LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C228 Perfectly Surpassing a Scene of Great Embarrassment
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C228 Perfectly Surpassing a Scene of Great Embarrassment
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C228 Perfectly Surpassing a Scene of Great Embarrassment

"Impossible! How could Lin Dong be so fast!?"

Wang Tiancheng's eyes bulged in disbelief.

He hadn't anticipated that Lin Dong would so flawlessly evade his tail-swing overtake maneuver!

Moments before, he had even entertained the thought that if Lin Dong didn't swerve, he'd use his tail-swing to shove Lin Dong's Pagani Huayran right off the track!

Then, he'd watch the sports car tumble down the hillside!

Yet, to his astonishment, Lin Dong had managed to handle the sports car with such precision that it seemed to be in perfect sync with his thoughts, gliding through the curve.

Leveraging its superior performance, the car surged forward, heading straight for the exit of the bend!

Now, the distance between them had stretched to two hundred meters.

It looked close, but for a sports car, it was a considerable gap.

"Damn! How can he drive so fast?!"

Wang Tiancheng swore from inside his car.

Meanwhile, Lin Dong was at the helm of the Pagani Huayran, effortlessly steering with one hand.

His other hand propped up his chin as he serenely surveyed the road ahead.

His speed had now reached a blistering 180 miles per hour.

An ordinary person would have been petrified at such velocity!

But Lin Dong remained as composed as ever. With his supercar god skill, this pace was nothing more than a gentle breeze!

A sharp curve loomed ahead. Lin Dong acted instantly, pressing the brakes, then yanking the handbrake while spinning the steering wheel.

The screech of tires fiercely gripping the asphalt filled the air as he executed a drift, maintaining his speed as he powered forward.

His entire maneuver was executed with seamless grace.

Throughout, Lin Dong's expression remained unchanged, as if this were no more taxing than a leisurely stroll!

Meanwhile, the McLaren GMT in hot pursuit had to decelerate slightly before making its turn and drifting, cautiously resuming its advance.

It had to reduce speed because a failure to do so could send the car spiraling out of control and off the track, turning what was meant to be a show of skill into a disastrous wreck!

At this point, Lin Dong was in the lead, leaving the McLaren far behind. The details of this thrilling chase were being relayed in real-time to the computers of the following team.

Watching the video feed, the members of Liang Yu's racing team clenched their fists and cheered loudly, elated by what they saw.

"Dong, you're incredible! You've overtaken McLaren by a huge margin!"

"Oh my God, that's so impressive! You're like a god behind the wheel!"

"That sharp turn, and you handled it so smoothly – absolutely amazing!"

"Dong, you're a force to be reckoned with!"


The team members cheered in unison.

Meanwhile, the expressions on the faces of Wang Tiancheng's team members darkened as they watched the Pagani Huayran leave the McLaren far behind in the real-time footage.

Some of them even shouted in desperation, "Hurry up, catch up to him!"

But the McLaren was unable to close the gap with the Pagani Huayran; the 200-meter distance seemed like an insurmountable chasm.

The race had everyone on the edge of their seats.

Even though they weren't physically in the race, the scenes relayed through the video feed had everyone's adrenaline pumping and hearts racing with excitement!

Wang Tiancheng was eager to catch up with the swiftly racing Pagani Huayran ahead of him.

But it was not to be!

Ahead lay a straight stretch of road.

Wang Tiancheng floored the throttle, the turbocharged V6 engine whirring as it maximized fuel efficiency, propelling him to speeds of 200 mph.

Yet, as he picked up speed, the Pagani Huayran ahead also accelerated, maintaining the gap between them.

If Wang Tiancheng hadn't been certain he was pushing his car to its limits, he might have thought they were standing still!

The Pagani Huayran's wheels spun, kicking up a cloud of dust as it blazed forward.

The McLaren, trailing in the wake of the Huayran, was quickly enveloped in the thick dust kicked up by its tires!

What was meant to be an intense showdown of high-performance sports cars had unexpectedly turned into a spectacle of dust trailing in the Pagani's wake.

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