LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C240 Completed the Mission and Received a Bugatti
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C240 Completed the Mission and Received a Bugatti
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C240 Completed the Mission and Received a Bugatti


Lin Dong couldn't help but chuckle.

The thug's antics had tickled his funny bone.

The onlookers were equally entertained.

Moments ago, the thug had been all bluster and threats, but who would have thought he was such a coward?

He didn't even measure up to his own lackeys!

While everyone had initially been scared, now they were fearless and found the situation hilarious.

The thug leader, however, was unconcerned. As long as Lin Dong forgave him, he was off the hook, and that was all that mattered!

He looked at Lin Dong eagerly, like a dog waiting for its owner to toss it a bone.


Lin Dong gestured dismissively.

"Thank you, big brother! Thank you! I'm outta here!"

The thug leader stood up, overjoyed, and prepared to leave.

But then Lin Dong spoke up again: "Wait."


The thug leader dropped to his knees once more.

He looked up at Lin Dong and pleaded, "What else would you have me do? As long as you don't hit me, anything goes!"

Lin Dong regarded him coolly and stated, "From now on, I don't want to see you around here, especially not bullying anyone. If I do, I'll deal with you each and every time."

"Got it! Big brother, you can count on me. I won't bully anyone ever again!"

The thug leader quickly made his vow.

"Good, now you can go."

Lin Dong gave the command.

Like a scolded pup, the thug leader turned tail and scampered off.

He didn't even glance back at his fallen comrades; his retreat was hasty and undignified.

The two underlings, feeling their pain subside, realized they couldn't be left behind. They scrambled to their feet and hurried after their boss.

They vanished into the crowd.


"That guy is seriously tough!"

"Incredible! He took on three thugs single-handedly!"

"I, Zhang San, have the utmost respect for you!"

"You, young man, are a true Peacekeeper!"

"Let's hear it for him! Clap! Clap! Clap!"


After the thugs had left, the crowd showered Lin Dong with thumbs-ups and accolades.

Lin Dong remained indifferent.

In his mind, those three thugs were insignificant.

Together, they were no match for even one of his fingers. He had disciplined them simply to ensure the locals could live without fear of being bullied.

Lin Dong was a proud member of Jiangyang University, and he took comfort in the positive environment that surrounded the school. He had no use for praise.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the random mission. You have been rewarded with a Bugatti Veyron supercar, now parked in your villa's garage!"

"The car keys have been placed in the host's pocket."

The system alert chimed in.

Lin Dong felt a weight in his pocket, reached in, and pulled out a key, feeling a twinge of surprise. He hadn't expected to be rewarded with a car for completing a mission! But now was not the time to dwell on that.

The beautiful girl who had been cornered by the thugs earlier approached him, her face alight with gratitude. "Thank you for saving me!" she exclaimed.

"No problem, helping others is its own reward," Lin Dong responded with a charismatic smile that came naturally to his handsome features, putting others at ease.

The girl blushed slightly and introduced herself, "Um, my name is Jiang Keke. I just transferred to Jiangyang University today."

"Just arrived? Why didn't your family come with you?" Lin Dong asked, his curiosity piqued.

She replied with a hint of shyness, "My family went ahead to handle the transfer paperwork. I overslept this morning and came by myself, not expecting to run into trouble. If it weren't for you, those bullies might have had their way with me..."

"It seems we were meant to meet. How about you join me on my way to school?" Lin Dong offered.

After all, having already dealt with the troublemakers, he was more than willing to ensure Jiang Keke's safe arrival at school.

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