LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C95 The Ancient Demonic Beast Was Defeated by the Nascent Infant!
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LitRPG: Empress Wants To Marry Me/C95 The Ancient Demonic Beast Was Defeated by the Nascent Infant!
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C95 The Ancient Demonic Beast Was Defeated by the Nascent Infant!

Lee Shiyan watched the earth tremble beneath his feet and couldn't help but marvel, "Is that really the ancient Demonic Beast, the Demonic Blood Kylin? Jiang, you're incredible! But I thought the Demonic Blood Kylin was long extinct?"

His admiration for Jiang Su deepened. Jiang Su had managed to subdue the Demonic Blood Kylin, a feat not even the mightiest beings of the Lower Realm—the Immortal Sovereign and the Female Ruler—could achieve.

As the Demonic Blood Kylin emerged, the Fierce Wind Birds cowered in fear. What kind of person had they crossed? Was he actually keeping an ancient Demonic Beast, the Demonic Blood Kylin, as a pet?

With a dismissive smile, Jiang Su asked, "Who do you think will die?" His voice was eerily calm, as if he were merely discussing the day's meal rather than a matter of life and death.

The Fierce Wind Birds were petrified. How could this human possess such a chilling aura of terror?

With a ferocious roar, the Demonic Blood Kylin charged at the flock of Fierce Wind Birds, engaging them in a fierce battle.

Jiang Su had no intention of intervening. The Fierce Wind Birds stood no chance against the Little Kylin, and this provided him the perfect opportunity to rest and draw in some spiritual energy.

From within the Life Sword, Shangguan Yue observed Little Kylin slaughtering one Fierce Wind Bird after another, its body smeared with their vile blood. He remarked, "The Demonic Blood Kylin is truly formidable. Its combat power could shred several Nascent Infants with ease."

He wasn't the least bit surprised that his disciple had an ancient Demonic Beast for a pet. After all, this was Jiang Su—nothing he did could ever truly be considered surprising.

Abruptly, the sound of beating wings filled the sky. Jiang Su, Lee Shiyan, and the others looked up to see a bird-like creature shrieking eerily as it dove towards them.

The creature, a Black Arrow Bird, seemed to have spotted something that excited it. It opened its beak and unleashed a volley of cold arrows, which Jiang Su deflected with effortless grace.

The Black Arrow Bird, having dwelled in the Hidden Space for countless years, was undying. Even if slain, it could use the resources of the Hidden Space to heal itself.

The most challenging aspect was that, unlike the monsters they had faced before, the blood of the Black Arrow Bird would inevitably draw other monsters to their location. Jiang Su engaged in combat with the bird, yet he refrained from killing it.

"Disciple, be cautious with this Black Arrow Bird," Shangguan Yue warned. "We're unaware of how many Demonic Beasts lurk within this Hidden Space. Plus, the space itself is peculiar. We must find a way to restrain the bird without killing it."

Jiang Su nodded in understanding. He recalled the beast-binding rope that Master Chiu Yue had included among his items. As he fended off the Black Arrow Bird's assaults, he rummaged through his storage space for the rope.

The Little Kylin had already dispatched all the Fierce Wind Birds. Upon noticing a foul bird attacking his master, it lunged without hesitation.

Jiang Su was taken aback, but before he could intervene, the Little Kylin had already pounced, seizing the Black Arrow Bird in its jaws as blood seeped from the bird's body.

Everyone sensed that something was amiss. The blood of the monsters they had previously encountered was always black and emitted a foul stench. Yet, the blood flowing from this Black Arrow Bird was normal.

Lee Shiyan inhaled sharply at the sight.

Jiang Su's brow furrowed, though he remained silent.

After the Little Kylin fatally wounded the Black Arrow Bird, it quickly discarded the carcass and scampered back to Jiang Su's side, gazing up at him with soulful eyes and nuzzling his hand with its head.

The Little Kylin appeared to realize its mistake, its face etched with remorse.

The sight of the ancient Demonic Beast, the Demonic Blood Kylin, which had just unleashed its fury on the Fierce Wind Birds, now behaving as docile as an infant beside Jiang Su, even going so far as to seek affection, was striking.

Lee Shiyan was astounded. The scene before him was more startling than the time he witnessed a muscular man tenderly leaning on a petite old woman.

Lee Shiyan was aware that the old woman was wealthy and that the muscular man had simply been coerced into taking a shortcut in life.

Despite the Little Kylin's endearing behavior, Jiang Su's vigilance did not waver. He continued to survey their surroundings with a grave demeanor.

"Disciple, if there truly is a beast tide, then this Hidden Space might present the first real crisis you've ever encountered," Shangguan Yue said.

The collective might of even the lowest-ranking Demonic Beasts in a beast tide was beyond measure. Moreover, aside from himself and Little Kylin, no one else possessed significant combat strength. He knew better than to rely on Lee Shiyan and the others.

A tremendous noise erupted from the depths of the forest that Jiang Su, Lee Shiyan, and their companions had just vacated, as if a multitude of creatures were stampeding in their direction.

The other three sensed the massive disturbance. They realized they were on the verge of being encircled by beast tides from all sides.

Lee Shiyan's face turned ashen. They had only encountered a Black Arrow Bird, leading him to surmise the presence of a single beast tide. He had faith that Jiang Su and Little Kylin could withstand one beast tide. But now, four beast tides were converging on them!

"Four beast tides! Even one is enough to claim our lives! What are we going to do?" Lee Shiyan exclaimed.

Demonic Beasts swarmed from every direction, their bodies exuding a lethal aura akin to that of Bloodthirsty Devil Wolves and Fierce Wind Birds. They charged at Jiang Su and the others with menacing snarls, seemingly intent on ripping them to shreds.

Murong Qi felt a heavy dread settle in his chest and quickly produced the Barrier Bead once more. It glowed, forming a Barrier that enveloped them and Little Kylin.

"Master, I've made a mistake. I should have recognized it. I never imagined it was a Black Arrow Bird," Little Kylin admitted.

Jiang Su watched with a grave expression as the frenzied Demonic Beasts slammed against the Barrier. Internally, he questioned the System, "Why are we still in this Hidden Space even after slaying the Fierce Wind Bird?"

"Host, teleportation will complete in five minutes. Please wait patiently."

Understanding dawned on Jiang Su, and he let out a breath of relief, his tension easing.

Lee Shiyan observed the contorted, ghastly faces of the Demonic Beasts, feeling a mix of fear and revulsion.

The horde of Demonic Beasts fixed their gaze on the four individuals within the Barrier.

Little Kylin exerted its aura, attempting to subdue the beasts. Yet, they seemed immune to its influence. Frustrated, Little Kylin turned to Jiang Su and noticed his composed demeanor.

Somehow, whenever Little Kylin was near Jiang Su, it felt an overwhelming sense of security. It constantly nuzzled against Jiang Su's hand, seeking comfort.

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