LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C177 After the Training Yang Zitan Invited Them to Have a Meal
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C177 After the Training Yang Zitan Invited Them to Have a Meal
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C177 After the Training Yang Zitan Invited Them to Have a Meal

"Everyone, stop gawking and get back to training!"

Hsiao Cheng addressed the onlookers at the Martial Arts Club.

Upon hearing his command, the spectators quickly scattered.

It was clear to all that Eldest Brother was not in the best of moods, and no one wanted to be on the receiving end of his irritation.

As they dispersed, their eyes were filled with respect when they looked towards Lin Dong.

This unassuming young man had managed to defeat Zhang Meng and his group, as well as Eldest Brother Hsiao Cheng, who had even personally requested a sparring session.

Clearly, they saw Lin Dong as a peer or even a superior.

The Martial Arts Club members present didn't match Eldest Brother's combat prowess, let alone Lin Dong's.

Many felt foolish for having previously underestimated Lin Dong.

They had failed to recognize his true strength and had looked down on someone far more capable than themselves. They had truly been out of their depth!

From now on, it would be wise to stay humble and low-key.

Yang Zitan emerged from the changing room, having just swapped her drenched training clothes for a dry set.

She had missed the events that had unfolded earlier.

By the time she returned, the incident had concluded, leaving only Hsiao Cheng standing next to Lin Dong.

Surprised, Yang Zitan asked, "Eldest Brother Hsiao Cheng, what brings you here?"

She was aware that Hsiao Cheng was often absent, immersed in deep training and contemplation on how to enhance his Taekwondo skills.

"I was just bored and decided to take a stroll when I ran into little brother Lin Dong. He's quite skilled. You'd do well to learn from him; it'll be beneficial," Hsiao Cheng told Yang Zitan.


Yang Zitan turned to Lin Dong, utterly bewildered.

She was well aware of Lin Dong's capabilities; he could barely make a basketball shot, and now she was expected to learn from him? Ridiculous!

Hsiao Cheng gave Lin Dong a nod and said, "Don't forget our agreement. Make sure to find time to come and talk with me."

With that, he flashed a smile at Yang Zitan and walked away.

Watching him leave, Yang Zitan turned to Lin Dong and asked, "What's going on with you two? You actually know Eldest Brother Hsiao Cheng? He's a 9th Dan Taekwondo black belt!"

"I just met him casually," Lin Dong remarked.

"Instructor Yang, are you still coming? I'm all set!" he added.

Yang Zitan gave Lin Dong a once-over, then playfully snapped his fingers and declared, "Of course I am. Suit up in your protective gear and let's keep sparring!"

Lin Dong hadn't mentioned his run-in with Zhang Meng and Eldest Brother to Yang Zitan. She had an inkling that Lin Dong was keeping something from her, but couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.

Now fully geared up, Lin Dong grabbed a pad and resumed his role as a human punching bag. Yang Zitan let out a shout and launched a kick at him.


The afternoon's training wrapped up, and a sweaty Yang Zitan, pleased with the session, told Lin Dong to shed his protective gear.

Having mastered the Eight Blasts skill to its highest level, Lin Dong's control over his strength had become even more refined, allowing him to counter Yang Zitan's attacks with just the right amount of force. This, in turn, was rapidly advancing Yang Zitan's own skills.

After changing back into their regular clothes, Yang Zitan turned to Lin Dong and said, "Let's go grab some food."

Upon meeting up, Yang Zitan extended the invitation. Lin Dong, taken aback, asked, "Really, Instructor Yang? You're treating me to dinner?"

He had assumed Yang Zitan was only joking. Plus, he wasn't too keen on spending more time with her, fearing he might say the wrong thing and end up as her personal punching bag again.

"What, you're not up for it? Fine then, come back tomorrow for more sparring," Yang Zitan stated bluntly.

"No, no, I didn't say I wouldn't go. I just didn't want you to go to any expense," Lin Dong quickly clarified, trying to defuse the situation.

"Then let's go. Enough talk. Get in the car and settle in," Yang Zitan instructed, ushering Lin Dong into the vehicle before driving away from the Martial Arts Club.

Lin Dong couldn't help feeling resigned. He silently hoped that dinner would go smoothly without any unexpected complications.

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