LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C267 The Assassin Is Here Acting as a Female Waitress
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C267 The Assassin Is Here Acting as a Female Waitress
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C267 The Assassin Is Here Acting as a Female Waitress


"Oh, oh, oh!"

"Mighty Dong!"


The crowd erupted in cheers.

Dining out and enjoying Haorui KTV was just the kind of fun these young folks loved.

Everyone was aware that Haorui KTV was one of Lin Dong's ventures. With him present, there was no issue splurging.

Seizing the moment while spirits were high, Lin Dong had Lee Tao contact a hotel to reserve a spacious private room for the club members to dine in.

Lin Dong transferred fifty thousand dollars to Lee Tao.

To Lin Dong, with his wealth, this amount was negligible.

For Lee Tao, however, it represented a small fortune.

Despite his years of involvement with motorcycles, he had never spent this much money!

Moreover, a restaurant that charges fifty thousand dollars would undoubtedly be the epitome of luxury, with dishes that were sure to be exceptionally delicious!

The dining venue was settled on a restaurant named Jiangnan Feast.

Once the location was set, Lin Dong gestured decisively.

All the Motorcycle Club members mounted their bikes, while Lin Dong himself took the wheel of his Rolls Royce Cullinan, speeding towards their destination.

The Motorcycle Club's gates closed behind them.

At that moment, a Toyota Crown arrived.

The driver lowered the window, revealing a face obscured by sunglasses.

This was the assassin who had swiftly eliminated Big Belly at the abandoned parking lot.

Now, he had followed the trail to the Skyfire Motorcycle Club.

Observing the deserted Skyfire Motorcycle Club, he did not linger and continued on his way.

The car's speed was moderate, but its movements were nimble.

After navigating a few turns, he spotted a group of young bikers ahead, escorting a Rolls Royce Cullinan along the road.

The Rolls Royce Cullinan, majestic and opulent, stood out even more amidst the motorcycle entourage.

It was akin to a sovereign on a procession, flanked by loyal guards.

Nearby cars, including high-end brands like BBA, all turned on their hazard lights and moved aside, making way for the procession.

Normal traffic flow resumed only after the Rolls Royce Cullinan had passed.

The Toyota Crown, blending into the stream of vehicles, went unnoticed.

Before long, the convoy reached Jiangnan Banquet.

Upon seeing the Rolls Royce Cullinan approach, the parking attendants promptly jogged over, gesturing for the car to proceed forward.

As the Rolls Royce Cullinan settled securely into its parking space, the security guard approached with a nod and a bow, warmly greeting, "Welcome to the Jiangnan Feast, boss!" He then respectfully opened the car door with an outstretched hand.

Lin Dong stepped out of the car and closed the door behind him. He gave a nod and glanced over at the edge of the parking lot where Bashan, Lee Tao, and the rest of the crew were arriving on their motorcycles. They were moving a bit slower than usual since Bashan, despite his light-hearted comments, was injured and couldn't ride on his own. Lee Tao was giving him a lift.

Lin Dong had initially suggested that Bashan ride in the car, offering to pick up a few girls along the way as well. But Bashan had politely refused, insisting that a true motorcyclist belongs on their bike; a car just wouldn't provide the same experience. Lin Dong didn't quite understand, but he didn't push the issue.

Once everyone had arrived, Lin Dong inquired, "Lee Tao, which room did you reserve?"

Lee Tao secured his bike, removed his helmet, and replied, "Room 308, the luxury suite. It's spacious enough for two large round tables, complete with a sofa and a washroom."

"Alright then, lead the way," Lin Dong said with a smile.

Lee Tao nodded, stowed his helmet in the motorcycle's storage compartment, and announced, "Alright, thanks to Dong's generosity today, all you food lovers, follow me!"

"Cut it out, you're the foodie here!"

"It's you who's always eager to eat!"

"As if you don't love food yourself!"

They all laughed together...

The group, in high spirits, surrounded Lin Dong and made their way toward the main hall. Seeing everyone so joyful, Lin Dong couldn't help but feel uplifted.

After they had departed, a Toyota Crown rolled in. The security guard gave the outdated car a cursory glance and paid it no further attention. With years of experience at the Jiangnan Feast, he had developed a keen eye for status. Only the wealthy and distinguished could afford to dine here. Someone like Lin Dong, driving a Rolls Royce Cullinan, was clearly among the upper echelons of wealth and deserved special attention.

In contrast, a Toyota Crown was typically the choice of lackeys or freeloaders, individuals of little consequence with neither status nor skill, hardly meriting a second look.

The car door swung open, and a man with sunglasses stepped out. His skin was flawless, his fingers long and slender, his nails neatly trimmed. As he walked, his steps were firm and his posture upright. He carried a modest-sized handbag and strode forward with purpose. To the observant eye, his steps were remarkably uniform, as though measured with a ruler.

The man traversed the edge of the parking lot without drawing any attention. His path was meticulously planned to avoid the surveillance cameras scattered throughout the lot. Silently, he made his way toward the Jiangnan Banquet Hall.

Lin Dong, accompanied by the Skyfire Motorcycle Club members, had already entered the hall. Two elegantly dressed attendants in professional attire greeted them at the door with a bow, exclaiming, "Welcome to the Jiangnan Banquet!" The Jiangnan Banquet lived up to its reputation as Jiangyang's renowned upscale restaurant. The decor was exquisite, with a life-sized porcelain vase gracing the entrance and a fountain with gilded edges at its center. Glittering chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a resplendent glow that added to the grandeur.

The Skyfire Motorcycle Club members were awestruck, their eyes wide with wonder, some even letting out exclamations of awe. Their reactions betrayed their rustic roots. One waitress, with a welcoming smile, inquired, "Hello, guests. Have you reserved a room in advance, or would you like to select one now?"

Lee Tao, leading the group, glanced at Lin Dong before gesturing, "We've booked ahead. Room 308!"

"Very well, please follow me," the waitress responded, gesturing for them to follow.

Lee Tao paused, giving Lin Dong a respectful nod before proceeding. The other attendant's gaze lingered on Lin Dong, clearly impressed by his presence.

Lee Tao's deference made it clear to anyone paying attention that Lin Dong was the undisputed leader of the group. Lin Dong's youthful, handsome features left the attendant silently marveling. His looks could rival those of a movie star, and the way Lee Tao regarded him was unmistakably that of someone looking up to a leader.

The people around Lin Dong treated him with great respect.

Considering his youth and high status, he must come from a powerful background.

The waiter's eyes sparkled with recognition.

Yet, these waiters, trained professionals in such establishments, kept their amazement to themselves, never voicing it.

They escorted Lin Dong and his party to the private room on the third floor.

A lively group trailed behind, all in high spirits.

As the elevator carried them away, a man with sunglasses approached.

The remaining waitress greeted him with a smile, "Hello, sir, may I..."

"I'm with the group that just went up," the man in sunglasses interjected, smiling.

"Oh, my apologies, let me escort you to them!"

The waitress offered, gesturing to lead the way.

"No need, I can find my own way. I know where Room 308 is."

The man with sunglasses declined and headed for the elevator.

His demeanor was relaxed and confident, leaving the waitress without any suspicion as she allowed him to enter the elevator.

Upon reaching the third floor, the elevator doors opened to reveal a waitress in a business suit stepping out.

Her appearance was striking, her posture impeccable.

If not for the small carrying case in her hand, she could easily be mistaken for one of the establishment's own staff.

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