LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C54 The Little Kylin Came Back!
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C54 The Little Kylin Came Back!
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C54 The Little Kylin Came Back!

"Master, please, take a breath. It's only a minor cut. It'll heal up in no time," Jiang Su urged, darting forward with his Shadowless Step to intercept Elder Chiu Yue. Elder Chiu Yue hadn't intended to escalate things; he was simply acting on impulse.

As a cultivator in the Nascent Infant Stage, he certainly wouldn't stoop to striking a Sword Cultivator in the Golden Core Stage.

"My student, go to your room and tend to your wound," he instructed.

With a resigned tone, Jiang Su replied, "Fine, I'll do as you say."

Meanwhile, Wang Tian was still embroiled in a scuffle with Rong Yu, oblivious to Elder Chiu Yue's return.

It wasn't until they were both exhausted that Wang Tian realized the absurdity of the situation. Why had Rong Yu actually engaged in a real fight with him? Rong Yu should have simply intimidated him with his Golden Core Stage prowess.

Lying on the ground, gasping for air, Wang Tian had mostly been the one dishing out the blows, thanks to his size advantage. Despite Rong Yu's superior cultivation level, his physique left much to be desired.

After the dust-up with Rong Yu, Wang Tian felt his anger subside somewhat.

He acknowledged that it was unfair to bear such intense animosity towards Rong Yu simply because he reminded him of someone else.

For the time being, he refrained from hurling any more insults at Rong Yu.

At that moment, Rong Yu was far from the picture of grace. Ranked third on the Azure Cloud Rankings, he now looked as though he'd been rolling in the dirt, his clothing marred with footprints and creases, his hair disheveled, and his expression one of bewilderment.

"Why didn't you hit my face?"

"You think I'm like you? You're the one who always goes for the face."

Wang Tian had no intention of doing anything further; he just wanted to lie there and recover. But Rong Yu's question reignited his irritation.

Having been with Jiang for so long, he found himself reluctant to strike a handsome face.

"It wasn't intentional. You've got to clear things up with Jiang for me."

"I'm done here. I've had enough of you," Wang Tian said, getting to his feet and heading toward the room on the left.

Rong Yu, who had been sprawled on the ground, picked himself up shortly after Wang Tian's departure, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth as if the whole affair had been of no consequence.

As Wang Tian pushed the door open and stepped inside, he caught Elder Chiu Yue in mid-conversation with Jiang, chattering away about something. The awkwardness hit him immediately; they had undoubtedly witnessed his recent scuffle with Rong Yu.

"Hello, Elder Chiu Yue," Wang Tian greeted, his voice barely above a whisper. Once he finished, he made a beeline for the small table and immersed himself in a Body Cultivator's tome.

Elder Chiu Yue was aware of Wang Tian's arrival but chose to feign ignorance about the altercation. Jiang Su couldn't help but snicker, also acting as if the incident hadn't occurred.

It wasn't until Elder Chiu Yue had departed that Wang Tian approached Jiang Su, his discomfort palpable. "Jiang, that was so awkward. But I don't think Rong Yu meant to scratch your face on purpose."

"I'm aware," Jiang Su replied calmly. "The sword energy was a reflex from the threat to his neck. The scratch was merely an accident."

Wang Tian nodded in understanding. "Feeling tired today, Jiang? I could give you a back massage."

"No need," Jiang Su dismissed the offer. "But listen, you need to be cautious around Rong Yu."

Rong Yu was a prodigy, having attained the Mid Period of Golden Core Stage at his young age. He ranked third on the Azure Cloud Rankings, was the First Immortal Sect's senior disciple, and the object of many a female cultivator's admiration in the Immortal Domain. His true power was likely concealed.

Though Wang Tian didn't grasp Jiang Su's reasoning, he was aware of Rong Yu's role as the First Immortal Sect's informant. Too much interaction with Rong Yu could spell trouble for the First Devil Sect.

"Got it, Jiang. From now on, I'll steer clear of arguments with Rong Yu. We'll keep our distance," Wang Tian resolved.

Jiang Su, picking up a book, shook his head. "No, we can be friends."

Confusion washed over Wang Tian once more. What was Jiang getting at? He couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Jiang Su's thoughts drifted to the jade pendant adorning Rong Yu's waist, marveling at the peculiar twist of fate. His wife had once given him a pendant capable of concealing one's cultivation level. And now, Rong Yu sported a similar pendant since arriving at Sword Wing Peak. The purpose of the pendant wasn't lost on Jiang Su.

They continued reading in silence, the quiet of the room enveloping them until, without notice, it was time for dinner.

The Cook Disciple was unaware that Wang Tian wasn't in his usual room on the right today. As he entered with the lunchbox, he encountered an astonishingly handsome beggar.

The beggar exuded an air of refined grace.

The cook instantly surmised that this man must be Rong Yu, the esteemed Head Disciple of the First Immortal Sect, sent by the Royal Family of Tianqi.

Silence enveloped the room.

"Excuse the intrusion," said the Cook Disciple before hastily making his exit. He found the Eldest Senior Brother to be far more affable and strikingly dashing.

Just then, a knock sounded at the door.

Wang Tian, feeling peckish, answered it and accepted the meal prepared by the kitchen staff.

Having eaten, he noticed Jiang wasn't engrossed in a book as usual but was instead organizing the wardrobe.

It was out of character for Jiang, who typically didn't fuss over his appearance. Why the sudden interest in tidying up instead of reading?

"Here, take this to Rong Yu," Jiang Su said, handing Wang Tian a set of pristine white garments.

Puzzled, he remarked, "Jiang, surely Rong Yu has his own storage space. There's no need for us to fuss over him."

Jiang Su smiled and replied, "If he claims to have brought nothing, then we shall provide for him."

Wang Tian nodded, somewhat perplexed, and delivered the clothes to Rong Yu.

"System, bring forth the Ring of Chaos," Jiang Su commanded. Instantly, a ring materialized on his right index finger, its silver hue radiating a mysterious essence.

The ring bore inscrutable ancient runes. Despite mastering the Archean Array Records, Jiang Su couldn't decipher their meaning.

This was the Ring of Chaos.

Current level of the Ring of Chaos: Rank One. To advance, the host must enhance their cultivation.

Following the system's upgrade, Jiang Su's storage space had increased, prompting him to divide it into two domains: A for the Demonic Blood Kylin and B for Shangguan Yue.

He paused, uncertain if Little Kylin and Shangguan Yue had ever met; it seemed unlikely.

His heart grew heavier as he realized that although the Little Kylin had been calm for days after consuming the Sky Heart Grass, its size had increased manifold.

The storage space was becoming a bit cramped for its contents.

He let out Little Kylin and also retrieved the Life Sword.

Little Kylin immediately lunged at him, nuzzling against him when it noticed his injured face.

The moment Shangguan Yue emerged, he exclaimed, "Were you trying to smother me? The storage space cuts off everything from the outside; I felt like I was back in the Thousand Feet Illusion."

Before Jiang Su could respond, Shangguan Yue caught sight of Little Kylin materializing from the sword and gasped, "Is this the Demonic Blood Kylin?"

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