LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C233 Lin Dong Forced Him to Kneel down and Apologize
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C233 Lin Dong Forced Him to Kneel down and Apologize
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C233 Lin Dong Forced Him to Kneel down and Apologize

After finishing his statement, he quickly headed towards the modified McLaren he had been driving, ready to make his exit.

Kneeling was out of the question!

Wang Tiancheng was, after all, one of the more powerful second-generation rich in the Jiangyang circle, with a reputation to uphold.

If he knelt before Liang Yu and called him "Dad," he could kiss his social standing goodbye.

"Hey! Wang Tiancheng, you shamelessly broke our agreement!" Lee Zhan yelled.

He gestured for everyone to follow and block Wang Tiancheng's path.

"Stop right there!"

"Get back here! You think you can just walk away without keeping your word? Not so fast!"

"Yeah, if you think you're leaving, you'd better check if we agree!"


The convoy's members immediately followed Lee Zhan's lead, running over to encircle Wang Tiancheng!

As they approached, Wang Tiancheng spun around, fixing the talkers with a menacing stare.

His fierce and piercing gaze made several members of Liang Yu's team recoil, suddenly too intimidated to utter another word.

Wang Tiancheng was a notorious scion in Jiangyang, his family deeply entrenched in the real estate business.

The average rich kid wouldn't dare cross him.

Seeing the team members cower, Wang Tiancheng haughtily declared, "I'm leaving today, and I dare anyone to try and stop me!"

"I dare to stop you."

A calm voice cut through the tension.

Wang Tiancheng, who was about to stride forward, hesitated, then whirled around.

There stood Lin Dong, hands casually tucked in his pockets, regarding him with an unfazed look.

"Lin Dong, are you looking for trouble?"

Wang Tiancheng glared at Lin Dong with a venomous threat in his eyes.

But Lin Dong was unfazed.

Hands still in his pockets, he coolly replied, "You need to make good on your promise today, or you'll regret it."

"Regret? Ha!"

Wang Tiancheng scoffed, undaunted, pride fueling his bravado.

He then glared at Lin Dong and taunted, "I'm right here, come at me!"

With that, he raised his arm and lunged for Lin Dong's neck.

Just as he was about to seize Lin Dong by the neck, a shadow darted before his eyes.

A sharp pain erupted in his abdomen, causing him to involuntarily twist and collapse with a thud onto the ground.

The unforgiving ground met his back, eliciting from him a cry of agony.

Pain from both front and back converged in a torturous symphony.

Wang Tiancheng's face spasmed uncontrollably.

Before he could gather himself from the pain, Lin Dong lifted a foot and pressed it firmly against his chest.

Wang Tiancheng felt as though a boulder was crushing him, making it nearly impossible to breathe!

The intense pressure forced his eyes to bulge as he grasped at Lin Dong's ankle, desperately trying to shove him off.

But Lin Dong's foot was immovable, his force steadily mounting.

Wang Tiancheng had underestimated Lin Dong's strength.

He was a regular at the gym, his body sculpted with muscle, and typically, it would take several men to challenge him.

Yet Lin Dong, appearing so unassuming, wielded such explosive power!

Wang Tiancheng was powerless, overwhelmed by the sheer agony.

Lin Dong, looking down at Wang Tiancheng, commanded, "Now, go kneel and apologize to Liang Yu!"

His words were measured, his tone even.

But the icy chill within them cut through to Wang Tiancheng.

At that moment, Wang Tiancheng's chest was visibly indented.

The bones there were bearing the brunt of an extreme weight, and if Lin Dong applied any more force, Wang Tiancheng's chest bones would shatter on the spot!

Without the skeletal protection, the splintered bones would puncture his organs, ending his life.

In his heart, Wang Tiancheng yearned to fight back.

But the situation was overpowering. Confronted with Lin Dong's icy glare, he couldn't help but yell out, "I apologize, I'll kneel! Please, just let me go!"

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