LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C266 Returning to the Club to Celebrate the Dinner
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C266 Returning to the Club to Celebrate the Dinner
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C266 Returning to the Club to Celebrate the Dinner



"Ah! Big brother!"


Several underlings shouted in alarm.

They hadn't expected someone to burst in and kill Big Belly.

The assailant had struck Big Belly under the chin.

From the front, a thin line of blood was clearly visible on his neck.

As the blood line appeared, it slowly began to spread.

Big Belly's eyes bulged, and he collapsed to the ground with a thud.

He was dead.

The attacker flicked the knife and swiftly retreated, escaping through the window.

A shadow flickered.

Big Belly, who had just been screaming, was now a lifeless body.

"Quick, save the boss!"

"After him!"

"We can't let the bastard get away!"

"Everyone, block the exits!"


The underlings were all shouting and giving orders.

They only snapped into action when Big Belly hit the floor.

The assailant had moved so quickly, dispatching Big Belly in an instant, leaving everyone too stunned to react.

Some ran out to summon help.

Others approached Big Belly's side, but none dared to touch him.

Blood was pooling around Big Belly's neck, and anyone who intervened would be smeared with it.

They could only stand by helplessly, watching the blood spread, much like a butcher witnessing the lifeblood drain from a slaughtered pig.

Lin Dong was driving on the road.

Unbeknownst to him, a mysterious figure had just killed Big Belly.

As he drove, Lin Dong called Hsu Ziyan.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

Hsu Ziyan's voice was as calm and soothing as ever.

Hearing her voice, Lin Dong was reminded of their encounter in the restaurant's private dining area.

The memory flickered in his mind and then vanished.

"Have you found out anything about the assassin?" Lin Dong asked.

"Not yet, but we've narrowed it down to a few suspects. We might have a confirmation in the next couple of days," Hsu Ziyan replied.

"Alright, I need you to look into someone for me. Lin Ruobing—I want to know her status within the Lin Family," Lin Dong said as he continued to drive.

"Lin Ruobing? I'm familiar with her. She belongs to the third branch of the Lin Family, not a very high status. Why, Mr. Lin, are you interested in her?" Hsu Ziyan's voice came through, tinged with a playful note.

It seemed that since there were no longer any barriers between her and Lin Dong, she had become somewhat more brazen in her actions.

Lin Dong adjusted the steering wheel and remarked calmly, "You shouldn't pry into my affairs so much. She's been marked by someone recently, and I'm not sure what's going on. You need to figure it out; I have a hunch there's a plot brewing."

"As you wish."

Hsu Ziyan responded and then ended the call.

"Dudu dudu..." A busy signal followed.

Lin Dong glanced at his phone's black screen and let out a frustrated sigh. Hsu Ziyan, clearly one of his subordinates, had the audacity to hang up on him! Such a lack of discipline! But the call was already disconnected, and Lin Dong wasn't about to call back just to reprimand her. That would be beneath him. He'd deal with her when the opportunity arose.

Lin Dong pressed the gas pedal and continued on his way. He called Lee Tao to check on Bashan's condition and learned that Bashan's injuries were minor and that he had already returned to the Skyfire Motorcycle Club. Lin Dong then rerouted his course toward the club.

He arrived shortly after. The arrival of the Rolls Royce Cullinan was met with the club members' eager greetings. This was Lin Dong's second official visit. Unlike his previous detached demeanor, this time the members' faces were alight with excitement, sincerity, and profound admiration. Lin Dong had led the rescue of Bashan and had single-handedly subdued the insolent thugs, forcing Big Belly to kneel and beg for mercy. It was a heartening victory!

Bashan had changed into fresh clothes. After some rest, he was able to move around on his own. The bruised areas had been treated with ointments to alleviate the swelling and discoloration. It looked severe, but he was actually alright. He personally opened the door for Lin Dong.

"How are you feeling? Any better?" Lin Dong inquired.

"Dong, don't worry about me. I can take a beating with no problem; I could even go for a run right now!" Bashan boasted, flexing his arm to show off his muscle.

"Alright, but you should skip the running and rest for a few days instead," Lin Dong advised.

Lin Dong gave his arm a reassuring pat.

Bashan chuckled and said, "Dong, come on in!"

Lin Dong didn't hesitate.

Once inside, he was greeted by members of the Skyfire Motorcycle Club lining both sides of the road, cheering him on.

"Mighty Dong!"

"Mighty Dong! Mighty Dong!"

"Mighty Dong!"


It was unclear who started it, but the chanting quickly caught on.

The girls' voices were the loudest and most enthusiastic!

Girls are always drawn to heroes.

While Lin Dong wasn't a traditional hero, he had led the club members to stand up against the bullies, and he had even rescued Bashan!

They had all seen Lin Dong's combat prowess during the rescue.

His image was now etched deeply into their hearts!

The warm reception took Lin Dong by surprise.

He hadn't thought much of it initially. To him, rescuing people was simply the right thing to do. Lin Dong couldn't stand idly by while his people were harassed.

Taking on those thugs hadn't been much of a challenge for him.

His mastery of the Eight Blasts and the precise control over his leg muscles made short work of the gangsters.

But to the members of the Skyfire Motorcycle Club, his actions were nothing short of heroic!

Amidst the roaring cheers, Lin Dong made his way to the office.

Lee Tao and the rest of the group followed closely.

Lin Dong said, "You all need to cool it with the enthusiasm; you're making me blush."

"No way, Dong. What you did today was outstanding. We're all indebted to you for your bravery!" Bashan replied with a grin.

"Yeah, Dong, you're incredible. I'm in awe!"

"That was a group of over fifty thugs, all armed, and without you, we'd have been in for a beating!"

"Seriously, my legs were shaking with fear!"

"Dong V587!"


The crowd around him erupted in cheers.

Lee Tao added with a smile, "Dong and Sister Bing are both formidable. If Sister Bing were here, I'd be tempted to play matchmaker for you two!"

"Absolutely, Dong and Sister Bing are perfect for each other!"

"I'm all for it!"


The club members cheered once more.

Lin Ruobing was known for her icy demeanor, exuding an aura that kept others at bay, and she was stunningly beautiful.

Even if the boys at the club were quite fond of her, they wouldn't dare to express it openly in her presence.

It wasn't until Lin Dong arrived that he managed to overshadow them with his presence.

Bashan, in particular, noticed Lin Ruobing willingly sitting in Lin Dong's lap. With such an obvious display, how could he not support them?

Lin Dong gestured towards the group and said, "You guys, including Bashan, can't you say something positive? When will you stop bringing this up?"

"Now's the perfect time! With Dong and Sister Bing leading us, we're not scared of anyone stirring up trouble!" Bashan responded with a grin.

"There's no issue with that, but to say we're a couple is taking it too far."

Sitting in the office chair, Lin Dong spoke up, "Seeing everyone so cheerful, here's what we'll do: let's go out for dinner tonight, my treat! It's a good time to make good on my promise for a get-together. Once we're done, we'll head over to Haorui KTV for some fun!"

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