Litrpg: Rising From The New World/C2 Why Does This Game Make Everyone Crazy
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Litrpg: Rising From The New World/C2 Why Does This Game Make Everyone Crazy
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C2 Why Does This Game Make Everyone Crazy

But this time he was surprised to hear that the couple next door mentioned the word New World legend he was shocked,

Why did the Lord mention this virtual online game?

So he curiously asked: "May I ask what this game looks like? Why does it seem like everyone is discussing it crazily?"

But in the next moment, the injured middle-aged man excitedly said: "You don't know how many years I have waited for this virtual world of the Founding Era to finally be released.

Break the thinking of all games, break the limits of all games, surpass humanity's technology, and even change humanity's future! "

"What do you mean by changing the future of mankind?" Zhenwei looked at the excited middle-aged man. This man should be in his fifties!

Not only that, even her wife was extremely excited. She said that she had never played games in her life, but this game deeply attracted her.

The reason was that Zhenwei could not understand why.

Then he heard the middle-aged man say what profession he wanted to play. It was called "Battle Devil God." Zhenwei was dumbfounded. There was such a profession!

The woman also said he wanted to play the "Light Armor Guards." He could not understand it at all.

There were no other games that had this type of class. The games he had played were Warrior, Berserker, Spellblade, and Shield Specialist.

Knights, Mages, priest, Assassins and so on. Of course, there were also those types of robots that he had played before.

But listening to their description, it didn't seem to be the same! Thus, he curiously used the earpiece host to check online.

New World Legend's official NWL website.

He was shocked!

This website was extremely luxurious, and the interface was completely different from other websites, so special!

It was as if he had entered the game world. Once he entered the official website, he was clearly listed. When he entered, it was not a webpage type but a full motion 4D.

Although there were still many unreleased words, it was many times better than the official websites of other virtual worlds.

Even the official website was so devoted to the game company. No matter how meticulous and exquisite it was, it still lost to the official website of the game.

At first, he was a little interested. He had never thought that there would be a game that could attract him like this, starting from this official website!

He saw a word, "Ensure that the currency of this game will never continue to fall like other games.

It can even become a part of every human's income and life! Just this word alone was enough to drive him crazy.

He thought to himself: "How can there be a game where the value of the game won't drop? What kind of super game is this that surpasses the value of the game?"

He continued reading. There were very few official websites that allowed him to read for so long. Even if he used to rely on games to earn money to survive, it was the same. He continued to read the game outline.

According to the author's introduction, the author was rumored to be a very powerful scholar. Moreover, he had been all-powerful since he was a student and had been walking around the world for a long time. Cutting-Edge

To earn billions of dollars at such a young age, what kind of person was he?

The most terrifying thing was that this author had started from scratch. In the past, his family was poor and he did not know if he had any debts.

But to be able to earn billions of dollars at such a young age? What kind of concept was that?

Zhenwei only earned more than 20,000 dollars a month, and he could not earn more than 100 million even if he worked 24 hours a hundred years.

It was too exaggerated for him to earn billions of dollars at the same age as him!

The author continued to read. He said why he would develop games, and why he spent so much time developing this new world legend.

The goal was: "Change humanity's current situation! Ask a hundred people who play games, read books, and work hard, which one would you choose?

The answer was more than 90% of the people chose to play games, and why would everyone choose to play games?

Because playing games could make people forget the pain and pressure of real life! Why did those publicly acknowledged rotten students not know how to study?

They couldn't even answer some of the simplest questions, but playing games allowed them to quickly explain the analysis of the checkpoints that were tens of times more difficult than these questions.

And even the author himself could not solve these level missions!

In school, he could always be number one. There were no problems that could defeat him, but there were many checkpoints in the game that he couldn't solve!

And these students who claimed to not know how to read were actually able to analyze them so thoroughly!

Thus, he began to study books, read many books, and related books. He discovered that there were many reasons why these people did not like to study. Their family environment, economic factors, their schoolmates, and the school's atmosphere.

The school's resources, the school's teachers, the pressure on their parents, the problems with the teaching materials, etc. There were thousands of reasons, but these people used the game to express the pressure and fear in their hearts.

Therefore, to the author, these were very simple questions that they couldn't answer. However, these difficult checkpoints that the author couldn't solve could actually be solved by the other party! "

The author began to ponder deeply. If learning was used in games, then how terrifying would it be to unknowingly become a top character?

Growth amidst happiness! In fact, when the author was reading, he tried to turn these complex numbers and words into a fun phenomenon, and calculus became the track to research racing.

The deviation of the speed could achieve the fastest effect, and it could also calculate the loss of power, which could reduce the wear and tear of tires!

This! Isn't this the concept of a game? Is that right?

Although there are many people in this world who have such thoughts, the games they create are still as bad as before! If they don't even want to play, then what is there to talk about learning?

Also, because of the barrier between the teacher and the student, parents and children, the teacher didn't know what the student was thinking, and parents didn't know what to talk about with the child either.

They only talked and didn't interact with each other. They watched the child hide in the room all day and didn't have anything to talk about, resulting in the alienation between adults and children.

It caused children to lack filial piety towards their parents, and it even resulted in many social events. But if this game was born for the first time,

Breaking the teacher's and parents' thoughts of not playing games, starting to interact with children, changing the student's learning attitude towards school, the teacher also understood the students' thoughts.

They could even play together with students, use games to talk about their studies, parents at home to understand children, and interact with children in games.

They could even maintain a livelihood. This was not a disguised solution to thousands of social events. They had unknowingly learned a lot of knowledge and learned happily in games.

Without knowing it, he had become more powerful and knowledgeable, and he was also able to obtain the joy of the game, indirectly changing the lifestyle of humans and making society better.

In the game, the players were given all kinds of positive ideas and energy to improve their spiritual level. The top management and politicians of the various large companies were busy with their work all day long.

They did not have time to improve their spiritual level, not because they did not want to, but because they did not have time and spirit, and the children did not have time to discipline them.

Now, a bunch of drug addiction incidents were happening, not because they wanted to take drugs, but because they couldn't find a way to satisfy themselves.

Using the dumbest method to improve his spiritual level, and because he couldn't find a goal, he fell into depravity. Because of this concept, he crazily created things.

The author of this game wanted to contribute his power to society, and he wanted to make human beings better.

He wanted to use the game to help more people, and even the weaker races.

The author began to play games crazily, playing all kinds of big games in the world, but he found that these games didn't seem to be able to last long.

Moreover, he couldn't learn too much, wasting time and money.

In the end, he decided to make his own game. He wanted to look at the perspective of all the games in the world, create his own unique way of thinking, and create an unprecedented shock!

The more Zhenwei read, the more excited he got. Why did it feel like he was about to collapse just by looking at the introduction?

His mother, who was watching on the bed with her eyes wide open, asked curiously. However, Zhenwei was completely immersed in it, and he was unable to extricate himself from the excitement.

Zhenwei had once thought of this point of view! She did not expect that the author had the same idea as him! This made him very excited.

No matter what, he had to try this game!

He continued to read the introduction: "In the past, the value of the game would drop because the big gaming companies did not have the necessary measures to prevent this from happening.

Because ordinary people wouldn't be able to think of these things. Even the most powerful engineer would be able to think of the same thing. However, the author was different. He thought of it. "

Zhenwei was completely attracted by these few words. He wanted to continue reading in a hurry.

"Because the game currency is worth a drop, the value of the game will drop. In the end, most players will leave the game to find new targets.

This is one of the major factors that led to the final failure of a game. "

"When things become less and less valuable, they will make people less and less interested. What is the fun of playing the game for? If you lose fun, you can still call it a game! "

When Zhenwei saw this, he nodded his head crazily. His mother, who was next to him, was shocked. When she saw her son nodding his head crazily, she was a bit dumbfounded.

When she saw the author of this game, she kept him in suspense and deliberately didn't say anything, causing Zhenwei's crazy heart to suddenly have a bucket of cold water poured on it. He only said a string of words at the end of the sentence.

"As long as you play, you will find a goal in life. You will unknowingly become a top figure and find an unprecedented joy, and it will never end!"

When the couple saw the excited Zhenwei, they could not help but secretly laugh. This world-shocking masterpiece was definitely not as simple as it looked on the surface!

Zhenwei looked at the introduction of the gaming occupations and found that there were more than 30 occupations! He was a little dumbfounded! He was used to playing the warrior type.

He only liked the close combat pleasure of the warrior type, but he saw a total of five or six warrior types. Warriors in the initial stage needed to go from level 10 to level 10, and the class change was as follows:

In the future, the "Swordsman" class change would become Sword Emperor Thirty Swords Concubine.

"Berserker" will become a violent war god in the future. Through the second class, you can raise your Assassin to the highest level. You can apply for special conditions to become Sword Emperor (Assassin can also choose the second class, Berserker). (Assassin can also choose the second class, Berserker)

"Steel Shield Crusader" will become a Divine Shield General or Dragon Shield Marshal in the future.

"Dragon Knight" will become a Dark Shadow Undead Knight or Sacred Dragon Knight in the future.

"Swordsman" will become Sword Demon's 30th Demon Swordsman in the future.

"Warrior's Special Machine Battle Mercenary" will become a Machine Battle Devil God in the future.

"Swordsman" will become Purgatory Sword God (Multisword Swordsman) (Diversified: Sword, Blade, Staff, and Staff can be used. Single Blade, Double Blade, Three Sabers, Six Sabers (Claw, Knife, Knife), and even Nine Sabers (Three Sabers in One Hand, and One Double-footed Saber in One Sabre, Nine Sabers in One Sabre). (Nine Sabers in One Sabre, One Sabre, Three Sabers, Three Sabers (Claw, Knife)

"Warrior, Pugilistic World's Three Heroes," there are three types of future job transitions: One is a Sword type Flash Sword Divine Noble, the other is a Fist type Wolf Fist Demon Noble, and the other is a Spear type Divine Spear Royal Noble (You must pass the very difficult job transition conditions)

" Warrior, Fighter, Fighter, Fighter "Future Class Advancement: Flying Shadow Fist Tyrant

The Flying Shadow Fist Tyrant must pass the special trials or special second occupations in order to be promoted to the Fist Emperor.

Then, he saw some other very special things, such as the Crown Prince's 30th Sister transforming into a Bloodthirsty Lord's 30th Divine Might Sect Leader or Beast Tamer = Summoner.

He also saw the artists, the dancing Devil God, the dazzling Yao Ji, and the rock and roll revolutionary, the Empire's advisor, the Ci Emperor, and the Qin Immortal, so diverse!

Counting whether he saw it or not, just the number of options he could directly choose was close to 30!

So satisfying! Just by looking at these occupations, he could feel his blood boiling!

In the past, he would habitually choose close combat and would always choose to be a Berserker. But today, he saw a new class, Swordsman and Blade Master!

This made him very interested.

As long as he willed it, he could directly explain. All of them were voice commentators and anime explanations. He didn't need to tire himself out to read them word by word. He felt incomparably relaxed.

These people could even enter this world to play and change the appearance of the game. Even medicine pointed out that disabled people could do psychological constructions through virtual reality.

In the past, those old and rotten virtual games could do it, let alone this unprecedented virtual reality!

(Additional explanation: Not everyone in this game can get the approval of the sect to pass the examination and change jobs successfully, so there are still a large number of players who are still working hard without successfully changing schools!)

(Or give up on their original ideas and switch to other sects and occupations, so many small sects will recruit new players. Once they are eliminated by the big sects, they will immediately send people over to negotiate and recruit disciples.

Actually, this is also the sorrow of small sects, they can only pick up the remaining players from the big sects!)

He clicked on the first profession that he was very curious about, "Swordsman," and after he entered, he saw that he would be able to change his job to Sword Emperor in the future.

It sounded very cool! He saw a powerful Vigilante with a long sword at his waist and a huge sword at his back. So cool! The Light Sword was like a heavy wind sword without any edge! The fast sword was like a lightning sword!

The thin sword pursued and assassinated, the huge sword destroyed the heaven and earth, one fast and one slow, it was like a god of art, one light and one heavy soul chasing and sealing, the weight and weight of the sword intersected, looking down on everyone else!

What the f * ck! It was so cool! He couldn't even be bothered to watch the second swordsman! He decided to directly choose a warrior to become a swordsman, and then directly ascend to the Sword Emperor realm!

Furthermore, he had already thought of his ID!

His ID would be: "Heavenly Sword Divine Might!"

If this game can make me earn money, then I can also make money while I take care of my mother! This was what Zhenwei was thinking right now!

He then sent a message to Xie Tianming, who was chatting with other students in the school. Xie Tianming's earpiece rang a few times.

He directly looked at the message and found that it was from Zhenwei.

It said, "Tianming, I just looked at the game you kept telling me about. I think it's very good and I want to play it!

I've also thought about my job and my ID. "

Tianming happily called back. Zhenwei answered the call and said,

"Really? That's great! Nianci wants to play with my sister! Let's form a group! Playing games together is more fun! "

Zhenwei replied," Alright! That's great!"

"By the way, how is your mother now? Is she any better?" Tianming replied with concern.

"Much better! It's just that it's not convenient for me to take care of her at any time. "

"Loopy Toad! Isn't it going to be a long time before I see you? You're going to take care of your mother in the hospital, aren't you?"

"Mm! That's right! But after this game opens, we can meet each other every day! Although I might not be able to return to school for a month or two!"

" Why would a month or two be so long? "

"Because I have to take care of my mother! Otherwise..."

"Alright! We'll talk later in class."

"Alright! Call me after school later."

"Okay!" Tianming hung up on the voice phone.

It was like this. He could bring the earpiece host to class because it required a lot of information. However, every classroom in the school would be equipped with a cleaning device.

It was to prevent students from doing other things during class.

The exam time also had to be removed from the bag at the front and back. It was the same as the exam two hundred years ago.

However, their schoolbags had already been turned into storage devices. They had expanded their capacity by more than two times and were much smaller in size. They also had a lightweight effect.

It could effectively reduce the weight of twenty kilograms. Generally, a school bag could only be ten or twenty kilograms at most, so it became almost invisible.

After Zhenwei hung up the phone, he helped his mother cut the pear and cut many pieces. The pear was very cold and delicious, and his mother smiled very happily.

Although he was not in good health, he was extremely proud to have a filial son.

Suddenly, Zhenwei had an idea. He wanted to earn money in the game to help his mother pay for her medical expenses, as well as to earn living expenses.

He also wanted to buy an earpiece host for his mother. His mother used to be broken by his father, but now she had been living the life of a primitive man for several years.

In this era, there were no phones, only earpieces. What was in the past?

The game helmet had long been outdated, let alone a hood. Now, this earpiece host was many times stronger.

It was also many times more convenient.

In another hour or so, it will be time for school to end. Tianming will probably call me later. Zhenwei got up and went to the restroom.

When passing by the bed next door, the couple nodded and smiled habitually. They would also nod and smile at the same time.

When Zhenwei came out of the bathroom, the uncle next door said, "Young man, how should I address you?"

"Ah, oh, just call me Ah Wei!"

"Hello Ah Wei! Just call me big brother, don't call me uncle! Big brother is still young! "

After saying that, the woman beside him spat out the biscuits that she was eating and said," Shameless, you, hahaha! "

The uncle also laughed loudly. Zhenwei and his mother also laughed out loud. For many years, his mother had never truly laughed.

This was the first time Zhenwei had seen his mother laugh in so many years. He was very happy.

So he wanted to help his mother buy an earpiece host. His goal was to make his mother happy! And he wanted to use the game to get rid of the gloom in his heart.

Two hours passed quickly, and Tianming's voice transmission rang.

"Hello! Tianming!"

"Hey! Why did you ask me to call you?"

"No! It's about you talking about the [Legend of the New World] About the virtual game world. "

" Oh! Oh right, what profession do you want to choose?"

" I want to choose a swordsman, and after that, I want to become a Sword Emperor! "

"Is that true!? That profession was very fierce! Although my Dragon Knight is even more powerful! Hahaha! "

" Is that so? I don't think so! I feel that my heavy swords are even more powerful! Hahahaha!"

"Hmph hmph! It's a roar! We'll only know when the time comes for PK! Hahaha!"

"Oh right, I heard that this game can only be played for 10 hours a day. An hour is equivalent to a day in the game? Isn't that too awesome!?"

"Yes! It's as awesome as you! Hehehe!"

" Tch! "

" Ah, what's your ID called? "

"Heavenly Sword Divine Might!"

"It's Wei again! What's there to be afraid of?"


"Where do you get your confidence from?"

"Hehehe! It was given by the heavens."

"Why didn't you hit the wall!"

"Hahaha, ="

"That's right, Teacher He said that he wants to play as well. Right now, there's no one in the class who says that they don't want to play. Even Old Man Li, that old monk Shi Guhua, heard that he wants to form a teacher group! "

"Is that true!? This is too fierce! A teacher group!"

"It's true! Why would I lie to you! Please, your father, my news is very clear! "

" Jie! Jie! My father is currently cultivating in the cultivation room. It should take a while before he breaks through!"

" Roar! There are still many experts who are cultivating in seclusion with him inside!"

"That's right! I believe that his strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds!"

"Hahahaha." Xie Tianming laughed loudly.

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