

Jiang Su spoke in a calm, detached tone, yet his words left Shangguan Yue both astonished and moved.

Shangguan Yue was amazed that Jiang Su had inherited the legacy of the formidable Golden Dragon. He was moved by the fact that Su had not only rescued him from the Thousand Feet Illusion but also reconnected him with Chen Pingsheng.

In the bygone era of the Cultivation World, no one would dare to ask him—the most powerful Talisman Cultivator—to serve as the sword spirit for a Foundation Stage cultivator.

But now, the world had changed, and he was eager to see what the Cultivation World had in store.

Shangguan Yue offered Jiang Su a smile. Beneath their feet, a Teleport Formation materialized, casting a soft golden glow.

Once more, Jiang Su lost consciousness.

Upon awakening, he found himself back in his room at Sword Wing Peak. As he opened his eyes, the books Elder Chiu Yue and Wen Shu had assigned him to read within the month came into view. He averted his gaze and noticed a shimmering golden light enveloping his sword.

Clearly, Shangguan Yue had taken up residence within his sword, making the most formidable Talisman Cultivator of a million years his sword spirit.

"Host, congratulations on completing the enigmatic mission: Entering the Thousand Feet Illusion. Your reward: a top-tier Talisman Cultivator will become your master!"

He had anticipated receiving such a reward.

He had already seen through the System.

Within the sword, Shangguan Yue caught sight of the books on Jiang Su's desk and exclaimed, "So you have more than one master. With your diverse cultivation paths, it's no wonder you need multiple masters. Make sure to get some rest, though."

Jiang Su asked, "Master Shangguan, could I possibly study the martial arts of a Talisman Cultivator later on?"

Shangguan Yue replied cheerfully, "I'm afraid not. This is the prime time for you to build a strong foundation. Don't worry, I won't be too strict. My disciple, your journey in cultivation is a long one. Keep pushing forward!"

The scene struck a chord with Jiang Su; he recalled treating Wang Tian in a similar manner and was suddenly filled with remorse.

Jiang Su mustered a smile, picked up a book from the desk, and began to leaf through it.

His dedication to cultivation was unwavering. He was committed to rising to the level of his wife, despite the lengthy journey ahead.

Sunlight slanted through the room, casting a glow on Jiang Su as he studied intently at his desk. He looked strikingly handsome, like a deity gracing the earth.

His expression was one of deep concentration, occasionally marred by a furrowed brow when something in the text puzzled him, though such moments were rare.

Time slipped by, and before he knew it, the sun had set. Evening had arrived.

Jiang Su stretched languidly and closed the All-sensory Spirit Vein Acupoints Records he was holding. He grumbled inwardly. Understanding the books wasn't the hard part; it was the extensive annotations by Wen Shu that included many practical elements, leaving him befuddled.

Suddenly, a crane's call pierced the quiet from outside the window.

Turning to the western window, Jiang Su spotted a white crane with striking red eyes—a clear sign of its extraordinary nature.

In the Cultivation World, cultivators were typically wealthy, and any with spirit stones could keep cranes for messaging or leisure. Yet, only a select few had such a rare breed of immortal crane. He had once seen a crane like this at the Carefree Sect, belonging to a supremely formidable Sword Cultivator.

Jiang Su pondered briefly before realizing that it was Wen Shu who had sent him the message.

With Elder Chiu Yue in such close proximity, there was no need for him to relay a message to Jiang Su.

Rising to his feet, Jiang Su approached the crane. It was only when he stood before it that he noticed the crane's haughty demeanor; it showed no interest in acknowledging him.

It wasn't until Jiang Su drew nearer that the crane, as if catching a particular scent, suddenly softened. Jiang Su reached out to stroke it, and the crane allowed it without resistance.

In that moment, lines of golden text materialized before Jiang Su, bearing a message.

"Disciple Jiang Hee, I trust you've perused the All-sensory Spirit Vein Acupoints Records. While its teachings are straightforward, mastery comes through practice. I propose that starting tomorrow, you begin treating patients within the First Devil Sect. This will not only allow you to apply what you've learned but also contribute to the sect. Isn't that a fine idea?"

As Jiang Su caressed the crane, he mulled over Wen Shu's words and agreed they made sense. He had initially considered practicing on Wang Tian, but now recognized his own pettiness.

"Is this a letter from your Medical Cultivator master? His suggestion seems sound."

When Jiang Su started searching the room for a pen, Shangguan Yue tossed a box onto the table, saying, "Take this as a token of my gratitude for rescuing me."

Inside the box was a pen, its shaft a deep ink blue. The nib was a soft gray-white, seamlessly joined to the body, the joint nearly invisible. The pen radiated spiritual energy, clearly no ordinary writing tool.

"Thank you, Master," Jiang Su expressed with gratitude.

He then took the pen and inscribed a few words beneath the golden text: "Understood, and thank you for the guidance."

The crane nuzzled Jiang Su once more before taking flight. It soared into the sky, a brilliant streak of white against the dying light of the sun, painting a breathtaking scene.

Simultaneously, as Wang Tian prepared to knock from outside, Jiang Su was just about to open the door.

The door swung open, leaving both of them momentarily taken aback.

"Jiang, I'm aware that you've advanced to the Foundation Stage in your cultivation, but we've been poring over books in this room for ages. How about we grab a bite together?" he suggested.

Truth be told, he had resigned himself to dining alone at the Outer Sect disciples' cafeteria that evening. What he hadn't anticipated was Elder Chiu Yue mistaking Jiang's level of cultivation for merely the Qi Sensing Stage, prompting him to continue arranging special meals for him daily from the kitchen.

Elder Chiu Yue wasn't like Senior Yang Shuang, who seemed to relish making life difficult for him.

With a chuckle, Jiang Su replied, "Sounds good."

They spent the evening deep in conversation, with Jiang Su sharing a handful of jokes he'd come across in the modern era. Their laughter echoed through the room, sweeping away the day's weariness.

And if they could have topped it off with a little wine, it would have been sheer perfection!

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