LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C232 After Winning the Competition Wang Tiancheng Would Break the Contract!
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C232 After Winning the Competition Wang Tiancheng Would Break the Contract!
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C232 After Winning the Competition Wang Tiancheng Would Break the Contract!

"That's impossible!" Wang Tiancheng, behind the wheel of the McLaren GMT, could hardly believe his eyes as he watched the Porsche 911 zoom ahead. He had just overtaken the Porsche, and now Lin Dong was not only catching up but also passing him!

Overtaking on a curve would have made sense—Lin Dong had a history of that. But this was a straightaway, and Lin Dong's Porsche 911, with its relatively modest power, was somehow gaining on him! Wang Tiancheng found this utterly unacceptable.

Lin Dong surged forward, kicking up a cloud of dust that hung in the air. The dust settled on the modified McLaren GMT, making Wang Tiancheng's eyes twitch and redden with frustration.

Earlier, when Lin Dong was at the helm of the Pagani Huayran, its superior power and structural design outclassed Wang Tiancheng's modified McLaren GMT. It was reasonable then that Lin Dong could win the race. But now, Lin Dong was driving a Porsche 911, which was supposed to be less powerful than the McLaren GMT.

Yet there it was, speeding ahead of him. To Wang Tiancheng, this was an affront, a mockery of his skills. The dust stirred up by the Porsche 911 seemed to laugh at his inability to keep up. With the powerful McLaren GMT at his command, he was reduced to trailing behind the Porsche, eating its dust. It was more than Wang Tiancheng could stand.

With a fierce glare, he stomped on the accelerator. The McLaren GMT's engine roared to life, its already explosive speed surging as it chased down the Porsche 911 with a thunderous roar.

Wang Tiancheng was determined to overtake the Porsche 911; failure would make him the butt of jokes. The engine's roar grew louder as he closed in on the Porsche. His expression turned wild with the thrill of the chase, his gaze fixed on the spinning wheels of the Porsche 911.

Just a bit more!

He was nearly there, about to overtake!

Only by passing Lin Dong could Wang Tiancheng release the pent-up frustration inside him. Meanwhile, the fierce battle on the track was broadcast live to the team via drone footage, with everyone watching the intense rivalry unfold.

This time, silence reigned among the convoy members; no one dared to shout. They couldn't help but grip their fingers tightly in anticipation. The image of Lin Dong's serpentine approach to sniping had struck a chord, deeply resonating with everyone. They were so engrossed in the moment that they felt a surge of anxiety for the competitors on both sides!

The race between Lin Dong and Wang Tiancheng had everyone on edge. It was as if the team members had placed themselves right in the middle of the high-speed chase, each one rooting for their side's sports car to claim victory.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lin Dong, at the helm of his vehicle, remained the picture of composure. Grasping the steering wheel with one hand, he glanced in the rearview mirror and saw the McLaren GMT in hot pursuit, yet he didn't show a flicker of concern.

Then, a sharp turn loomed ahead. It was the final curve of the circular track, and without a second thought, Lin Dong spun the wheel, yanked the handbrake, and floored the accelerator. The screech of tires filled the air as the Porsche 911 executed a flawless drift, swiftly navigating the bend and accelerating towards the open road.

Wang Tiancheng, trailing behind, was taken aback. He had been so focused on the chase that he had missed the upcoming turn. As he neared the guardrail, he was forced to decelerate quickly, braking and skidding around the bend in a frantic effort to maintain control.

In a brief moment of frustration, Wang Tiancheng slammed his fist onto the steering wheel, causing the car to shudder. Once again, he had been outmaneuvered by Lin Dong, intensifying the feelings of resentment brewing within him.

Now approaching the second mountain road turn, a perilous height awaited below. A fall would mean certain destruction for both driver and vehicle. Wang Tiancheng had no choice but to slow down. If he didn't, the heavily modified McLaren GMT would crash into the guardrail with devastating force, sending him tumbling down the slope.

Meanwhile, the Porsche 911, capitalizing on the momentum from the sharp turn, left the McLaren GMT far behind in its wake.


Wang Tiancheng bellowed, flooring the gas pedal to speed up the pursuit.

Lin Dong's drifting skills on the curves were impeccable; he didn't even need to decelerate to navigate the turns.

Wang Tiancheng could only take advantage on the straightaways.

Even though there was no mountain wall to assist Lin Dong in flipping his sports car, his prior snaking maneuvers and overtaking on the curves had left the McLaren GMT far behind.

Even with his foot to the floor, catching up would take some time.

By then, Lin Dong had already rounded the final bend and was racing back to their initial starting point.

As the McLaren finally slowed for the curve, the Porsche 911 had swiftly reached the start line.

The car came to a halt just as Wang Tiancheng's McLaren GMT made its belated arrival.

Previously, the McLaren GMT had lagged two seconds behind the Pagani Huayran, but in this race against the Porsche 911, it fell behind by nearly four seconds!

The gap was starkly evident!

Lin Dong stepped out of the car, door swinging open.

Liang Yu, already at the scene with the team, ran over, his face alight with excitement.

"Dong is incredible, beating the modified McLaren GMT with a Porsche 911!"

"Dong, how did you manage those continuous flips in the sports car? It was insanely cool!"

"Absolutely! It scared me so much, I thought my heart would leap right out of my throat!"

"Dong, your driving skills are simply top-notch!"

"Dong, you're the god of cars in my heart. Please, take me on as your apprentice!"


The team members crowded around Lin Dong, their conversations bubbling with joy.

Lin Dong met their accolades with a smile, exuding a serene confidence.

For him, the race was merely a warm-up, hardly a challenge to his abilities.

Meanwhile, Wang Tiancheng's teammates had congregated around his modified McLaren GMT.

"Are you okay, Brother Cheng?"

"We lost, Brother Cheng!"

"Now Liang Yu's crew is going to be insufferably smug!"

"And Brother Cheng, about that bet you made, you're going to have to kneel to Liang Yu."


The mood among these team members was decidedly downcast.

Listening to his subordinates, Wang Tiancheng's face darkened with displeasure.

At that moment, he was seething with rage!

He had actually lost. Despite driving the super-powered McCullen GMT, he was defeated by the Porsche 911, a car he had never even considered a threat!

Throughout the entire race, he was utterly dominated, without any chance to fight back!

Now, he was faced with the humiliating task of fulfilling his promise to kowtow, apologize to Liang Yu, and call him "daddy"...

It was as if someone earning a measly two thousand a month had stolen his girlfriend and then had the nerve to call him trash!

No one could tolerate such humiliation!

"Hey, isn't that our Brother Cheng? Brother Cheng said he'd race against me, Dong, and if Dong won, he'd kneel down, apologize to me, and even call me 'father'! Time to keep your promise, right?"

Liang Yu, standing by the roadside with Lin Dong, called out loudly.

After he finished, Lee Zhan, who was following close behind, chuckled and added, "Brother Cheng is sure to honor his word. Someone bring a chair over for Young Master Liang to sit, and fetch a soft cushion so Brother Cheng doesn't hurt his knees while kneeling!"

The crowd erupted into laughter.

Indeed, a chair was brought over along with a cushion tossed onto the ground.

The group formed a circle around Wang Tiancheng, eagerly anticipating his next move.

Even Wang Tiancheng's own teammates turned their attention to him, waiting to see what he would do.

Lin Dong, hands in his pockets, stood off to the side, merely an observer.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Wang Tiancheng's face was a mix of anger and uncertainty.

He clenched his teeth and, with a dismissive wave of his hand, exclaimed, "Ha! What a joke! Who kneels to apologize in this day and age? I'm done with this game; I'm going home!"

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