LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C9 Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C9 Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit
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C9 Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit

Another mechanical sound echoed.

"You have completed the inheritance of the ancient Golden Dragon, receiving the boon of fortune and the Golden Dragon Bloodline!"

Caught in his surprise, he attempted a call.

"Elder Golden Dragon?"

Silence was the only reply.

The dragon had assisted him in awakening his spirit vein before succumbing to slumber.

Jiang Su dabbed the sweat from his brow, musing, "Best I make my exit now."

With the Shadowless Step, he reached the forest's edge in an instant.

Yet, he acutely sensed the approach of many.

His brow furrowed. How could he slip away unnoticed?

If word of today's events reached his wife, he'd be doomed.

Surveying the area, Jiang Su realized it was encircled by an ancient formation, with a sole exit.

It appeared the four elders were intent on questioning him about draining the Spirit Gathering Lake of its spiritual energy.

His only choice was to leave.

Unable to carry the jade pendant that concealed his power, he resolved to stay under the radar.

Elder Chiu Yue's temper flared at the sight of Jiang Su.

Shen Yunqing and the female disciples gazed at him with adoration.

Such a dashing young man! And he had escaped the fearsome demon dragon's assault!

Truly, a miracle like no other!

Su Wuyou's curiosity was piqued; she was eager to see the youth who had enchanted her disciple.

Jiang Su emerged from the woods.

Clad in a white robe, wielding a three-foot ink sword, he exuded grace.

"He's so handsome! To see him again—I'm ecstatic to the point of swooning!"

"Isn't he just stunning?"

Upon laying eyes on Jiang Su, Su Wuyou nearly lunged at him.

Such a striking man!

Elder Chiu Yue shot a stern look at Su Wuyou and the other female disciples. His cane thundered against the ground as he barked, "Show some decorum, will you?"

The women fell silent, though their eyes remained fixed on Jiang Su.

"You've drained the Spirit Gathering Lake and trespassed into the Devil Sect's perilous grounds. Don't you think you owe us an explanation?"

Ever since the Empress became engaged to a handsome but worthless man over a decade ago, he's harbored a deep resentment towards attractive men. He believes they're a threat to the order of the Cultivation World and is determined to eliminate them!

Before Jiang Su could even react, Elder Chiu Yue's cane thrust straight at his face!

No one anticipated that Jiang Su could evade an attack from a Tribulation Crossing Stage Expert.

He nimbly sidestepped the blow!

The cane, as if sentient, returned to Elder Chiu Yue's grasp.

The female disciples shrieked in admiration. Jiang Su's maneuver was incredibly suave, and he had managed to dodge an attack from Elder Chiu Yue.

Elder Chiu Yue was a formidable Tribulation Crossing Stage cultivator, while this young man was merely at the Qi Sensing Stage!

Instantly, the female disciples' fascination with Jiang Su deepened.

Only Shen Yunqing was puzzled about Jiang Su's current Qi Sensing Stage cultivation level.

It appeared Jiang Su had something that concealed his true power. The Cultivation World is full of such mystical artifacts. A man as handsome as he might have acquired a few.

The four elders were astounded!

That was unmistakably the Shadowless Step!

Though anyone in the Devil Sect could study this technique, only the Empress and the Holy Maiden of the Shadowless Sect had mastered it in the entire Devil Domain!

Could he be a rising prodigy from the Devil Domain?

Yet, they observed that the young man's cultivation level was still at the Qi Sensing Stage.

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