LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C84 The Secret Realm Trial Had Officially Begun.
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C84 The Secret Realm Trial Had Officially Begun.
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C84 The Secret Realm Trial Had Officially Begun.

Yang Tian seized the opportunity to tease, "Eldest Senior Brother, if you were planning to use your status to secure some underhanded advantages for him, you should've given me a heads-up. Making such statements in front of everyone isn't a good look."

He rose to his feet with extreme caution, anxious about taking another tumble in front of Jiang Su. The last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself once more.

Jiang Su retrieved his Life Sword from his waist and stepped back onto the round platform, his pace so deliberate that it quickened the pulse of those watching below.

The female practitioners were visibly thrilled, while the male practitioners felt a wave of fear wash over them.

"I'm aware of your thoughts, but today, this is necessary. Any objections?" His voice was calm, betraying no hint of emotion.

The Life Sword remained sheathed in his hand, its cold gleam unmistakable.

No one dared to challenge him.

In the Cultivation World, power commanded respect, and the powerless had no choice but to yield.

With Jiang Su's formidable spiritual root and his lofty position within the First Devil Sect, he could have sought improper gains for ten thousand people without a single voice of dissent.

They wouldn't dare cross Jiang Su, but Xi Junrong was a different story.

After all, they were on the cusp of entering the Secret Realm Trial. They couldn't fathom that a so-called waste with a Quinary Spiritual Root could outshine them and catch the elders' attention.

The Cultivation Hall's Master mopped his brow, his sweat a testament to his nerves, yet it seemed an endless task.

"Let us proceed to the third trial," announced the Hall Master, and with his incantation, the runes on the round platform and pillars blazed to life. Moments later, they found themselves transported to the sect's grand main hall.

The space was expansive, dwarfing the Inner Sect's round platform.

The architecture struck a balance between opulence and understatement, exuding an intangible gravitas.

Arrayed before them were numerous seats. Elder Chiu Yue occupied the principal chair, with the other three elders seated to the side.

Noticing Jiang Su's arrival, Lin Tian gave a welcoming pat to the seat next to him, signaling for Jiang Su to join him.

Jiang Su and Elder Chiu Yue exchanged a glance before Jiang Su took a seat. This act made it clear to everyone present that Jiang Su's standing within the First Devil Sect was nearly on par with that of an elder.

Upon spotting Elder Bai Yih, Yang Tian dashed over and whispered in his ear, "Master, I've tested Jiang Su's spiritual root with the Spirit Inspection Stone. He possesses a Thunder Spiritual Root. Besides the two Hall Masters, I've personally verified it."

Elder Bai Yih fell into deep thought. So, Jiang Su had a Thunder Spiritual Root—that explained his mastery of the Shadowless Step in just a fortnight. Yet, with Jiang Su's level of cultivation, it seemed impossible for him to have slain a Nascent Infant Stage Expert like Nan Qi. Elder Bai Yih suspected Elder Chiu Yue might have intervened.

But Elder Chiu Yue, upon learning that someone sought to harm his favored pupil, would surely conduct an investigation. He wouldn't just let the matter slide.

What was the real story?

The affairs of Nebula Pavilion were tangled and complex. It wasn't out of the question that Nan Qi had seized an opportunity to leave the Pavilion. Could it be that Nan Qi had lied and never went on his mission?

One theory was that Nan Qi had staged his own death to escape the Pavilion. Another was that someone other than Elder Chiu Yue had aided Jiang Su.

Bai Yih quickly dismissed the first theory. Even if Nan Qi wished to fake his death to escape, he wouldn't involve a Qi Sensing Stage practitioner.

Yet, the bamboo grove bore no traces of combat. Why was that?

Bai Yih was baffled. This conundrum had cost him most of his savings, paid to Nebula Pavilion to keep the incident from Elder Chiu Yue and the Female Ruler.

Bai Yih needed a new strategy to eliminate Jiang Su. As long as Jiang Su remained alive, Bai Yih's ire burned daily.

An Outer Sect disciple clad in black approached the center of the area, unrolling a scroll. He began to announce the rules for the Secret Realm Trial.

Su Wuyou, seated beside Bai Yih, let out a sudden, cold snort. Bai Yih shot her a look, relieved to realize the snort wasn't directed at him.

Su Wuyou remained stunningly beautiful even in silence.

Her eyes shimmered like pristine springs, her lips a lush red. She reclined languidly in her seat, a pair of slender, fair legs gracefully exposed.

This, naturally, led to a few brazen disciples stealing glances at Su Wuyou.

With a frosty look, Su Wuyou briefly met their gazes before shifting her attention to Jiang Su.

Her disciple had been crying so heartbreakingly just moments ago.

Yet, she admired Jiang Su for his exceptional looks, which ranked among the finest in the Cultivation World, and his refusal to exploit his appearance for immoral deeds.

When Su Wuyou's eyes met Jiang Su's, the iciness melted into tenderness, and she even gave a playful blink.

This exchange sparked envy among the male cultivators below, but none dared voice their feelings, intimidated by Jiang Su's formidable prowess.

Jiang Su was at a loss for words.

He had never seen Su Wuyou in a romantic light, devoid of any such notions.

Regardless of how Su Wuyou batted her eyes, Jiang Su could never erase the memory of her singing voice—so hauntingly dreadful.

Shangguan Yue, eyeing Su Wuyou's elegant legs, suggested, "What if Su Wuyou became your masteress? Make sure to play matchmaker for us."

Jiang Su shook his head. Having Su Wuyou as his masteress would mean severing ties with Shangguan Yue—a complication he preferred to avoid.

It seemed he couldn't dodge the masteress discussion today.

What had spurred Shangguan Yue's sudden desperation to find a wife?

It was pure envy. Shangguan Yue mused, "With the multitude of women in the Cultivation World, why can't I find love? I've been single for millennia."

The disciple in black finished announcing the mission, rules, and warnings for the upcoming Secret Realm.

Elder Chiu Yue, seated prominently, set down his teacup after two sips and spoke with gravity, "This journey into the Secret Realm is limited to those at the Golden Core Stage and below. Consequently, no formidable Devil Beasts will be encountered. Should you choose to withdraw or face insurmountable challenges, simply crush the Jade Slip at your waist, and our Devil Sect will dispatch aid."

Shangguan Yue's mind wandered back to his first visit to the First Immortal Sect, a millennium ago. It felt like a past life's memory. He spoke plainly, "Your First Devil Sect doesn't hold a candle to one of the top ten deadliest Secret Realms I encountered in the Cultivation World back in the day. This Secret Realm? It's uninteresting, like child's play."

Jiang Su remained silent, his gaze fixed on the three young men who had made a significant impression on him. They were crucial to the success of his mission, and he had a feeling that once this task was completed, his check-ins would extend beyond the First Devil Sect.

This time, the challenge of the Secret Realm was to see which cultivator could find the most Essence Flowers. Those with the greatest number of these flowers would undoubtedly catch the elders' attention, significantly increasing their odds of being selected.

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