LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C142 The Gang Fight Failed Lin Dong Took Control of the Entire Scene
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C142 The Gang Fight Failed Lin Dong Took Control of the Entire Scene
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C142 The Gang Fight Failed Lin Dong Took Control of the Entire Scene

With a resounding bang, Lin Dong's kick sent the thug in front of him soaring through the air!

The thug immediately coughed up a large mouthful of blood from the force of the blow.

Lin Dong had actually held back; otherwise, the thug's jaw would have shattered under the impact of his kick.


The sight of their comrade's teeth scattering like confetti left the other gang members gasping in shock.

They snapped to their senses.

"Get him! Cut him down!"

They roared in unison, brandishing their steel pipes and knives as they charged at Lin Dong.

The weapons clattered chaotically towards Lin Dong.

Jiang Cheng, observing from the sidelines, felt a twitch in the corner of his eye.

He had previously witnessed Lin Dong's formidable move, which had left a deep impression on him. However, the current scenario was vastly different from when he had faced Lin Dong himself.

Now, Lin Dong was up against a group of street toughs, and they outnumbered him.

The old adage was true: it's hard for one to stand against many. No matter how skilled Lin Dong was, facing such a multitude, he might not hold out for long.

One of the gang members swung his steel pipe at Lin Dong's head.

As the pipe whistled through the air, Lin Dong spun around and delivered a kick to the attacker's gut. The sheer force sent the man tumbling to the ground, rolling away in defeat.

Another assailant, knife in hand, lunged at Lin Dong.

But before he could get close, Lin Dong burst forward with tremendous power, landing a punch squarely on the man's face.

With a yelp of agony, the attacker fell to the ground.

The others tried to follow, but they couldn't keep up with Lin Dong's swift movements.

Jiang Cheng watched intently, his fingers clenched. He secretly hoped to see Lin Dong fall, but Lin Dong was too quick, darting through the crowd like a slippery fish, impossible to catch.

And every so often, Lin Dong would send another assailant flying with a swift kick, displaying the prowess of a true martial arts master.

Amidst Jiang Cheng's anxious gaze, Lin Dong was eventually encircled by the gang.

A group of burly men had him completely encircled.

At that moment, he had no room to maneuver.

Jiang Cheng couldn't resist flashing a triumphant 'yeah' gesture!

He was thrilled!

He had nearly believed Lin Dong was about to make a getaway, but thankfully, he remained trapped.

Now, Lin Dong had no chance to flee; he was in for a severe beating!

Bang, bang, bang...

The sound of impact after impact echoed nonstop.

The dense crowd began to bulge as bodies were propelled outward.

Suddenly, people were sent flying, scattering in all directions.

Some tumbled into bushes, others crashed into trash cans, and a few with shattered teeth clutched their jaws, writhing on the ground!

These were the same toughs from the society who had just been surrounding Lin Dong.

In stark contrast, Lin Dong was completely unscathed.

Standing his ground, he sneered, "What a joke! Not one of you can fight! And you call yourselves tough guys?"

He had the situation firmly in hand.

"Ah, my nose! Brothers, take Lin Dong down!" Wang Chengshu, whose nose Lin Dong had struck, stood up, his eyes bulging with rage.

But mid-shout, he froze.

The loyal friends he had brought were now sprawled on the ground.

Gone was their formidable appearance, replaced by a meekness as they lay there like lambs.

"What's happening?"

Wang Chengshu was taken aback.

"They've all been taken down."

Lin Dong's voice came through.

He approached Wang Chengshu.

Wang Chengshu involuntarily shrank back, his eyes twitching instinctively.

He hadn't anticipated Lin Dong's formidable strength, single-handedly overpowering his entire crew.

These were seasoned toughs, some with formidable reputations, and yet they had been effortlessly dispatched.

Was Lin Dong even human?

Fear gripped Wang Chengshu. He was relieved he hadn't joined the fray earlier; otherwise, he'd be dealing with broken bones instead of a mere nosebleed!

Now, facing Lin Dong, he was at a loss for what to do.

As Wang Chengshu's anxiety mounted, Lin Dong approached with an icy tone, "You were quite bold earlier, which really irked me. Now, how would you prefer to meet your end?"

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