LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C188 The Establishment of the License the Establishment of a Renting Company
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C188 The Establishment of the License the Establishment of a Renting Company
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C188 The Establishment of the License the Establishment of a Renting Company

Lin Dong chuckled and said, "I'm not kidding you, cousin. This is indeed my car. Buckle up, we're about to take off."


Xia Qinghee nodded instinctively and fastened her seatbelt.

The car began to move.

In contrast to the heavy roar that a sports car like the Ganni Wind God emits upon ignition, the Rolls Royce Cullinan started up with remarkable quietness.

The double-glazed windows and air suspension made the entire car feel as if it were gliding through the clouds, steady and smooth.

Even the slightest bumps in the road were so well-cushioned that passengers inside could hardly feel any jolts—truly the pinnacle of aristocratic luxury!

This was Xia Qinghee's first time riding in such a high-end luxury vehicle, and she couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. She stole glances at Lin Dong, her heart pounding with shock.

She knew Lin Dong's background well.

His family was of modest means, and due to his father's poor health, they even struggled financially.

He had often worn hand-me-downs from her two older brothers.

For this, those brothers had frequently mocked Lin Dong.

Only Xia Qinghee had played with Lin Dong, though it pained her to see him marginalized and bullied by her brothers.

Years had passed, and Lin Dong had gone from having a wealthy girlfriend who gifted him property to knowing a social bigwig more influential than her former boyfriend, and now he was driving a Rolls Royce Cullinan—the king of luxury cars.

All of this was beyond her comprehension.

The more elusive it seemed, the more reverence she felt for Lin Dong.

She realized that her little cousin had grown to a stature so grand, she could hardly fathom it!

Lin Dong didn't notice Xia Qinghee's expression.

Focused on driving, he made his way to the Jiangyang City Trade and Commerce Bureau.

There, Qinghee leveraged her previous work connections to get in touch with an acquaintance on the staff.

Upon their arrival, they swiftly began the process of obtaining the company license.

"Cousin, what do you think we should name the company?"

Xia Qinghee turned to Lin Dong.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Dong suggested, "How about we name it Zhengyang Housing Company?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Qinghee's eyes sparkled. She clapped her hands enthusiastically and exclaimed, "What a great name! It evokes the warmth and freshness of the midday sun!"

Once she finished her praise, she began to write down the name of the legal representative. This role was crucial, as it involved being the responsible party and direct beneficiary of the company—the equivalent of the boss.

As Xia Qinghee was about to write Lin Dong's name, he interjected, "Cousin, put your name down."

"What? My name? Cousin, do you realize the significance of the legal representative?" Xia Qinghee asked, astonished.

Lin Dong simply smiled and replied, "Yes, you're my cousin. I trust your character, and since I'm not familiar with the company's operations, it would be easier for you to manage the team as the legal representative."

"Cousin..." Xia Qinghee felt a sudden surge of emotion, her voice choked with sentiment.

She was overwhelmed by Lin Dong's trust in her, entrusting her with the role of legal representative for a company with assets worth tens of millions. After years of encountering selfishness in her own endeavors, Lin Dong's gesture deeply touched her.

Dabbing away a tear, Xia Qinghee nodded with determination, "Okay, cousin, I'll make sure Zhengyang Housing Company thrives for you!"

"Alright, I'm counting on you, cousin," Lin Dong said with a smile, finalizing the decision.

Xia Qinghee filled in the registration form with the name Zhengyang Housing Company and listed herself as the legal representative. The form was quickly printed, stamped, and the basic information was added.

With that, the rental company was officially established.

After receiving the business license, there were still tasks like engraving the company seal and hiring staff. Lin Dong entrusted Xia Qinghee with these responsibilities, confident in her familiarity with the process. She was poised to handle them efficiently.

Lin Dong then transferred one million as the starting capital to Xia Qinghee, who was so overcome with excitement that she trembled with gratitude.

She had never handled such a large sum of money before.

Lin Dong, however, seemed nonchalant about it. With several hundred million in cash lying in his account, a mere million was just a drop in the bucket to him.

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