LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C52 His Strength Was Very Strong, and It Was Admirable!
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C52 His Strength Was Very Strong, and It Was Admirable!
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C52 His Strength Was Very Strong, and It Was Admirable!

Jiang Su's mind suddenly flashed with the memory of a sword Elder Chiu Yue had tucked into a burlap sack for him. Yet, he had grown accustomed to wielding his Life Sword and fan and had no intention of using it.

Now, he could put the sword to the test with this converter.

Little did anyone know, the sword that countless sword cultivators from the Lower Realm coveted but could never obtain, the one Elder Chiu Yue had treasured for so long, was now being used by Jiang Su as a mere plaything!

They would have been livid if they knew, probably to the point of spitting blood.

Jiang Su grasped the sword, and with a mere thought, it transformed into a bow and arrow. His eyes sparkled with excitement; he had never tried archery before.

"Master Shangguan, could you show me how to shoot an arrow?"

Faced with Jiang Su's radiant smile, Shangguan Yue resignedly instructed him in the art of archery.

He was astounded at how quickly Jiang Su picked it up. Initially, he couldn't even release the arrow from the bowstring, but by the end, Jiang Su's posture and gaze as he drew the bow and released the arrow had completely transformed.

Shangguan Yue couldn't shake the feeling that Jiang Su bore an uncanny resemblance to the Battle God he had read about in a secret tome.

This was the formidable War God Wenchu from the enigmatic Upper Realm, with a visage of noble beauty unmatched in the world and strength unparalleled.

In under two hours, Jiang Su had grasped the essence of archery. Pleased, he converted the bow and arrow back into a sword and stowed it away in his storage space.

Jiang Su was astonished at how long he had been engrossed in his new toy.

But truth be told, he was quite delighted.

Shangguan Yue was aware of the potent sword energy emanating from the blade, a testament to its formidable power. Yet, here it was, being whimsically used by Jiang Su as if it were a mere trinket.

Spending so much time with Jiang Su, he had come to believe that the sword was fortunate to be enjoyed in such a carefree manner.

The time had come.

With a focused intention, Jiang Su executed a Sword-riding Flight, arriving beside Wang Tian, who was still laboriously climbing, and declared, "Let's head back, it's time to return."

"We're finally heading home. Jiang, I'm exhausted. Can I take the afternoon off and look at that book tomorrow?"

"No, you'll stay in the same room with me—I'll keep an eye on you."

Wang Tian let out a mournful howl. Just as he was about to step onto the sword, he glanced down and was terrified. How had the sword gotten so thin? He worried that it might snap under his weight!

Could this slender sword possibly bear him?

Jiang Su caught Wang Tian's look of alarm. He too looked down and confirmed that the Life Sword had indeed slimmed down considerably. Standing on the sword himself, he felt fine, but Wang Tian was heavier, and his concern was understandable.

"Don't freak out. Would you rather walk back?"

"No, walking would probably kill me. You'll have to fly me there."

Clutching Jiang's sleeve, Wang Tian gingerly positioned himself atop the narrow blade. This time, he was truly afraid to make a move.

They reached the base of Sword Wing Peak, successfully evading the gaze of two Foundation Stage guards.

Upon touching down, Wang Tian quickly stepped off, shaking. The thought of standing on that flimsy sword again filled him with dread.

Jiang Su and Wang Tian ascended Sword Wing Peak. But as they reached the top, they spotted a familiar figure—wasn't that Rong Yu?

Was he waiting for their return?

They glanced at the main house and detected no trace of Elder Chiu Yue's spirit breath. Had Elder Chiu Yue departed?

With their master away, they had no choice but to practice their cultivation on their own.

Rong Yu's eyes brightened when he saw them return. He hastened to meet them, intending to say something else, but upon seeing Wang Tian's disheveled appearance, he couldn't help but blurt out, "Jiang, has Brother Wang been in a fight?"

"This is the result of my cultivation. All you do is recite poetry day in and day out!"

"I'm showing concern for you. Why would you speak to me like that?"

"Are we close? Do I need your concern? You're just here to laugh at me."

Jiang Su sighed inwardly, a reluctant spectator to their squabble. These two not only knew each other but might have been adversaries in a past life.

Enemies, indeed.

And Wang Tian's remarks had clearly struck a nerve with Rong Yu.

It took Wang Tian a full three minutes to come to a realization—they could resolve their dispute with a fight.

Wang Tian bellowed, "Rong Yu, let's have it out!"

Rong Yu paid him no mind, stating flatly, "I'm a Sword Cultivator at the Golden Core Stage. The outcome of our duel is a foregone conclusion."

Wang Tian was taken aback, having forgotten that Rong Yu was third on the Azure Cloud Rankings, with his cultivation already at the Early Golden Core Stage.

He had indeed been overconfident.

The world fell silent. As Jiang Su was about to depart, Rong Yu caught his arm, inquiring, "Jiang, the Female Ruler has agreed to see me. When will she arrive?"

Jiang Su pondered before replying, "I'm not sure. That's a question for my master, Master Shangguan. We'll have to wait for his return."

Yet, it wouldn't be surprising if Elder Chiu Yue didn't return for another fortnight.

Rong Yu nodded in understanding, then, with a thoughtful look, he earnestly requested, "This time, I alone am permitted into the First Devil Sect, and I've brought no extra clothing. But I've long held the Female Ruler in high esteem and wish to borrow your attire to make a favorable impression when she summons me."

Jiang Su's expression remained neutral at first, while Wang Tian couldn't hide his disdain for Rong Yu.

Upon hearing of Rong Yu's long-standing admiration for the Female Ruler, Jiang Su's face took on a new expression, one mirrored by Wang Tian's shock.

Jiang Su produced a folding fan from his sleeve and declared icily, "As fellow Sword Cultivators, let's cross swords."

Rong Yu, caught off guard by the fan, remarked, "Jiang, weren't you a Medical Cultivator before? Our cultivation levels are vastly different. This fight might not bode well for you."

Jiang Su's gaze was icy as he glanced at Rong Yu, retorting, "Enough talk."

"Then I welcome your instruction," Rong Yu said with utmost seriousness, the prospect of battle honing his focus.

He drew his sword, the sword energy thick around him. In a swift motion, he lunged at Jiang Su like a shadow.

Jiang Su held his ground, feet rooted, as his body tilted slightly backward. His folding fan remained closed, meeting the fierce point of Rong Yu's sword.

The sword energy sheared through a wisp of Jiang Su's hair.

This alone was testament to Rong Yu's mastery as a Sword Cultivator.

Rong Yu was inwardly astonished. Jiang Su hadn't even bothered to unfurl his fan, absorbing the strike head-on, yet the fan remained unscathed.

The air was filled with the sound of clashing metal, accompanied by the faint glimmer of sparks.

Rong Yu was taken aback. The folding fan was sharper than any sword. What level of lethality would it reach if Jiang Su were to fully open it?

He couldn't forget that his own cultivation level was at the Golden Core Stage, while Jiang Su's was merely at the Foundation Stage!

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