LitRPG: I'm AFK, I'm Getting Stronger/C14 Read a Whole Book
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LitRPG: I'm AFK, I'm Getting Stronger/C14 Read a Whole Book
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C14 Read a Whole Book

Gao Mu looked at Hee Yue with a self-assured grin and said, "Of course I can't do that. Even if I did, you fools still wouldn't believe me."

His words sent a shockwave through the classroom.

"You dare call us fools?"

"I'd watch your tone if I were you!"

Shouts and rebukes echoed throughout the room.

Yet Gao Mu remained serenely composed.

"Why don't you join me in another class?" he whispered to Soong Yingqiu.

Yingqiu glanced nervously at her classmates and shook her head, clearly at a loss.

"What are you getting at?" Hee Yue asked, her voice tinged with anxiety as she observed Gao Mu's confident demeanor.

Gao Mu just smiled.

"I mean nothing by it. Since you all fancy yourselves as geniuses and say that I'm holding you back, let's see today who is truly the dead weight," he declared.

With that, he strode confidently to the front of the room.

Liu Guowei watched Gao Mu's assured expression, feeling a sense of disbelief.

"What are you planning to do?" Liu Guowei asked in a hushed tone.

Gao Mu simply smiled back without a word.

"Since you're so sure you're the best at politics in our class, no, the best in this class, let's play a game," Gao Mu proposed, prompting another wave of commotion among the students.

"A game? We're supposed to be having a lesson now," Hee Yue muttered, her unease growing because she had no clue what Gao Mu was up to.

Liu Guowei, on the other hand, watched Gao Mu with a spark of curiosity.

"The game is quite straightforward," Gao Mu explained, gesturing towards the political science textbook. "Point to any line on any page, and I'll recite the entire content. Are you in?"

He then turned his attention to Hee Yue, who was completely taken aback.

It wasn't just Hee Yue who was stunned; Liu Guowei and all the other students were equally astonished.

They couldn't believe Gao Mu would make such a bold claim.

"Are you serious about this?" Liu Guowei asked, his eyes wide with amazement as he stared at Gao Mu.

Liu Guowei wasn't concerned about Gao Mu's ability to recite the material; his concern was that Gao Mu's actions could potentially turn the entire Class 6 against him.

Gao Mu spoke with a calm resolve, "They've never treated me as an equal. In their eyes, I'm nothing but trash. So why should I bother saving their face?"

His words were spoken with a fierce determination.

Liu Guowei put himself in Gao Mu's shoes for a moment and realized that at Gao Mu's age, he likely would have made the same bold move.

However, a significant question loomed.

Had Gao Mu truly memorized the entire book?

Noticing the skepticism on Liu Guowei's face, Gao Mu let out a knowing smile. Having taught senior high school politics for many years, Liu Guowei couldn't be sure he remembered every detail from the textbooks. But the confidence in Gao Mu's smile suggested he might have indeed committed it all to memory.

"This is utterly incredible," Liu Guowei mused inwardly.

Meanwhile, Hee Yue was beginning to feel apprehensive.

Her greatest fear was not whether Gao Mu could recite the text, but whether she could. As someone who took great pride in her reputation, the thought of being embarrassed today made her anxious about the repercussions she might face in the future.

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