LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C138 Being Beaten Lowering His Head to Admit Defeat
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C138 Being Beaten Lowering His Head to Admit Defeat
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C138 Being Beaten Lowering His Head to Admit Defeat

Jiang Cheng desperately wanted to say he didn't want to die.

But the words just wouldn't come out!

His heart was quaking with fear.

He had brought his team and a few close friends to get back at Tian Chao and Lin Dong.

Their plan was to hit up the Hongmei Disco first to have a good time and bond.

On their way over, they happened to run into Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu, who were out buying late-night snacks for Tian Chao.

Talk about a small world!

They confronted them right there and subdued both Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu.

Then they used Liu Wenming's phone to call Lin Dong, planning to seize the moment to teach Lin Dong a lesson and avenge their past grudges!

Unexpectedly, Lin Dong showed up with a tough-looking big sister from the community!

This intimidating beauty seemed to be quite loyal to Lin Dong, staying silent upon arrival and checking with him first on how he wanted to handle the situation.

With these reinforcements, Lin Dong would easily overpower them, mere students.

Now, Jiang Cheng was the one feeling anxious.

"Hey! Are you going to speak up, or what? Cat got your tongue?"

Bashan bellowed menacingly.

His tattoo, a coiling tree green snake, was now fully visible, looking menacing enough to strike fear into anyone's heart!

The students with Jiang Cheng, who had never encountered such a sight, immediately backed away in terror.

Jiang Cheng, at the forefront, shuddered violently!

"Jiang Cheng, I'm only here as a favor to a friend. I don't want to cross paths with the underworld, so just swallow your pride," whispered a burly student behind him.

Despite his imposing appearance, he was a bundle of nerves inside.

Bashan's tattoo had frightened him too much to resist, and he was urging Jiang Cheng to back down.

"Yeah, Jiang Cheng, if we cross these society folks, I won't even dare to step out of school. We have our friendship, sure, but if I decide to bail later, you'll be on your own!"

Another companion spoke up.

These were two of Jiang Cheng's close allies, both of whom had brought friends to lend a hand.

Once they left, Jiang Cheng would be left with only the six or seven people from his team, and they would surely be overwhelmed by Lin Dong's crew.

"Brother Cheng, just back down. Think of our brothers. We've just been roughed up by Lin Dong on the court, and we haven't even healed. Another beating could leave us crippled!"

Jiang Cheng's teammates murmured among themselves.

Jiang Cheng found himself in a predicament.

If he chose to resist, his own people would bail on him.

If he stood his ground, he might end up standing alone. And if Lin Dong's gang decided to get physical, Jiang Cheng was certain he wouldn't survive.

To avoid a beating, Jiang Cheng looked at Lin Dong with gritted teeth and conceded, "You've got nerve! I'll take the loss today! You'll get your man back, but we'll settle this score later! Let's go!"

"You're not going anywhere just yet."

Lin Dong spoke with a calm authority.

Jiang Cheng's expression shifted as he challenged Lin Dong, "What do you want?"

"You think you can just beat up my brother and walk away? It's not that easy. Bashan, go help them out."

Lin Dong gestured dismissively.

Bashan immediately stepped forward, and the students scattered.

Bashan made his way to Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu, ripped the tape from their mouths, and untied them.

Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu were shaking with excitement.

They looked at Lin Dong, their eyes filled with incredulity!

They had assumed Lin Dong was coming alone and would be a goner surrounded by so many, but they were wrong.

He had brought a formidable crew with him.

Now the tables had turned, and even Jiang Cheng had bowed his head in submission.

Liu Wenming jogged over to Jiang Cheng and delivered a kick that sent him staggering, nearly toppling over.

Jiang Cheng glared furiously at Liu Wenming, his pride wounded.

But Liu Wenming glared back defiantly and shouted, "You think you can intimidate me? You think your 'Grandpa Liu' has no clout? Look around! My brother Lin Dong is here, with more people and stronger than yours! The way you treated Yeye today, I swear we'll make you pay!"

After he finished speaking, he approached and slapped Jiang Cheng across the face.

Jiang Cheng quickly shielded his face with his arm to avoid the blow, but Liu Wenming seized the moment to brutally kick him several times, leaving his body covered in footprints.

He felt utterly humiliated but didn't dare to retaliate. He knew if he fought back, Lin Dong would signal his backup to strike, and he could end up dead.

Zhou Hengyu rushed over as well.

He and Liu Wenming had just been severely beaten and shamed, pinned to the ground.

Now, with Lin Dong's reinforcements at his side, the chance for vengeance was ripe. It would be unmanly not to take it.

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