LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C153 Lin Dong and I will Go to the Office
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C153 Lin Dong and I will Go to the Office
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C153 Lin Dong and I will Go to the Office

The legendary counselor, Yang Zitan, earned her title from the students!

Beyond her legendary tales, Yang Zitan's looks are also commendable!

Her eyes are bright and expressive, her nose is high and straight, her lips are red, and she has an oval face.

Dressed in a sports shirt, with her hair in a single ponytail, and wearing sneakers, her simple yet vibrant attire complements her stunning features, making her the undisputed campus beauty, even without makeup!

Moreover, as a teacher, Yang Zitan opts for a touch of makeup.

Though subtle, it enhances her allure, setting her apart in a sea of heavily made-up faces.

The students in her class can't help but gasp in awe.

"Good morning, students!" Yang Zitan greets.

Her gaze sweeps across the room, and those who meet her eyes instinctively look away, for her calm look harbors a piercing sharpness that seems to see right through them, deterring any careless stares.

This is the essence of her formidable presence.

After surveying the room, her gaze briefly rests on Lin Dong.

Unlike the others, Lin Dong holds her gaze steadily, standing out among his peers.

Given his modest background and usual wariness of Yang Zitan, his peers expect him to look away in deference. But not today, which piques Yang Zitan's curiosity.

Unknown to her, Lin Dong's recent acquisition of the Wealth System has elevated his status and transformed his outlook significantly.

While Yang Zitan commands respect from the students, Lin Dong no longer shares their intimidation.

Considering that even the principal and the head of teaching at Jiangyang University have shown him favor, sometimes to the point of fawning, Lin Dong harbors no fear of a teacher.

Yang Zitan is unaware of these developments, yet she takes note of Lin Dong.

Unperturbed, Lin Dong is unaware of any impropriety; such is the transformative power of a new status and broader horizons.

Lin Dong was unaware of the subtle changes within himself.

Yang Zitan felt a hint of surprise, but she remained silent.

She shifted her focus back to the class and said, "It seems everyone has made it today."

Her comment was met with silence; the students were exceptionally quiet.

Yang Zitan's voice was captivating, with a slight rasp that added to her unique allure.

Her position commanded attention, and naturally, people listened.

Noticing the silence from the students, Yang Zitan proceeded, "Excellent, everyone seems alert. Let's begin with roll call."

He then opened the attendance list and started calling out names.

The first name was Ma Chenchen.

Ma Chenchen loudly confirmed her presence, followed by the next student.

Lin Dong sat in his seat, waiting for his turn to be called.

However, Liu Wenming, sitting behind him, wasn't as patient.

He nudged Lin Dong gently and whispered, "Hey Lin, haven't you noticed something different about Counselor Yang today?"

Lin Dong was taken aback.

He glanced at Yang Zitan again and whispered back, "Different? She seems normal to me."

Liu Wenming insisted, "Look at her eyes, they're incredibly sharp. It's clear she's bottling up her emotions, and her anger is palpable. We'd better tread carefully today!"

Lin Dong gave him a speechless look.

Liu Wenming always had a knack for analyzing the most trivial things!

"Lin Dong!"

Yang Zitan called out Lin Dong's name.

Instinctively, Lin Dong responded, "Here!"

Normally, the roll call would have moved on, but Yang Zitan paused.

She fixed her gaze on Lin Dong and asked, "What were you and Liu Wenming whispering about just now?"

Her past interactions had instilled a sense of fear in her classmates.

Liu Wenming instinctively ducked his head, stammering, "Nothing, we weren't talking!"

Yang Zitan set down the attendance list, folded her arms, and said, "I saw everything. What's the issue with you two? Is it because I've been away for a few days, and you've gotten used to slacking off?"

Liu Wenming hastily shook his head.

At Yang Zitan's stern look, Liu Wenming was so frightened that he hung his head low.

He remained quite intimidated by Yang Zitan.

At that moment, Yang Zitan turned her gaze towards Lin Dong.

Lin Dong met her look squarely, without any attempt to avoid it.

This surprised Yang Zitan once again.

She challenged him, "Lin Dong, you seem to have a problem with what I'm saying, don't you?"

Lin Dong replied, "Not at all, Instructor Yang, I have a lot of respect for you!"

But Yang Zitan shot back, "Your eyes don't seem to respect me, though!"

Lin Dong was at a loss.

He felt his gaze was perfectly normal. How could it be disrespectful?

Then Yang Zitan added, "Lin Dong, come to my office after your first class ends."

Lin Dong stared at her, taken aback.

He couldn't fathom why she would suddenly ask him to go to the office.

Yang Zitan offered no explanation.

That was just her way—her word was law!

And students weren't allowed to argue.

Lin Dong considered standing his ground, but recalling the intense incident involving Yang Zitan in the past, he decided to hold his tongue.

It was only a trip to the office, after all—what was there to fear?

Lin Dong remained silent.

It seemed to Yang Zitan that she had regained the upper hand. She stopped fixating on Lin Dong and resumed calling the roll.

At this point, no one dared to whisper.

However, the looks Lin Dong received from his classmates were filled with sympathy.

Being summoned to Instructor Yang's office was never a good sign.

Lin Dong could only respond to their looks with a sense of resignation.

Yang Zitan quickly finished roll call.

Tian Chao was absent due to an injury sustained during a competition, backed by a certificate from the Sports Department and a leave slip signed by Zhang Xinrui.

With the student roster complete, Yang Zitan stood at the podium and addressed the class.

Her message was clear: she was back, and normalcy had been restored.

She warned against causing trouble and stressed the importance of vigilance, hinting at unpleasant consequences for those who didn't heed her advice.

Despite her simple attire, Yang Zitan's presence was undeniable, commanding the room as heads nodded in agreement—no one dared to object.

After her speech, Yang Zitan departed.

As she left, she pointedly reminded Lin Dong with a tap of her register, "Find me after class. Don't make me come looking for you."

After she finished speaking, she left the classroom without giving Lin Dong a chance to respond.

"Damn! Lin Dong, you're toast!" Liu Wenming exclaimed as he approached.

Lin Dong, annoyed, pushed him away and retorted, "Back off! You seem thrilled that I got called out. If it weren't for you, would I be in this mess?"

Zhou Hengyu chimed in, "Liu, you clearly don't know Instructor Yang's temperament. She doesn't tolerate any shenanigans during her lectures!"

Liu Wenming scratched his nose and said, "How was I supposed to know she had eagle eyes? Lin, why were you even exchanging glances with her? You could've just played it cool."

Lin Dong threw up his hands and said, "I did nothing of the sort. It was all Instructor Yang's doing! I'm the one who's been wronged here!"

Zhou Hengyu gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "There's nothing to be done now. Your brothers are eagerly awaiting your triumphant return!"

Liu Wenming also nodded in agreement, "Wishing you a smooth journey!"

In response, Lin Dong flipped them the bird without a second thought.

But deep down, he wasn't too concerned.

Yang Zitan was known to be a teacher with a strong personality and an undeniable presence, yet Lin Dong felt his own situation was nothing to fear.

Even though he was unsure of what Yang Zitan might have in store for him in her office, he was confident. After all, he hadn't actually wronged her in any way. Who would be afraid in such a situation?

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