LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C122 Returning Lin Ruobing's Invitation
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C122 Returning Lin Ruobing's Invitation
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C122 Returning Lin Ruobing's Invitation

Lin Dong was unaware of when Hee Lulu had slipped away. After Zhang Hongwen entered the private room, both Hee Lulu and Liu Jianghee found themselves squeezed into different seats. Meanwhile, Lin Dong was so preoccupied with Zhang Hongwen that he didn't notice anything else, including the spectacle of Liu Jianghee wailing loudly after Hee Lulu's departure. Lin Dong felt no sympathy for him. Liu Jianghee's arrogance and conceit were well-known; if Hee Lulu hadn't put him in his place today, it was only a matter of time before someone else would. It was inevitable.

His thoughts drifted to Hee Lulu, and the memory of their encounter in the storeroom lingered in his mind. She was indeed enchanting, a thought that prompted Lin Dong to take a deep breath. The subtle scent of Zhang Xinrui's perfume wafted over to him, causing him to instinctively turn his head. Zhang Xinrui was gripping the steering wheel tightly, her eyes unfocused. Lin Dong had never seen her like this.

"Ms. Zhang, if you're still feeling dizzy, I can drive," Lin Dong offered.

"Oh, there's no need. I'll drive myself. You've never driven before, and you've been drinking. What if you end up driving us into a ditch?" Zhang Xinrui replied, taking a deep breath.

She glanced at Lin Dong out of the corner of her eye, then started the car and drove out of the parking lot. They arrived at the school shortly after. Zhang Xinrui parked and looked down, "Lin Dong, you go ahead. I have some things to take care of and won't be joining you."

"Alright, I'm heading to the dorm to change," Lin Dong said, exiting the car and heading toward the dormitory with his bag in hand.

Zhang Xinrui raised her head and watched Lin Dong's retreating figure through the car window. The memory of their recent intimate interaction caused an inexplicable tremor in her heart. The sensation was both mysterious and disconcerting. She shook her head, trying to dismiss these feelings, but they seemed to be etched into her mind.

Unaware of Zhang Xinrui's emotional turmoil, Lin Dong made his way back to his dormitory to find it empty. He figured his roommates must have gone to Tian Chao's place.

Tian Chao was looking to squeeze some money out of Jiang Cheng. After his hospitalization, the team reached out to Jiang Cheng for compensation.

It was seen as a way to recoup some losses from the altercation!

As for Jiang Cheng's side, even though they got a taste of Lin Dong's wrath, their injuries were only skin deep. Hospitalization wasn't an option, so their chances of extortion were slim.

Lin Dong gave Tian Chao a call to check on how things were going.

Tian Chao assured him everything was fine, mentioning that Zhou Hengyu had just treated him to a meal of chicken drumstick rice.

Hearing that Tian Chao was alright, Lin Dong felt at ease, exchanged a few more words, and then ended the call.

Lin Dong tossed his clothes aside and flopped onto the bed, exhausted.

Playing the role of Zhang Xinrui's boyfriend had led to more drama than he anticipated, leaving him feeling drained.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

The ringtone of his phone suddenly pierced the silence.

It was Lin Ruobing calling.

Previously, as the head of the Skyfire Motorcycle Club, she had reached out to him.

Lin Dong remembered saving her name after that call.

He had witnessed Lin Ruobing being escorted away when he was at the Skyfire Motorcycle Club, and was surprised she was calling just a day later.

Lin Dong picked up.

"Where are you?"

Lin Ruobing's voice came through, her tone icy enough to chill the air.

It was as if it were the dead of winter!

Moreover, Lin Ruobing's manner of speaking was far from polite, not even offering a simple greeting.

Lin Dong was not pleased with this attitude.

He snapped back, "What does it matter to you where I am? Am I your husband, obligated to report my every move to you?"

There was a brief silence on the other end.

Lin Ruobing spoke again, "I'm at the Skyfire Motorcycle Club waiting for you. Bring your ID card!"

"You expect me to just show up because you say so? Am I your underling? And where's the courtesy if you're asking for my ID card?" Lin Dong shot back.

He couldn't stand Lin Ruobing's tone.

After another pause, Lin Ruobing said, "Meet me at Yating Coffee. I'll be there waiting. Come, and whatever condition you propose, I'll agree to it!"

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