LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C10 Beautiful Teacher's Class
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C10 Beautiful Teacher's Class
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C10 Beautiful Teacher's Class

Zhou Hengyu placed his hand on Lin Dong's forehead and confidently affirmed, "Nope, you don't have a fever!"

Liu Wenming tugged at Lin Dong, saying, "Bro, we get it. No need to say more. Let's head to class. We've got Zhang Xinrui's lesson today, and we can't afford to be late!"

Tian Chao chimed in, "Right, right, let's get going to class!"

Lin Dong was whisked away by his friends, who were still skeptical about his newfound wealth. Lin Dong felt rather helpless about the situation.

Once inside the classroom, they were greeted by their English teacher, Zhang Xinrui, also known as Zhang Meili. She was a vision of natural beauty, standing tall at 1.7 meters, often dressed in a black dress with her long hair flowing and silver-rimmed glasses framing her delicate features. Her presence on the podium radiated an air of intellectual beauty that captivated all the students.

The boys, in particular, had secretly given her the nickname "Zhang Meili." Liu Wenming, in particular, was utterly smitten, never missing a single one of her classes.

Shortly after settling into their seats, Zhang Xinrui arrived. Dressed in her signature black dress and high heels, she entered with a brisk elegance. After setting down her teaching materials and scanning the room, she began to call roll and start the lesson.

Lin Dong felt listless. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate Zhang Xinrui's teaching; it was just that the day's events had taken their toll, and he was only just beginning to relax. He was mentally drained and longed for a moment of rest.

"Lin Dong!" she called out.

Startled, Lin Dong jerked his head up to see Zhang Xinrui standing at the podium, staring him down with a stern look.

"Do you enjoy sleeping during class?" she questioned. "I don't care what you do during other teachers' lectures, but in my class, if you don't like it, you can leave. What does sleeping achieve? Do you have any respect for others?"

Zhang Xinrui's reprimand came fast and fierce, like a machine gun firing words of discipline.

Lin Dong's face flushed with embarrassment. He hadn't intended to fall asleep; he was merely resting his eyes for a moment and got caught. It felt so unjust.

Liu Wenming nudged Lin Dong's lower back and whispered, "Dude! You're falling asleep in my dream girl's class? You're not doing me any favors here!"

Get out of here!

Lin Dong reflexively slapped back in response.

"Consider this a warning; next time, I won't hesitate to dock your credits!"

Zhang Xinrui issued her final threat.

Lin Dong nodded and settled back down to his work.

He was somewhat at a loss with Zhang Xinrui.

He hadn't done anything to offend her, yet he was chastised simply for zoning out in class.

Rumor had it that Zhang Xinrui was the daughter of Zhang Hongwen, the president of Jiangyang University. At just 25 years old, she had quickly transitioned from graduate to university professor!

She was clearly gifted and had the confidence to match.

This was just a minor episode.

As soon as the English class ended, Lin Dong breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the chance to finally relax.

He slumped over the desk.

Tap, tap, tap!

A series of crisp footsteps approached. Lin Dong glanced up and caught sight of a fair-skinned arm.

A delicate and sophisticated ladies' watch adorned the wrist, indicating elegance and class.

It was Zhang Xinrui!

Lin Dong quickly looked up, blinking at Zhang Xinrui's refined features, wondering what she was up to.

Zhang Xinrui squinted her eyes and tilted her pert nose, fixing Lin Dong with a stern look. "I've got my eye on you, Lin Dong! You'd better show up to the next English class. If you continue to disregard my lessons, you'll learn the meaning of regret!"

Her intensity was palpable.

Her seriousness, undeniable.

She was undeniably beautiful, but her fiery temper made her difficult to handle.

Lin Dong was left speechless by her rebuke.

Internally, he rolled his eyes. Was spacing out in class really such a big deal?

"Hmph! Make sure you remember this!"

With a slight twitch of her nose and a dismissive snort, Zhang Xinrui turned on her heel and strode away with an air of nonchalance.

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