LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C152 A Brand New Day Legendary Tutor Yang Zitan
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C152 A Brand New Day Legendary Tutor Yang Zitan
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C152 A Brand New Day Legendary Tutor Yang Zitan

"Hey Big Bro Dali, are you free tomorrow? Let's hang out!"

Meng Bao bombarded him with text messages.

Lin Dong's gameplay had totally impressed Meng Bao.

Tian Chao was so thrilled he nearly tossed his phone aside.

He exclaimed, "Lin, you're incredible! Even with support, you're pulling off godlike scores! Absolute legend!"

Lin Dong, slightly annoyed, waved him off, "Enough, go chat with your little sister Meng Bao. I'm going to grab something to eat."

Tian Chao grinned and eagerly dove back into his conversation with Meng Bao.

Meanwhile, Lin Dong tucked into the takeout he had ordered.

It was a successful trial of his gaming prowess, yielding impressive results.

But truth be told, he wasn't all that into gaming. It was like being roped into a soccer match – he only played when he had to.

He wouldn't be competing again unless he really had nothing better to do.

Just then, his phone pinged with a WeChat message.

It was from Liu Wenming.

Liu Wenming: "Lin, Advisor Yang is doing room checks. She's expecting you tomorrow."

Lin Dong felt a jolt of surprise.

Yang Zitan was conducting room checks.

Yang Zitan was something of a legend as a counselor, known for an incident that had rocked the entire school. The whole class was pretty intimidated by her.

Liu Wenming's message was a heads-up for Lin Dong.

Lin Dong acknowledged the message.

He glanced at Tian Chao, who was still deep in conversation, and decided not to disturb him with the news.

Tian Chao chatted away into the night, and Lin Dong just made do with a makeshift bed.

When he awoke, Tian Chao was out cold, sleeping like a log after staying up until the early hours.

Lin Dong left him to sleep and freshened up before heading to school.

He arrived unusually early, heeding Liu Wenming's warning about Yang Zitan.

Yang Zitan had been on leave recently, so Zhang Xinrui had been filling in for her. Now that Lin Dong was back, he felt he should show some respect.

Given Lin Dong's current standing, there was no need for him to worry about Yang Zitan's opinion, but he still had to show respect for his teacher.

Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu were already seated.

Lin Dong took a seat next to them.

Leaning in, Liu Wenming winked and asked, "Hey Lin, any idea why Instructor Yang went back home this time?"

Lin Dong rolled his eyes and replied, "How would I know? I'm not a mind reader!"

Zhou Hengyu chimed in, "What's up, Liu? You got the scoop?"

Liu Wenming chuckled and said, "I actually do know. I was chatting with a guy in our group yesterday. He said that Counselor Yang was being pressured into marriage by her family, but things didn't work out. With her fiery temper, she headed straight to the school and cut off all communication with her family!"

"No way! That's intense!"

Zhou Hengyu's eyes widened in astonishment.

Liu Wenming nodded affirmatively, "Yeah, the guy who told me was very sure of himself, seemed pretty credible."

Suddenly, Ma Chenchen turned around.

Her ponytail swished, releasing the pleasant fragrance of her shampoo.

"What are you guys whispering about? If the counselor hears you badmouthing her behind her back, you're going to be in deep trouble!"

Ma Chenchen said with a huff.

Lin Dong pointed at Liu Wenming and said, "He's the one who said it, not us."

Zhou Hengyu added, "Exactly, don't put words in our mouths!"

Ma Chenchen pointed at Liu Wenming and declared, "You'll be the first one I report!"

Liu Wenming's face twisted into an expression of dismay.

He glared and protested, "Guys! You're throwing me under the bus here! I was just repeating what I heard from a buddy in the group!"

"Who asked you to blab?"

Zhou Hengyu laughed, clapping Liu Wenming on the shoulder.

Lin Dong smiled and said, "Let's not jump to conclusions about whether it's just a rumor. Everyone, take your seats and let's drop it."

He then turned to Ma Chenchen and said, "Councilor Ma, please let Liu Wenming off the hook this time."

Ma Chenchen tilted her chin up and snorted, "Fine, I'll let it slide this time, for Lin Dong's sake."

After she finished speaking, she turned around, her ponytail swinging once more.

Liu Wenming let out a shout, his face flushing with embarrassment.

He grumbled, "If you're not handsome, you have no rights or what?"

Zhou Hengyu gave him a knock on the head, silencing him.

Lin Dong just smiled.

Whether it was Liu Wenming speaking or Ma Chenchen's threats, it was all in good fun.

That's the spirit of the class.

No need to take it too seriously.

He looked over at Liu Wenming and asked, "Liu, you guys were okay after heading back last night, right?"

Yesterday, Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu had been taken by Jiang Cheng and given a rough time.

Though they claimed the hits weren't in any serious places, they were still hurt, and Lin Dong was concerned.

Liu Wenming immediately patted his chest, saying, "I'm fine. Us Liu's are tough; slept off the swelling!"

His face only showed a few red marks.

Thanks to his build, you wouldn't notice unless you looked closely!

Zhou Hengyu shook his head as well, "These little scrapes are nothing. We've put on some red flower oil, barely hurts now."

Lin Dong felt relieved hearing their responses.

Just then, a WeChat notification chimed.

Lin Dong saw it was a friend request from an unfamiliar account.

He checked the verification message.

"Dong, it's Jiang Cheng. I agree to add you as a friend."

It turned out to be Jiang Cheng.

He wondered how Jiang had found his WeChat.

Lin Dong accepted the request.

Jiang Cheng immediately messaged, "Dong, I was wrong yesterday. I've gathered three thousand yuan for the medical expenses. Let's put this behind us, okay?"

With that, a transfer notification popped up.

Lin Dong saw it was indeed three thousand yuan.

He accepted it without reservation.

It was the agreed upon amount. He might not need it, but it was important to claim what was promised, or people might think he was a pushover!

After receiving the money, Lin Dong simply replied with an "Okay."

Jiang Cheng quickly sent a smiley face emoji.

He followed up with a message: "Thanks for letting me off the hook, Dong. I promise I won't cause any more trouble. If you need anything, just say the word, and I'll be there to help if I can! Sorry for the interruption during class. Bye!"

Lin Dong glanced at the message but didn't respond.

He transferred three thousand dollars to Liu Wenming.

Upon receiving the money, Liu Wenming exclaimed in surprise, "What's going on, Lin?"

Lin Dong replied, "That's the medical fee from Jiang Cheng. We settled it last night. Keep it."

Liu Wenming was ecstatic, "He actually paid up! Now we can afford to eat meat with every meal!"

At that moment, Zhou Hengyu interjected, "Lin, are you sure there's no catch? Jiang Cheng doesn't strike me as someone who'd back down easily. I hope this isn't some kind of trap."

Liu Wenming agreed, "Yeah, that guy is definitely trouble!"

Lin Dong just chuckled at their concerns and reassured them, "Don't worry, he won't dare mess with you guys anymore. Go ahead and take the money."

Liu Wenming and Zhou Hengyu had left the previous night before witnessing Lin Dong single-handedly take on a group of thugs. They were unaware of how fearful Jiang Cheng had become of Lin Dong and that he wouldn't dare cause any more trouble.

But they trusted Lin Dong and joyfully pocketed the cash. For them, an unexpected windfall of three thousand dollars was akin to hitting the jackpot!

Lin Dong settled back into his seat.

Just then, a graceful silhouette passed by the classroom door. The legendary counselor, Yang Zitan, had arrived!

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