LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C143 He Knelt on the Ground and Begged for Mercy Jiang Cheng Was Beaten to Tears Again
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C143 He Knelt on the Ground and Begged for Mercy Jiang Cheng Was Beaten to Tears Again
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C143 He Knelt on the Ground and Begged for Mercy Jiang Cheng Was Beaten to Tears Again

With a thud, Wang Chengshu dropped to his knees.

Trembling, he looked up at Lin Dong and pleaded, "Big brother, I was so blinded by greed that I thought about crossing you. I was wrong, big brother, please forgive me!"

Wang Chengshu was resolute.

Having seen Lin Dong's formidable fighting skills, he didn't hesitate for an instant. He knelt down, begging for mercy, his will to survive overwhelming him.

Lin Dong just chuckled in response.

He remained silent, instead turning his gaze toward Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng felt a pang in his chest!

He had barely managed to wipe the grin off his face when he saw Lin Dong send the thugs he'd brought flying.

These were hardened gangsters, unflinching at the sight of blood, yet they had been decimated by Lin Dong.

Jiang Cheng would have never believed it had he not witnessed it himself.

He debated whether to flee.

At that moment, Lin Dong's eyes met his, and fear seized Jiang Cheng.

He knew that after his actions against Lin Dong, there would be no mercy.

Just as Jiang Cheng was about to bolt in terror, Lin Dong addressed Wang Chengshu, "You admit your mistake, but where's your gesture of contrition? Is this how you apologize?"

Wang Chengshu paused, taken aback.

He glanced at Jiang Cheng, who stood at a distance, then back at Lin Dong.

A lightbulb went off, and he stood up with determination, saying, "Big brother, I understand now!"

While Wang Chengshu was cowed by Lin Dong, he showed no fear toward Jiang Cheng.

He clenched his fists and strode over to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng, petrified, stepped back and protested loudly, "Brother Shu! We're on the same side! You can't do this to me, especially after I paid you!"

"Scram! You're the reason I'm in this mess, and you dare claim we're allies?"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten hurt this badly or crossed Lin Dong!"

"You're nothing but bad luck!"

"I swear, I'll beat you to death, you dog!"

Wang Chengshu bellowed in rage as he seized Jiang Cheng by the collar and hoisted him into the air.

Jiang Cheng was like a lamb to the slaughter, helplessly lifted up. With his eyes wide in shock, Wang Chengshu pummeled his face with his fists.

“Stop, please!”


“My face, my nose, my eyes, and my chin!”


Wang Chengshu was seething with anger, blaming Jiang Cheng for his misfortune.

He was also determined to show his resolve in front of Lin Dong and to justify himself to his fallen comrades.

Without a moment's hesitation, he turned the gun around and unleashed a barrage of blows on Jiang Cheng's face!

Jiang Cheng tried desperately to fight back, but as a student and a football player, he was no match for Wang Chengshu, a hardened man of the streets.

Under the onslaught, Jiang Cheng's screams were piercing.

Soon, his face was swollen beyond recognition, his nose askew, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth—it was a pitiful sight.

“That’s enough, stop.”

Lin Dong approached, hands casually in his pockets.

At Lin Dong's command, Wang Chengshu forcefully dropped Jiang Cheng to the ground.

Jiang Cheng clutched his face, sobbing uncontrollably.

This was his first time enduring such a brutal beating. Wang Chengshu had shown no mercy, treating him not as a person, but as a mere punching bag!

Had Lin Dong not intervened, Jiang Cheng might have been beaten to death.

In that moment, all thoughts of revenge and saving face vanished from Jiang Cheng's mind.

All he wanted was to seek solace in his mother's comforting embrace.

Standing before Lin Dong, Wang Chengshu bowed obsequiously and asked, "Bro, are you pleased? If not, I'll keep going until I beat the crap out of him!"

At that, Jiang Cheng shuddered and began to back away.

Lin Dong gave Wang Chengshu a cool glance.

The latter quickly averted his eyes, feigning alarm.

“Slap yourself!”

Lin Dong commanded.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Without hesitation, Wang Chengshu began to smack his own face.

Finally, at Lin Dong's call, he ceased.

“Big brother, any further instructions?”

Wang Chengshu, with his face swollen, spoke up.

"Don't let me catch sight of you again," Lin Dong stated coolly.

"Alright then!" Wang Chengshu's face brightened with relief. Ignoring his brother, he took off running.

Only Lin Dong and Jiang Cheng remained standing there.

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