LitRPG: Great Creation/C4 Let the Storm Come More Violently
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LitRPG: Great Creation/C4 Let the Storm Come More Violently
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C4 Let the Storm Come More Violently

As for our instigator, Chiang Chen, he was also holding on to the railing with one hand and also had a dazed look on his face.

Looks like he was also frightened by the Five-clawed Golden Dragon that he created, even though he had already experienced transmigration, the system and other absurd things.

However, being so close to mythical creatures, he still couldn't help but feel a little afraid in his heart.

At this time, the System Notification Sound kept sounding out.

Creation Point + 0. 03

Creation Point + 0 + 0

Creation Point + 0 + 0

Creation Point + 0 02


"System, why is the Creation Point only growing by 0.01%?"

Chiang Chen looked at the Creation Point that was growing bit by bit, and his expression was somewhat ugly.

"Host, they are just mortals with no cultivation. At most, they can only provide 0.1 Creation Point."

"But this number will increase along with their growth!

Furthermore, a person can provide Creation Point more than once. As long as he feels shocked every time, he will bring you income. "

"Oh, looks like it will accelerate the arrival of the era of national cultivation."

After listening to the explanation of the system, Chiang Chen finally realized the true meaning of Immortal Cultivation.

Looking at the increasing number of Creation Points, Chiang Chen's mood could not be any happier. He really wanted to shout loudly and let the storm come even more fiercely!

The Five-clawed Golden Dragon stared at the little ant below and spoke in human language.

"I am a descendant of the Dragon Clan's imperial family. Ao Wudi, from today onwards, I will be guarding the Eastern Sea."

"Lie... Damn, speaking human language! The golden dragon is actually speaking human language! "

"Oh my god, what is this? Holographic projection?"

"This, this is f * cking illogical, who can tell me..."

Chiang Chen let the system affect the Five-clawed Golden Dragon, allowing it to pass through half of the country and enter the East Sea.

After saying that, the Five-clawed Golden Dragon flew away in the sea of clouds.

Chiang Chen hurriedly opened his phone. The online forums were already noisy, and his WeChat Moments had already exploded.

"I've seen a dragon, it's alive, it's a real Five-clawed Golden Dragon! That's what I call domineering!"

"So a dragon really exists!"

"Who would have thought that after living in this world for so many years, there would actually be mythical creatures! "

"You said there are dragons, then shouldn't there be immortals? I want to become a disciple of an immortal! "

"When the cultivators from upstairs come back, don't forget to send out the cultivation secret manuals!"

"I'm a professor at XX University, you only know how to speak nonsense. This is a refraction of light, the so-called mirage."

"The one from upstairs is called a beast. If you don't see it with your own eyes, don't spout nonsense. Is a mirage really that real?

And at such a close distance, we are not blind!

Besides, I heard that the Five-clawed Golden Dragon crossed over half of the country and entered the East Sea. Is there such a large scale mirage? "


Chiang Chen did not care about that. He turned off his phone and happily returned to the classroom.

Chiang Chen still did not know how much trouble this move of his would bring him.

At this moment, the people upstairs were already very noisy.

"The Divine Dragon actually exists. The Five-clawed Golden Dragon has always been the totem of the country. Now that it has appeared, it gives the people a sense of belonging and is beneficial to the unity of the people." One of them said.

"The appearance of the Five-clawed Golden Dragon will encourage the people to be superstitious and feudal. It is not conducive to scientific development." Immediately, someone jumped out to object.

A person stepped forward to interrupt the debate and spoke.

"Now is not the time to discuss this issue. The Golden Dragon has flown over more than half of the country. It is impossible to block the news. Now, we should analyze the situation behind the Golden Dragon.

Why did the golden dragon suddenly appear? Why didn't it appear in the past? Also, is the dragon a threat to the people? Also, the strength of the Divine Dragon!"

Chiang Chen would not care about this conversation.

He only cared about his Creation Point, because his Creation Point had already grown to ten thousand. It was really great!

The incident was still fermenting, and the number of Creation Points that followed was still increasing. The spread of the news on the internet allowed Chiang Chen to see a huge business opportunity.

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