LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C169 The Mission Is Here Crushing the Martial Arts Club
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C169 The Mission Is Here Crushing the Martial Arts Club
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C169 The Mission Is Here Crushing the Martial Arts Club

"You really have the nerve to insult me? You're asking for trouble!"

Zhang Meng was livid upon hearing Lin Dong's words, his anger erupting like a thunderstorm.

Lin Dong simply ignored him.

This dismissive attitude wounded Zhang Meng's pride.

In a fit of rage, he tossed aside his bottle of water and stormed over to the training area. Confronting Lin Dong with bulging eyes, he bellowed, "Come here, I'm going to pound you into the ground!"

"Ding! Host has activated the random mission: Dominate the Martial Arts Club!"

"As a true warrior, you must boldly crush any petty challenge that comes your way!"

"Complete the mission to receive your reward??? (Claimable upon completion)"

"Let the show begin!"

The system announced the random mission.

A glint appeared in Lin Dong's eyes.

He rose to his feet and faced Zhang Meng, who towered over him, warning, "Are you sure about this? You're going to regret it."

Zhang Meng burst into derisive laughter.

Standing with his hands on his hips, he pointed at Lin Dong and boasted, "Me, regret it? I'm a third-degree black belt! I can split bricks with ease. If you're brave enough to take on my challenge, be ready to end up with every bone in your body shattered!"

"Fine, I accept. Bring it on."

Lin Dong spoke with unruffled composure.

Zhang Meng's laughter came to an abrupt halt.

He had flaunted his skills hoping to intimidate Lin Dong, but to his surprise, Lin Dong was unfazed and had even accepted the challenge!

True to his name, Zhang Meng was a towering figure with an intimidating presence and a rugged appearance—practically a human gorilla.

Most people would be terrified by now, avoiding even eye contact with him.

His domineering behavior went unchecked, as he considered himself above everyone else at the Martial Arts Club, save for a select few.

Yang Zitan was among those few he respected.

Lin Dong had been brought in by Yang Zitan. If Zhang Meng were to beat Lin Dong so easily, Yang Zitan would surely be upset, thwarting Zhang Meng's plans.

That's why he had tried to scare Lin Dong.

But Lin Dong didn't fall for it and had even accepted the challenge!

Now, Zhang Meng found himself in a tough spot.

Just then, a crowd began to gather.

Members of the nearby Martial Arts Club had gathered to spectate as Zhang Meng prepared to challenge Lin Dong. Zhang Meng was a top-notch expert at the club, while Lin Dong appeared frail and slender.

The two were clearly mismatched, yet Lin Dong boldly accepted Zhang Meng's challenge, displaying remarkable courage. The onlookers began to egg them on.

"This guy's got guts! Respect!"

"Go for it, you can do it!"

"Show 'em what you're made of, Meng!"

"I bet Brother Meng only needs three punches to knock the kid down!"

"Three punches? One round should do it!"

"We're in for a real treat!"

A buzz of anticipation rippled through the crowd. Zhang Meng, amidst the jeers at the training area, clenched his teeth and declared, "Fine! Kid, if you're looking for trouble, it's not my fault! But let me make this clear: if you get hurt, don't expect any compensation, and don't go running to Yang Zitan saying I injured you!"

"Are we fighting or what? Enough with the talk."

Lin Dong stood, hands on hips, pressing him to get on with it.

Zhang Meng was momentarily speechless.

His bluster was met with Lin Dong's prodding for a swift start to the duel, leaving him feeling as if his punch had landed on cotton—ineffective and frustrating. Laughter erupted from the crowd, and a whistle cut through the air.

In contrast to Lin Dong's composure, Zhang Meng appeared increasingly flustered. Unable to bear the feeling any longer, he glared at Lin Dong, teeth bared, and bellowed, "Alright, kid, if you're so eager to meet your end, I'll oblige!"

With that, he swung his hand in a chopping motion toward Lin Dong's face. Zhang Meng, envious of Lin Dong's good looks and suspecting that Yang Zitan fancied him for it, aimed to mar his handsome features. Zhang Meng's assault was swift and fierce, and in a flash, his hand chop was mere inches from Lin Dong's face.

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