LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C94 Demonic Blood Kylin
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C94 Demonic Blood Kylin
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C94 Demonic Blood Kylin

"My mom made this for me. She always dreamed of having a daughter, but ended up with three sons instead. Being the youngest, she raised me as if I were the daughter she never had," Lee Shiyan explained.

A look of realization crossed Murong Qi's face.

"Jiang, just toss the handkerchief when you're done with it. I've got plenty more where that came from," Lee Shiyan added.

Jiang Su gave a nod, eyeing the handkerchief he held. It seemed unlikely anyone would want such a filthy thing back.

"Senior Brother, what's our next move?" inquired Murong Qi.

"We wait," Jiang Su responded.

The Twin Phantoms and the Fierce Wind Bird were linked. With the Twin Phantoms gone, the Fierce Wind Bird was bound to show up. Their job was simply to wait it out.

Jiang Su was in need of rest. The recent battles had drained an excessive amount of his spiritual force, and the sparse spiritual energy within the Hidden Space offered little in the way of replenishment.

They couldn't even use the tree for support, its surface slick with sticky green sap. So Jiang Su, Lee Shiyan, and the rest stood their ground, awaiting the arrival of the Fierce Wind Bird.

"Jiang, if we can't find a way out of this Hidden Space, we're as good as dead," Lee Shiyan remarked somberly.

He then glanced over at Xi Junrong. Without any real food, they had resorted to feeding Xi Junrong pills, but their supply was dwindling.

Noticing the gloom on the young faces around him, Jiang Su spoke gently, "Keep your spirits up. Once the Fierce Wind Bird comes, stay alert and keep your distance from me."

After offering this piece of advice, Jiang Su let out a weary sigh.

Their despondency was understandable.

They had come to the First Devil Sect for instruction, not to be trapped in a notorious Hidden Space that had claimed so many lives before. Unbeknownst to them, the space was a construct of the system.

"Jiang, we're all looking to you now. But it's our fault you're in this mess," Lee Shiyan said, his stance rigid, his face etched with despair.

From within the Life Sword, Shangguan Yue's voice emerged: "The Fierce Wind Bird is a communal creature. Those capable of surviving in such a Hidden Space are surely at or above the Nascent Infant Stage in their cultivation. You'll need to exercise extreme caution."

Jiang Su was silent, but not because of what Shangguan Yue had said. His thoughts had drifted to Little Kylin, languishing with boredom in his storage space. It was time to let the creature out.

If Master Chiu Yue, Su Wuyou, and the rest had been keeping an eye on him through the Water Mirror, there was no longer any need to conceal the Demonic Blood Kylin.

Alone, he might stand little chance against a flock of Fierce Wind Birds, but with Little Kylin by his side, their combined might significantly improved their odds.

Abruptly, gales like slashing blades swept towards Jiang Su and his companions, leaving shallow cuts on their skin.

The wounds were minor, suggesting that their assailants were more interested in a display of power than in actually taking lives.

A heavy realization settled in Jiang Su's chest: this was the formidable force of the Nascent Infant.

The Fierce Wind Birds had descended upon them.

Murong Qi gripped his sword, explaining, "These are Fierce Wind Birds, known for their incredible speed. They're from the same bestiary as the Bloodthirsty Devil Wolves we encountered in the forest. They can fly, snatching their prey into the sky only to hurl them back down with deadly force. Many cultivators have perished from such falls."

The cacophony of the wind and the birds' screeches bore down on them, yet Jiang Su stood his ground, unwavering.

That is until the first Fierce Wind Bird loomed before him.

Its feathers were a brilliant red, but its eyes were an eerie, pitch black, exuding sheer terror. Its massive form alone could crush a lesser cultivator.

This Fierce Wind Bird was not just any Devil Beast; it was a high-level one, brimming with spiritual energy. Coupled with the Secret Realm's peculiar spiritual energy that could merge with Demonic Beasts, its power was indeed fearsome.

Behind this one, several more Fierce Wind Birds appeared.

Lee Shiyan's legs had turned to jelly, his usual composure as a dignified young master completely shattered.

A cold dread settled over the group.

Should they meet their end in this Hidden Space, it would be an incredibly unfortunate fate.

The Fierce Wind Bird before Jiang Su spoke, "Do you realize where you have trespassed?"

Jiang Su chuckled, "Of course we're aware."

"You're merely a cultivator at the Foundation Stage, yet you have the audacity to be so brazen. You've slain my playthings. You possess some skill, but that's the extent of it."

The Fierce Wind Bird gave Jiang Su a scornful glance before shifting its gaze to Lee Shiyan and the others standing behind him.

It had assumed that someone of at least the Nascent Infant Stage had intruded, but to its surprise, they were all merely low-level cultivators. Thus, it resolved to devour them all.

Jiang Su was quite handsome, so it decided to spare him to keep it company.

At these words, Jiang Su's laugh was a cold one. His gaze was icy as he stared at the Fierce Wind Bird, his intent to kill undisguised.

Behind Jiang Su, Murong Qi caught sight once more of the demonic energy fully manifesting around Jiang Su.

Xi Junrong and Lee Shiyan remained silent, their eyes fixed tensely on Jiang Su's silhouette.

It turned out that Jiang Su was the only one able to see the Fierce Wind Bird. But why?

Under Jiang Su's intense scrutiny, the Fierce Wind Bird felt a twinge of fear, yet it retorted with ferocity, "You are quite attractive, so I'll grant you the privilege of staying here with me. However, your companions behind you—I will eliminate them."

The Fierce Wind Bird's haughty speech incensed Jiang Su. He would not tolerate the creature threatening to kill his brother-in-law and his juniors.

"Demonic Blood Kylin, emerge," commanded Jiang Su.

The Fierce Wind Bird sneered, "You think you can summon the ancient Demonic Beast, the Demonic Blood Kylin? Have you lost your mind poring over those old tomes?"

The other Fierce Wind Birds behind it joined in the mockery, convinced Jiang Su was overreaching.

Jiang Su's laugh was both reckless and icy.

"Let's find out who's the fool here."

A massive shadow loomed behind Jiang Su, exuding an immense aura of authority. The shadow then began to coalesce into form.

The Fierce Wind Bird, Lee Shiyan, and the rest were dumbfounded. This was the shadow of the void, a power wielded only by ancient Demonic Beasts.

"You're just a Foundation Stage cultivator. How could you possibly command the Demonic Blood Kylin? It has to be a trick of the light!"

Murong Qi, astonished, gazed at Jiang Su and the shadowy figure, murmuring, "Only a divine beast of ancient times could materialize from the shadow of the void."

Just how formidable was their Eldest Senior Brother?

The shadow within the void gradually coalesced, and before everyone's eyes, a Demonic Blood Kylin emerged.

With antlers, cloven hooves, a scaly hide, and a bovine tail, it defied classification among known animals.

"How dare you belittle my master!"

Little Kylin was seething with anger!

Its master was a once-in-a-millennium prodigy in the Cultivation World, blessed with a Celestial Spiritual Root, and to top it off, he was strikingly handsome. These foolish birds had no right to speak ill of him.

Enraged, the Demonic Blood Kylin caused the entire Hidden Space to tremble with its fury.

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