LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C132 Lin Dong Kicked Hsiao Ruloong away
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C132 Lin Dong Kicked Hsiao Ruloong away
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C132 Lin Dong Kicked Hsiao Ruloong away

"What are you talking about? Are you the boss?"

"If you're the boss, then I must be the boss's dad!"

Two security guards in black suits scoffed and dismissively waved their hands.

Lin Dong's outfit was indeed understated.

Riho KTV catered to the wealthy, where patrons could easily drop tens or even hundreds of thousands in a single night.

Lin Dong, with his ordinary clothes, youthful appearance, and lack of designer watches or expensive jewelry, could have been mistaken for someone out of touch with reality if not for the clarity in his eyes.

Lin Dong stepped out of the elevator.

The two men in front immediately glared and approached him.

"What, can't you understand what's being said to you?"

"Kid, go back to your parents. Don't wander around here, or I'll have to grab you!"

"Don't make us brothers get physical!"

"Watch it! Fists and feet don't have eyes; know when to quit!"

The security guards conversed among themselves, showing some restraint.

Lin Dong just smiled and said, "I'm someone who respects rules. Considering you haven't lost your cool, I'll overlook your attitude. Step aside now, and I won't hold you accountable."

"Hold us accountable? You're making me laugh!"

"Take one more step, and you'll regret it!"

The two security guards immediately looked menacing.

Lin Dong appeared unfazed by their demeanor.

He had said his piece; it would be in their best interest not to start a fight, or they would regret it.


Seeing Lin Dong actually take a bold step forward, the security guards were enraged. They reached out to grab his shoulder.

Lin Dong remained composed.

But as the security guards extended their hands, about to seize his shoulder, he suddenly lashed out with a kick.

The kick was swift and precise.

One guard screamed in agony, his eyes bulging as he clutched his groin and dropped to his knees.

The other guard, taken aback, was too slow to react before Lin Dong grabbed him. Using the stability of his legs, he dragged the guard into a collision with the wall.


He struck the wall decisively, his head reeling as he slumped to the ground.

Lin Dong handled the situation with ease.

Continuing on his path, Lin Dong's expression remained serene, betraying no sign of the recent altercation.

In that moment, he exuded the poise of a true master.

The security personnel on the ground quickly shuffled aside on their knees, not daring to obstruct his way any longer.

As Lin Dong strode into the distance, the guard squinted, lying on the ground and hissing in pain. Despite Lin Dong holding back, the encounter had clearly left the guard in discomfort.

Hands casually pocketed, Lin Dong made his way down the corridor.

He arrived at an office at its end.

Hsiao Ruloong knew how to indulge. He had sealed off all the rooms on the top floor, transforming the space into an expansive private office.

The office boasted a fitness area, a bar, a lounge, a karaoke zone, and even a dedicated golfing section.

This opulent space served as Hsiao Ruloong's personal domain.

Thus, it featured a single entrance.

Lin Dong pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The door creaked open, revealing a dozen men in black suits, some seated, some standing throughout the office.

Among them was Manager Yang, with whom Lin Dong had previously clashed.

Behind a pearwood desk in front of Manager Yang sat a bald man.

This was Hsiao Ruloong.

"Who are you?! How dare you enter Brother Long's office!?" bellowed one of the men in black.

Manager Yang interjected, "Brother Long, this is Lin Dong, the one who claimed to be the boss in the private room!"

Hsiao Ruloong's gaze snapped to Lin Dong.

Rising to his feet, he looked at Lin Dong and broke into a smile, "Ah, the boss himself graces us with his presence. Your visit truly honors this humble place!"

Manager Yang glanced at Hsiao Ruloong, then back at Lin Dong, his surprise evident. He hadn't anticipated that Lin Dong was indeed the owner, a fact even Hsiao Ruloong acknowledged!

Standing at the threshold, Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged as he offered a light smile, "I half-expected you to feign ignorance of who I am. Since that's not the case, pack your things and leave. You're fired."

His tone was light, but the gravity of his words caused Hsiao Ruloong's complexion to shift.

Hsiao Ruloong was well aware that Lin Dong was his boss.

Once the system awarded Lin Dong's industry, it would forward all his details to the responsible party.

For instance, upon receiving her information, Lin Ruobing immediately phoned Lin Dong.

Hsiao Ruloong, however, did not.

He considered Lin Dong to be just a young man—wealthy, perhaps, but easy to handle. He didn't take Lin Dong seriously enough to warrant a call.

It wasn't until Lin Dong showed up at his doorstep and he received a briefing from Manager Yang that he even remembered the matter.

Yet, he remained unfazed.

He had carved out his own domain here.

By enlisting his old associates from his days on the street, he had surrounded himself with loyalists, creating an environment where no one dared to challenge him.

So, what difference did it make if Lin Dong showed up?

In this place, Lin Dong's authority as the boss was even less than that of a manager!

With just one word from Hsiao Ruloong, every employee would fall in line, even to the point of assaulting Lin Dong if necessary.

He was contemplating how to smooth things over with Lin Dong, to offer some flattery.

He planned to save face for Lin Dong and later sweeten the deal with a share of the profits, which would surely send Lin Dong away content.

What he hadn't anticipated was Lin Dong confronting him directly.

And the first words out of Lin Dong's mouth as he entered were a demand for Hsiao Ruloong to pack his bags and leave!

This deeply infuriated Hsiao Ruloong.

He was a hardened man of the world, not one to be underestimated.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to command the loyalty of so many.

There had been those who resisted his rule, who had tried to report him or stand against him, but now they were nowhere to be found.

Even though Lin Dong was the nominal boss here.

Hsiao Ruloong didn't respect the title. Before he could even respond, Lin Dong had told him to get lost, a slight Hsiao Ruloong could not abide.

His eyes widened in a glare, fixed menacingly on Lin Dong.

Manager Yang was quick to react, charging forward to point accusingly at Lin Dong and bellowing, "Hey, what did you just say?! Telling my brother Long to get lost? Are you looking for trouble?!"

With a resounding slap, Lin Dong struck Manager Yang across the face with the back of his hand.

He didn't pull his punch; the impact left a massive handprint on Manager Yang's cheek.

Manager Yang was dazed by the blow, staring at Lin Dong in utter disbelief. Accustomed to swaggering around, especially with a crowd encircling them, he couldn't fathom that Lin Dong, who was on his own and looked so unassuming, would actually strike him.

His cheek throbbed with pain, but he was too shocked to utter a word.

Hsiao Ruloong's gaze turned even more menacing. He circled the desk, confronting Lin Dong, and said, "You have two options now. Either I chop off one of your hands, or you sign a contract and hand over 90% of your shares to me without compensation."

His voice was calm, as if maiming someone or coercing them into surrendering a vast majority of their shares was all in a day's work for him. Clearly, this wasn't his first rodeo.

The office erupted in chaos as everyone stood up, their postures threatening, ready to pounce if Lin Dong refused the ultimatum. It was enough to make the faint-hearted quail in fear.

Lin Dong looked up defiantly.

Just when Hsiao Ruloong thought he had Lin Dong cornered, Lin Dong's leg shot out in a swift kick. His leg muscles tensed and released like coiled springs, and his foot connected with Hsiao Ruloong's chin with the speed of lightning. Before Hsiao Ruloong could even react, he was sent flying.

With a sickening crack, Hsiao Ruloong's bulky frame was airborne, tracing a parabolic arc before crashing to the ground with a thud.

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