LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C64 His Hidden Strength, a Battle Between Experts!
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C64 His Hidden Strength, a Battle Between Experts!
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C64 His Hidden Strength, a Battle Between Experts!

The Little Kylin in Jiang Su's storage space spent its days sleeping, oblivious to the world outside. Having devoured all the Sky Heart Grass, it had grown significantly. Thankfully, the storage space was spacious enough to accommodate its increased size; otherwise, it would have been a tight squeeze.

As it matured, it bore an uncanny resemblance to the Demonic Blood Kylin depicted in ancient texts. Taking it out in public would draw too much attention, which wasn't conducive to Jiang Su's preference for discretion and his need to keep a low profile.

The Little Kylin tore into the burlap sack, revealing a treasure trove within: dozens of top-quality immortal pills and a myriad of precious items, including talisman papers, swords, and tomes of cultivation techniques.

Witnessing this, Su Wuyou realized that Jiang Su had even managed to win over the enigmatic Lord Murong Yun. His strength was undeniable.

She pondered that if the Female Ruler had encountered Jiang Su before anyone else, the title of the most prominent figure in the First Devil Sect might not have gone to the Prince of Tianqi.

In her eyes, Jiang Su was a far better match for the Female Ruler than the prince could ever be.

Wang Tian sensed another ally rallying behind the union of Jiang Su and the Female Ruler, casting a knowing glance at Elder Wuyou.

Su Wuyou gave a nod of acknowledgment. Lin Tian then advised, "Martial Nephew Jiang Hee, return to Sword Wing Peak and get some rest."

Jiang Su exited the Compendium Pavilion upon hearing this. The female cultivators, perceptive to his exhaustion, wisely chose not to crowd around him today.

They recognized his fatigue and knew it was best to maintain their distance, allowing him the peace he needed to recuperate.

Wang Tian walked with Jiang for a short while before remembering that Rong Yu, their fellow resident of Sword Wing Peak, was still back in the Compendium Pavilion.

"Jiang, hold up. I'll go fetch Rong Yu," he said.

Dashing back to the pavilion, Wang Tian found Rong Yu still rooted to the spot and escorted him away.

Looking at Rong Yu's bewildered expression, Wang Tian couldn't help but ask, "What's with you? Why is everyone acting so oddly today?"

Lost in his thoughts, Rong Yu followed Wang Tian out, his mind a haze. Over the past few days at the First Devil Sect, he had come to learn quite a bit about Jiang Su through various means.

He had started out as a cook. By a stroke of fate, he came to inherit the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit and was taken under Elder Chiu Yue's wing as the Head Disciple. Jiang Su's abilities were indeed formidable, and he possessed an extraordinary gift.

Yet, for all of Jiang Su's might, it was inconceivable for him to single-handedly take on dozens of Nascent Infant Stage Experts!

And still, he managed to emerge unscathed from the onslaught of these formidable adversaries. It led one to wonder if Jiang Su had been possessed. Which power from the Devil Domain could have taken hold of him, granting him such strength? Was it the Demon Emperor, who had vanished millennia ago?

It defied logic—the Demon Emperor had long since faded into obscurity. How could he possibly return? Yet, if Jiang Su wasn't under the Demon Emperor's influence, the mystery remained unsolved.

Jiang Su was strolling ahead, clearly waiting for them. Rong Yu's gaze was fixed on him.

In the time Rong Yu had spent with Jiang Su, he noticed that Jiang Su never once looked down on others. Despite Wang Tian being a mere cook, Jiang Su showed no disdain. Instead, he consistently mentored Wang Tian in his spiritual practice.

But if Jiang Su wasn't under any external influence, then perhaps only divine intervention could account for his immense power at the Foundation Stage.

As Wang Tian and Rong Yu approached, Jiang Su swiftly mounted his sword, beckoning Wang Tian to join him on the Life Sword. In a hushed tone, Wang Tian asked, "Jiang, is it time to drop the act? Rong Yu is still with us."

Jiang Su simply smiled, offering no reply.

A young man clad in white and another in gray soared on a sword towards Sword Wing Peak.

Rong Yu wasn't the least bit astonished that Jiang Su could perform Sword-riding Flight at the Foundation Stage. He paused only briefly in awe before he too mounted his sword and followed Jiang Su.

Once they had returned to Sword Wing Peak, Jiang Su found a fresh set of clothes and changed. He then channeled spiritual energy to evaporate the moisture clinging to his skin.

It marked the commencement of their cultivation journey.

Witnessing Jiang's swift recovery, Wang Tian felt a sense of ease. Anticipating a nighttime ascent of Dangerless Peak, he resolved to fortify himself with a hearty midday meal.

Rong Yu sat on the stairs of the right-side room, lost in thought. Chin propped on his hands, he watched Wang Tian's vigorous training session.

A breeze stirred, lending a refreshing chill to the summer air.

Oddly enough, Rong Yu found the wind piercingly cold.

Jiang Su emerged from the room, intent on practicing the sword techniques he had previously mastered. He caught a glimpse of Rong Yu out of the corner of his eye, sitting on the stairs, gazing vacantly into the courtyard.

"System, activate the Heavenly Eye."

In a flash, he uncovered a wealth of information about Rong Yu.

Rong Yu was the esteemed Head Disciple of the First Immortal Sect and ranked third on the Azure Cloud Rankings. His cultivation level was not in the Early Golden Core Stage, but rather the Late Golden Core Stage. Astonishingly, he was on the cusp of advancing to the Nascent Infant Stage.

Jiang Su was a key figure in the First Devil Sect, just as Rong Yu was in the First Immortal Sect.

Jiang Su now saw Rong Yu in a new light.

He likened him to a prodigy in a modern-day academic setting. He might not be the valedictorian, but he had the ability to dictate his own grades.

He had no interest in perfect scores. Instead, for reasons known only to him or due to certain constraints, he kept his marks around 98 or 99.

That was the mark of someone truly formidable.

After Jiang Su had polished his swordplay, he retreated indoors to pore over the book Wen Shu had given him.

He sensed that if Elder Chiu Yue and the Female Ruler didn't make it back to the First Devil Sect, Rong Yu would enact his true agenda that very night.

It looked like Jiang Su was in for a confrontation after sundown.

Yet, once engrossed in a book, Jiang Su would lose track of time. Before he knew it, evening had fallen.

Wang Tian burst in from outside, noticed Jiang engrossed in his reading, and quietly shut the door. He approached and waited for Jiang Su to set aside his book before asking, "Jiang, do we no longer need to be wary of him?"

"He's pretty much figured out everything. There's no need for secrecy anymore."

Wang Tian nodded, then pressed on, "Jiang, what sort of creature resides on the tenth floor of the Compendium Pavilion that could deplete all your spiritual energy?"

Jiang Su snapped the book shut and set it aside on the edge of the desk.

He spoke in a subdued tone, "Inside, there are dozens of black shadows. Each of their cultivation levels is above the Nascent Infant Stage. I truly didn't anticipate finding such a place within the Compendium Pavilion, which appeared to be a haven of safety."

Imagine that—dozens of Nascent Infant Stage Experts!

Jiang had only advanced to the Foundation Stage, yet he managed to retreat completely unscathed. Jiang's strength is truly remarkable!

One Nascent Infant Stage Expert could take down numerous Foundation Stage disciples. And yet, Jiang, a mere Foundation Stage cultivator, was somehow able to stand against dozens of Nascent Infant Stage Experts.

Seeing the look on Wang Tian's face, Jiang Su understood what was going through his mind and clarified, "They overpowered me."

Wang Tian clearly wasn't convinced, and Jiang Su had no intention of elaborating.

"Jiang, are we still on for climbing Dangerless Peak today?"


Wang Tian nodded in response to his confirmation.

Jiang Su gave him a brief look before moving past him. His gaze drifted to the window on the left side of the room, where the sunlight fell at an angle, yet the shadows beneath remained untouched by the light.

"However, you'll have to go alone. I've got other matters to attend to."

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