LitRPG: Great Creation/C11 System Upgrade Completed Daily Bickering with Each Other
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LitRPG: Great Creation/C11 System Upgrade Completed Daily Bickering with Each Other
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C11 System Upgrade Completed Daily Bickering with Each Other

... ""

The System was speechless.

"[Beep. Spirit Qi of Heaven and Earth recovered to 10%.]"

"[Beep, the System has met the requirements to upgrade. During the upgrade period, the System will fall into a deep slumber for an hour]"

"[System? System...]"

Chiang Chen looked heartbroken, as if he could never see the system again.

Luckily, the system was upgraded and fell into a deep sleep. Otherwise, if the system saw Chiang Chen's funny face, it would regret binding such an idiot.

The system fell into a deep sleep, so Chiang Chen did not bother the system anymore.

He turned over from the bed and stood up. He looked out the window and saw the endless stream of cars on the road. Colorful lights dotted the entire city.

The city at night was still bustling with noise and excitement.

"Such a beautiful scene, I guess it will be hard to see it again in the future."

Chiang Chen couldn't help but think, then he turned around and sat in front of the computer.

He turned on the computer, and all the headlines were about the Divine Dragon and cultivation. Everyone expressed their opinions.

There was a post that attracted Chiang Chen's attention. It was written like this.

"Did everyone notice that just now, the air suddenly became much fresher. I am in the capital.

I asked my friend. My friend is in Sand Sea City. He said he felt it too.

Do you think this is what the Divine Dragon said? The recovery of the natural spiritual energy? "

There were also many netizens who said that they could feel it, and they were all in different places.

Seeing this, Chiang Chen also took a deep breath, feeling that the air was indeed much fresher.

Sand Sea City used to be an industrial city. After it developed, although the factories had all moved away, the air was still the same.

Now that the air was so fresh, was this a bonus from the recovery of the natural spiritual energy?

"I thought that the recovery of 10% of the natural energy wouldn't have any major changes. I didn't expect that there would be such a benefit."

Chiang Chen smiled.

"En, I am looking forward to seeing how this world will develop in the future."

"Buzz ~ Buzz ~"

The sound of a phone vibrating could be heard. Chiang Chen took out his phone.

Looking at the display of Qi Xuefei on it, Chiang Chen fell into deep thought.

On another planet, Qi Xuefei was Chiang Chen's girlfriend, but for some reason, they broke up.

However, they still cared about each other, but reality was very helpless.

Chiang Chen picked up the phone.

"Chiang Chen, are you alright?"

A cold and pleasant greeting came from the other side of the phone.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

Chiang Chen came back to his senses.

"Oh, nothing much. I'm hanging up."

His voice became much calmer.

"Ding ~ Ding ~"

A busy sound came from the phone and Qi Xuefei had already hung up.

"It's really... the same as before!"

Chiang Chen smiled and shook his head. He helplessly hung up the phone too.

After all, in this world, Chiang Chen and Qi Xuefei had just met not long ago. With Qi Xuefei's cold personality, it was already very satisfying for Chiang Chen to call and greet her.

Chiang Chen thought of the past and now.

"In this life, let me accompany you to illuminate the heavens."

Chiang Chen's eyes were firm.

"The system is in deep sleep. There seems to be nothing to provoke. Wah ~ Good! I'm tired, sleep!"

Chiang Chen, who had a firm expression a moment ago, yawned repeatedly in the blink of an eye, as if it was an illusion.

"You are my eye.

You will bring me to experience the changes of the four seasons!

... "

Early in the morning, a beautiful bell rang. Chiang Chen fumbled to turn off the alarm, turned over, and laid down, wanting to sleep again.

Suddenly, he reached for his phone and rubbed his eyes. It was already half past six.

"Peng ~"

Chiang Chen lifted the blanket and rolled off the bed. He rushed into the washroom and hurriedly cleaned up.

After he was done, he looked at the time and saw that it was only 6: 40. He smiled and nodded.

Hmm, his speed was not any slower than it was in the past! He turned around and returned to his room, preparing to play with the system.

"System, are you alive?"

Chiang Chen muttered.

"Master, you are dead. I am still alive."

"You ~ you ~"

"You're really angering me to death! "

"Hey, why are you calling me master? And why do I feel like you're different?"

Chiang Chen was angry at first, but soon he was surprised again.

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