LitRPG: I'm AFK, I'm Getting Stronger/C8 Freestyle Grappling
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LitRPG: I'm AFK, I'm Getting Stronger/C8 Freestyle Grappling
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C8 Freestyle Grappling

"Do you know what?" sneered the unemployed youth, his foot pressing down on Gao Mu's chest. "Qing will never like you, not in this lifetime!"

With those words, he lifted his foot to kick at Gao Mu's head. Gao Mu instinctively raised his hands to block the blow.

"You dare to block?" Gao Mu's reflexive defense seemed to insult the unemployed youth, who responded by relentlessly aiming kicks at Gao Mu's head. Gao Mu continued to fend off the attacks with his hands.

Soon, a vicious look twisted the unemployed youth's face. He barked at his companions who had been spectating, "What are you staring at? Come and help!"

They hurried over to join in.

Seizing the moment when the unemployed youth was distracted, Gao Mu tried to rise and flee. But his movement didn't go unnoticed. As Gao Mu turned to run, the unemployed youth landed a kick on his back. Propelled by inertia, Gao Mu plunged forward, the icy puddle water rushing into his nostrils. The discomfort of the water choking him spread through his body.

"You think you can run?" The youth kicked Gao Mu again as he lay on the ground.

Gao Mu realized there was no escape for him today. All he could do was curl up, burying his head into his chest.

"What are you, a turtle?" taunted the unemployed youth, continuing his assault.

His companions closed in on Gao Mu.

"He really does look like a turtle!"

"Kid, you'd better remember that Mr. Ma is not someone you can mess with."

"Mr. Ma is one of Mr. Faang's guys. You're in for a rough time from now on."

Their punches and kicks rained down on Gao Mu like a tempest, pounding his back. Initially, Gao Mu felt each painful strike, but over time, the pain gave way to numbness.

Gao Mu had thought about fighting back, but he was acutely aware that he was no match for them. Resisting now would only invite more brutality.

"Ding! Would you like to spend 1 AFK point to learn freestyle grappling?"

A minute into the beating, a voice unexpectedly echoed in Gao Mu's mind. At first, he thought it was a hallucination, but something about it didn't seem quite right.

He suddenly noticed a flyer on the ground beneath his feet. Surprisingly, it was an advertisement for a new freestyle grappling club.


Gao Mu bellowed.

His roar startled the young man.

"What are you yelling about?!"

Trying to mask his embarrassment, the unemployed youth hastened the pace of his actions.

Meanwhile, Gao Mu, crouched on the ground, absorbed some fundamental information about freestyle grappling.

Clearly, freestyle grappling prioritized practical fighting skills over choreographed routines.

Much of this information was essentially instructing Gao Mu on the art of 'fighting'!

The download of information lasted only a few seconds.

"Let's go!" Excitement shone in Gao Mu's eyes.

Seizing a momentary lapse in the unemployed youth and his companion's assault, Gao Mu swiftly rose to his feet.

His ascent was so rapid that the unemployed youth couldn't even muster a response.

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