LitRPG: Great Creation/C10 A Single Thought of Heaven a Single Thought of Hell
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LitRPG: Great Creation/C10 A Single Thought of Heaven a Single Thought of Hell
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C10 A Single Thought of Heaven a Single Thought of Hell

When they were eating, they talked about the Divine Dragon that appeared today. Chiang Chen also pretended to be surprised.

After eating, Chiang Chen returned to his room and laid on the bed. His mind sank into his mind.

"System, is there anything that can improve the constitution of my family?"

"Host, there is Spirit Building Elixir, Bone Ablutionary Dan, Restoration Pill..."

"I suggest that host first use the diluted Spirit Building Elixir, then use water to dissolve a Marrow Cleansing Pill for your family to use."

"System, create Spirit Building Elixir and Marrow Cleansing Pill."

"Yes, host."

"[Creation complete. Please click on the backpack to look at it.]"

Chiang Chen looked at the System Interface.

Host: Chiang Chen.

Age: 13 (20) )

Soul Level: Medium

Fantasy Level:???

Creation Point: 25,700

System Level: 1 (1%)

Backpack: Nine Suns Divine Art, one bottle of Foundation Building Liquid, two Bone Ablutionary Dan Beads

"I'll wipe it off! The Divine Dragon and the video actually brought me so many Creation Points! I'm going to be invincible! My family's system is still better."

Chiang Chen looked at the Creation Point he had obtained today and was surprised.

"My Fantasy Level can't even be detected by the system. Perhaps the system categorized the novels, movies, and anime I read on Earth as my fantasy."

Chiang Chen looked at the fantasy ability column and guessed.

"How does the system calculate the level of the system?"

Chiang Chen saw this and showed a confused expression. He did not know what was going on.

"Host, the level of the system is calculated based on the concentration of the recovery of the spiritual energy. Host can use the Creation Point to directly recover the spiritual energy.

For every 10% increase in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the system will level up. Every level will unlock a new skill. The first level skill is God's View. "

" Oh. "

Only then did Chiang Chen understand. But now he was only interested in the pill he created.

Chiang Chen used his mind to touch the bottom right corner of the bag on the panel.

Two bottles appeared in his hand. One was white and transparent, and it contained a light green medicinal liquid. The other was vintage, and it must be the Bone Ablutionary Dan Bead.

Chiang Chen turned around and stood up. He found a cup and poured the Foundation Establishment Elixir into it. He also poured a large amount of water. After stirring it a few times, he carried it out and gave it to his family to drink.

Chiang Chen made up a reason, saying that this was the thing he bought to soak in water today. He bought it for them to taste when he felt that the taste was not bad.

His family members drank a bit each, indicating that the taste was not bad. He returned to his room and melted the Bone Ablutionary Dan with water. He brought it out and said that it was another taste, telling them to try it.

After doing this, Chiang Chen returned to his room. He laid on the bed and contacted the system.

"System, how many Creation Points is needed to revive ten percent of the spirit energy?"

"Host, recovering 10% of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth requires 10,000 Creation Point."

"Ah? How much did you say? Ten thousand? I... F * ck, are you trying to rob me? I want to take back that sentence, my family's system is a big scam.

Bringing me to heaven and then throwing me straight to hell, it's cute at all"

Chiang Chen was really shocked by his own system.

How did I meet such a host? Sometimes it's normal, and sometimes it's so funny. How depressing! The system was speechless when faced with such a host.

"System, can I revive 5% of the spiritual energy first?"

"Host, no, 10% is the lowest requirement for the characters you created to maintain their cultivation.

If it's lower than 10%, the characters you created will not be able to replenish their consumption, and their cultivation base will drop. "

" Host, are you going to level up or not? "

"What? You are such a scam. Why don't you make my heart ache for you!? You have no conscience, I'm helping you level up."

"Brat, level up, I have plenty of money!"

Chiang Chen showed the face of a nouveau riche, but what the hell was the pain that flashed in his eyes?

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