LitRPG: I'm AFK, I'm Getting Stronger/C10 Beat Him
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LitRPG: I'm AFK, I'm Getting Stronger/C10 Beat Him
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C10 Beat Him

One of the young man's companions was on the verge of confronting Gao Mu.

Clearly, they had witnessed Gao Mu's martial arts prowess, so the approach was cautious and guarded. The last thing he wanted was another of Gao Mu's kicks.

What he hadn't anticipated was Gao Mu's deployment of the Door Sealing Fist—a technique Gao Mu had named himself.

The Door Sealing Fist targeted the face, and the unemployed youth's companion soon felt a searing pain in his nose, followed by the warm trickle of blood.

They had been harassing Gao Mu, who hadn't taken them seriously until now.

But Gao Mu's punch marked a turning point in his demeanor—he was incensed.

The man retaliated with a punch of his own, but Gao Mu's reflexes were sharp. With a slight tilt of his head, he dodged effortlessly.

Gao Mu retreated a step before delivering a swift kick to the man's abdomen, sending him flying through the air.

Excluding Ma, there were only three others in his group. Now, only two remained.

Witnessing Gao Mu's formidable skills, fear crept into their eyes.

Clearly, they were both intimidated by someone of his strength.

"Go on, attack!" Ma urged the wavering duo. "He's just one person, what are you scared of?"

Exchanging glances, they both recognized the fear in each other's eyes.

"What do we do?" one whispered to the other.

The other, casting a glance at Ma, retorted, "Do you want to get thrashed by him?"

With that, they charged at Gao Mu in unison.

Gao Mu could see the terror in their eyes and decided it was time for a change of tactics. Opting for offense, he charged at the advancing pair.

He landed a punch on one of them. It wasn't particularly heavy, but it was enough to bring intense pain and tears to the man's eyes, effectively ending his will to fight.

Now, only Ma was left.

It was clear that Ma lacked any real fighting ability.

Gao Mu advanced on him and with a targeted kick to the stomach, Ma was downed, sprawled on the ground.

After it was all said and done, Gao Mu stood a short distance from Ma, watching him with a detached gaze.

"You're too cocky," Ma grunted, attempting to rise.

Gao Mu stepped forward and delivered a swift kick to his face.

Ma collapsed back to the ground.

Since aligning himself with Mr. Faang, he had never endured such disgrace. Yet he was aware that if he tried to stand again, Gao Mu would just strike him down.

Lying on the ground, he yelled, "I know you're from Tianhai No.1 High School. Just wait until Monday—I'll make you pay for this."

Gao Mu paid him no mind, instead glancing at his soaked clothing. He then started to look for his missing umbrella.

Before he left Fortune Square, his eyes briefly met Qing's.

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