LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C254 After Asking on the Phone Lin Dong Was Really the Boss!
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C254 After Asking on the Phone Lin Dong Was Really the Boss!
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C254 After Asking on the Phone Lin Dong Was Really the Boss!

Manager Zhang's eyes sparkled with incredulity as he exclaimed, "Universal Real Estate Company has been fully taken over by an outsider. The controlling shareholder's name is Lin Dong!" His gaze then shifted towards Lin Dong.

Earlier, during their introduction, Han Qingxue had mentioned Lin Dong's name, so Manager Zhang was aware of it. Now, the entire Universal Real Estate Company was under the control of someone named Lin Dong, the same man standing before them. Lin Dong had just revealed that the whole company, including Manager Zhang himself, was part of his assets. It was unmistakably clear that Lin Dong, standing right there, was the controlling shareholder.

Wang Tiancheng strode over and snatched the phone from Manager Zhang's grasp. He scanned the information on the screen, verified that the website was correct, and his eyes widened in shock. "How can this be?! My family definitely has full control over Universal Real Estate Company! This can't be happening; Lin Dong, you must be cheating!"

Without hesitation, Wang Tiancheng turned to face Lin Dong.

"It's quite simple. Just call your father, and you'll know," Lin Dong said calmly, standing nearby.

Driven by instinct, Wang Tiancheng pulled out his phone and dialed his father's number. The call connected almost immediately, and Wang Tiancheng blurted out, "Dad, why aren't you the one controlling the company?"

After a brief silence, a weary and raspy voice replied, "Son, I didn't want to worry you with this, fearing it would be too much for you to handle. But now that you're aware of everything, there's no point in keeping it from you. Our company has been poorly managed, and our capital chain is broken. All the shares have been sold to ensure the company's operations continue. I'm no longer the chairman, though I still sit on the board and receive an annual dividend. However, I no longer have any control."

Hearing this, Wang Tiancheng stood frozen, his eyes wide with shock as if struck by a bolt from the blue.

"Then who is the controlling shareholder?" he asked reflexively.

"Oh, his name is Lin Dong. After his investment, the share transfer was completed, but he hasn't made an appearance at the company. I've been meaning to call him these past few days to pay my respects. After all, as a board member, it's my duty to welcome our new boss. We'll need to work together moving forward..."

Wang Weihe was speaking on the other end of the phone.

Meanwhile, Wang Tiancheng's mind automatically muted the sound of his voice.

A buzzing noise filled his head.

He never expected Lin Dong to be the actual controlling shareholder of Universal Real Estate Company!

His former pride and domineering attitude were entirely based on his family owning the whole company!

His net worth was in the billions, and he was set to inherit such a vast empire!

But now, he had learned that his father had sold the entire company to Lin Dong.

He was left with nothing but a minor seat on the board of directors.

The fall from his lofty perch to the ground was jarring, leaving him feeling deeply unsettled.

After ending the call, Wang Tiancheng turned his gaze to Lin Dong.

Lin Dong was still standing there, hands casually tucked into his pockets, exuding an air of nonchalance.

Had Wang Tiancheng not personally confirmed it over the phone, he would never have believed that the unassuming man before him was the same tycoon capable of shelling out a billion or two to purchase the entire Universal Real Estate Company.

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