LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C260 In the Abandoned Parking Lot Lin Dong Suppressed Him
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C260 In the Abandoned Parking Lot Lin Dong Suppressed Him
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C260 In the Abandoned Parking Lot Lin Dong Suppressed Him

Swish, swish, swish...

As Lin Dong drove forward, dozens of men in flamboyant attire emerged from the underbrush of the dilapidated parking lot. Their hair was dyed in a rainbow of colors, and many wore jade locks or other ostentatious trinkets around their necks. Moreover, nearly every one of them sported tattoos on their arms, exuding a rough-and-tumble air.

Lin Dong noticed they were armed with various controlled knives and such, giving off a fierce vibe. In this setting, the sight of them would send shivers down the spine of any ordinary person. But Lin Dong wasn't fazed in the slightest.

He pressed on the gas and continued forward, not stopping for anyone who might be standing in his way. Those on the roadside, seeing the car's wheels bearing down on them, quickly leapt aside, cursing under their breath but powerless to do anything else.

Lin Dong barreled on, reaching the end of the road. There stood a warehouse on a cleared lot, surrounded by a crowd of people. At the forefront was a man with a shaven head. His eyes were small and elongated, his belly protruded, and he wore a vest that displayed his arms, each adorned with a tattoo of an eagle in flight. A hefty gold chain hung around his neck, the very image of a formidable boss. This was Big Belly.

Lin Dong didn't slow down. The Rolls Royce wasn't speeding, but it wasn't crawling either. If he kept driving, the people ahead would be bowled over.

"Ouch! Move it!" someone yelled.

"Damn! His car's gonna run someone over!"

"Bro, step aside!"

The crowd scattered quickly, none wanting to be flattened right there and then. Big Belly, however, stood his ground, trying to maintain his tough demeanor. But when the Rolls Royce Cullinan loomed close, threatening to mow him down, even he couldn't help but widen his eyes and step back.

What he hadn't anticipated was the stone lying just behind him. He stumbled over it and fell, landing sprawled out on the ground, unable to suppress a yelp of surprise and pain.

The once formidable presence had vanished in an instant!

"Damn! Who taught you how to drive!?"

"Smash his car!"

"You dare to hit my brother? You're asking for trouble!"

"Where's the brick? Throw it!"


The thugs around them were making a racket.

"Who dares?"

Lin Dong stepped out of the car, his voice calm yet commanding.

The thugs, ready to close in, found themselves rooted to the spot, overawed by Lin Dong's presence.

Unconcerned with the bystanders, Lin Dong approached Big Belly and looked down at him, "Where's Bashan? Release him."

As Lin Dong's words hung in the air, Lee Tao and the others dismounted their bikes, standing firm as they faced Big Belly.

"Hand him over!"

"Release Bashan!"

"Think you can mess with us? We're not pushovers!"

"Let him go now, or it's going to get ugly!"


Members of the Motorcycle Club yelled with authority.

They exuded confidence and strength.

There's an old saying: "A single brave soldier can inspire an army of bears!"

Lin Dong, with his commanding aura, faced down a horde of street thugs without a hint of fear, charging through them with ease!

He even managed to scare Big Belly, the ringleader, into sitting on the ground.

Naturally, those with Lin Dong rose to the occasion, becoming more assertive.

In contrast, the opposing thugs' morale plummeted.

They all turned to their leader, Big Belly.

"What the hell are you staring at? Come and help me up!" Big Belly bellowed in frustration.

His anger was palpable.

In this moment, Big Belly was the picture of disarray.

He had tried to exude the air of a boss but failed miserably, even taking a tumble, leaving him utterly humiliated!

His underlings just stood there, gawking foolishly, which was beyond infuriating!

He had to regain control of the situation!

First on his agenda was to teach Lin Dong a harsh lesson, to show him what happens when you intimidate the big brother of the streets!

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