LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C78 Jiang Su Tested His Spiritual Root. He Knew His Junior Brother Yang Tian
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C78 Jiang Su Tested His Spiritual Root. He Knew His Junior Brother Yang Tian
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C78 Jiang Su Tested His Spiritual Root. He Knew His Junior Brother Yang Tian

Jiang Su instantly recognized the disciple in white as one of Bai Yih's Inner Sect followers.

He was at a loss for words, thinking to himself, "Why have I encountered so many of Bai Yih's devotees this early in the morning? This is just my luck!"

The disturbance quickly drew the attention of those at the entrance of the sect, particularly Yang Tian.

Yang Tian, Elder Bai Yih's senior-most disciple and trusted aide, couldn't help but notice.

The group of Outer Sect disciples spotted a striking young man in white, trailed by a procession of female disciples from the First Devil Sect.

They were certain he was no ordinary Outer Sect member, his good looks being a dead giveaway.

"Greetings, Eldest Senior Brother," they chorused to Jiang Su.

Jiang Su gave a nod, acknowledging the Outer Sect disciples.

Only when Jiang Su approached did Yang Tian respond, sword in hand, offering a respectful bow. "Greetings, Eldest Senior Brother," he said with a grin.

A moment of silence followed. Jiang Su remained silent, his gaze fixed on Yang Tian without a trace of emotion.

"I apologize, Eldest Senior Brother," Yang Tian began, "You've been with the Devil Sect for some time, and I've yet to pay you a visit. I'm sorry for that."

Though Yang Tian's words were apologetic, Jiang Su could detect the subtle scorn hidden behind his courteous facade.

Jiang Su noted Yang Tian's Fire Spiritual Root and his fifty spirit veins, placing his cultivation at the Early Golden Core Stage.

"Yang Tian truly has exceptional talent," Jiang Su mused. "Bai Yih certainly knows how to pick his disciples." Despite Yang Tian's superior cultivation level, he was compelled to address Jiang Su as Eldest Senior Brother, given Jiang Su's status as Elder Chiu Yue's Head Disciple.

Yang Tian's reluctance was understandable; Jiang Su's cultivation appeared to be merely at the Foundation Stage.

"No worries," Jiang Su replied evenly.

Yang Tian struggled to maintain his composure at the response, wondering, "Why didn't Jiang Su respond with the usual pleasantries? I've already humbled myself, so why does he still act so aloof?"

Yang Tian's mouth twitched slightly. Regaining his composure, he addressed Jiang Su, "Eldest Senior Brother, let's have a chat. We've still got some time before the first challenge begins."

Jiang Su chuckled in response, "Sounds like a plan."

The female cultivators nearby were clueless about the conversation between Jiang Su and Yang Tian. They only observed Jiang Su offering Yang Tian a smile, as dismissive as the one he had given the Vice Hallmaster of the Cultivation Hall earlier.

To them, it seemed incredibly impolite that these four high-ranking Outer Sect disciples were so eager to send them away.

The background chatter persisted for a while before finally dying down. As Yang Tian opened his mouth to speak, Jiang Su cut in, "Junior Brother Yang Tian, what's the first challenge for new disciples joining the Devil Sect? I'm quite intrigued." Jiang Su inquired.

Caught off guard by the question, Yang Tian paused, his words halted by Jiang Su. Speaking in a subdued tone, he explained, "The Devil Sect is keen on recruiting talented new disciples, hence there are three challenges designed to assess their aptitude. The first is the Heaven Walk. Martial Uncle Lin Tian will create a formation that links the sect's entrance to the base of the mountain. Within this formation lies a staircase of a thousand steps. Aspiring disciples must trek from the mountain's foot to the sect's entrance without resorting to any shortcuts. This initial challenge is a test of their stamina and determination."

Noting Jiang Su's attentive listening, Yang Tian swiftly wrapped up the topic. He was about to segue into another subject when Jiang Su interjected once more.

"And what of the second and third challenges?"

Jiang Su's implication was clear—he expected Yang Tian to clarify all the challenges set by the Devil Sect for the newcomers.

Yang Tian couldn't help but feel a tinge of annoyance. He thought to himself, "Jiang Su is being incredibly presumptuous! He could easily inquire about these matters from other Outer Sect disciples!"

Meanwhile, Jiang Su mused, "I'm simply taking you up on your offer to be my guide. After all, it was you who invited me to chat. I've only posed a couple of questions."

Yang Tian glanced at Jiang Su's face for a brief moment, nearly getting lost in his thoughts. Internally, he grumbled, "Why must fate be so cruel? If I possessed Jiang Su's good looks, I would have ascended to the Azure Cloud Rankings long ago."

Yang Tian clenched his jaw and laid out the entire process and mechanisms of how the Devil Sect recruits new disciples to Jiang Su. As he spoke, a parching thirst overcame him. The day was clear and cloudless, and despite the sun not shining directly on him, the heat was oppressive and dry.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he might just perish in this heat.

Desperately thirsty, Yang Tian longed for a drink of water.

The second trial was to assess Spiritual Sense, split into evaluating Spiritual Roots and Divine Sense. The aptitude for Spiritual Roots was categorized into five tiers, with the Single Spiritual Root being the most desirable and the Quinary Spiritual Root the least. Divine Sense was classified by color, with Orange Divine Sense ranking highest and White Divine Sense lowest.

Only those with at least a Triple Spiritual Root and a Green Divine Sense or higher could surpass the third trial and earn a chance to join the First Devil Sect.

The third trial involved navigating a Secret Realm, chosen by four elders. The Secret Realm wasn't their creation but one they could open at the opportune moment, allowing disciples to undergo a trial. The elders would then select the most talented and impressive disciples based on the outcomes.

With his guidance, Jiang Su now understood how to leverage these three trials to pick his disciples.

Jiang Su's spirits were high.

His laughter was genuine, a heartfelt expression unlike the forced smiles of before.

Even the sunlight, which had stealthily crept into the cool shade, seemed reluctant to disturb the white-clad youth who appeared as if a deity graced the earth. It shifted, instead illuminating Yang Tian.

"This is just too unfair," Yang Tian mused.

In a gracious gesture, Jiang Su retrieved a folding fan from his storage space, unfurled it, and handed it to Yang Tian. "Junior Brother Yang Tian, you seem to be overheating. You've put in a lot of effort. Use this fan to cool down," Jiang Su offered gently.

Yang Tian's fingers grazed the fan, instantly sensing the rich sword energy it emitted.

A seemingly mundane folding fan brimmed with sword energy.

And it was potent, signaling that the fan's owner was an exceptionally formidable Sword Cultivator.

Yang Tian's heart lurched. Could Jiang Su really be merely at the Mid Foundation Stage? And what about the caliber of his spiritual root and spirit veins?

"Eldest Senior Brother, I believe it's time we deepen our mutual understanding. As fellow Inner Sect disciples of the Devil Sect, both possessing Single Spiritual Roots, I just hope yours doesn't suppress mine. Otherwise, I'd have no choice but to concede to you."

Yang Tian merely brushed the fan without accepting it, prompting Jiang Su to fold it back up. The faint "swish" was barely audible, yet it sent a ripple of tension through Yang Tian.

"Rest assured, my spiritual root isn't Water. Even though I possess over fifty spirit veins, your cultivation level is higher, so I'm not necessarily more powerful than you."

Hearing this, Yang Tian's senses sharpened.

Jiang Su posed a significant threat.

How had Jiang Su discerned his Fire Spiritual Root? Perhaps he'd overheard sect members discussing it, or Elder Chiu Yue had informed him. But how did Jiang Su know exactly fifty spirit veins coursed through him? His master, Bai Yih, was one for appearances, often boasting to others that he had sixty spirit veins.

As Yang Tian stood there, his face ashen and cold sweat trickling down his forehead, Jiang Su unfurled his fan and began to fan him with earnest zeal. It was a futile gesture.

Yang Tian's complexion only grew more pallid.

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