LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C27 Changing the Phone in Advance
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C27 Changing the Phone in Advance
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C27 Changing the Phone in Advance

"Lin Dong, should I bring them along?" Ma Chenchen asked, her gaze fixed on Lin Dong. Her demeanor was noticeably softer with him compared to her interactions with Liu Wenming and the others.

"Lin Dong! We're good buddies; you've got to help us out!"

"Just nod, give a brother a chance!"

"Yeah, come on, agree to it. Ma Chenchen will do whatever you say!"

Lin Dong responded with a sense of resignation, "If they're coming along, then I'm out." He was completely worn out and had no interest in the festivities.

"No way! You made a promise!" Ma Chenchen protested immediately.

"Fine, they can come. Let's all go have some fun," Lin Dong conceded in the end.


"I knew Dong was all about loyalty!"

"This is great! I'm so ready for the mixer!"

Liu Wenming, Tian Chao, and Zhou Hengyu cheered with excitement. The decision was made.

With Lin Dong's approval, Ma Chenchen returned to her seat, beaming with joy. Everyone else was nearly done eating as well.

The food containers were tossed into the trash bag. Liu Wenming, buoyed by the good mood, eagerly volunteered to take out the trash, disposing of it with diligence.

Tian Chao nudged Lin Dong and asked, "Hey, Lin, what was that earlier? The Kitchen Manager himself delivered the food and even made fresh dishes!"

Zhou Hengyu chimed in with curiosity, "Did you get the head teacher, Wang Shenglee, to come over?"

Earlier, Zhou Hengyu had overheard Lin Dong's phone conversation with Wang Shenglee, who seemed to hold Lin Dong in high regard. He suspected their relationship was quite special.

This time, assuming Lin Dong couldn't cover the meal (just a guess), he must have called on Wang Shenglee for assistance. With Wang Shenglee's influence, the Kitchen Manager had brought over new dishes for Lin Dong in an attempt to ingratiate himself. The logic seemed flawless!

Lin Dong wanted to set the record straight.

But after a moment's thought, he realized explaining would be too complicated, and his friends were unlikely to believe he had the money anyway. So he simply said, "No, I paid for the meal. He felt guilty about it, so he personally delivered the food."


"So, you actually won 20,000 yuan!" Tian Chao and Zhou Hengyu exclaimed in turn.

Lin Dong simply nodded.

Both Tian Chao and Zhou Hengyu's eyes went wide with astonishment.

They had initially thought Lin Dong was just splurging to get back at someone, but to their surprise, he had genuinely won 20,000 dollars. Nice!

Now, no one would have to worry about covering meal costs in the future!

Seeing the looks on Tian Chao and Zhou Hengyu's faces, Lin Dong chuckled, not bothering to elaborate.

He opened the text message on his phone, saw the notification of a 100 million yuan deposit, and promptly deleted the message.

Lin Dong decided to keep his newfound wealth to himself.

The message was too conspicuous; better to just get rid of it.

After starting off with a windfall of 100 million, and following the face-slapping incidents with Wang Lei and Zhang Xiaofeng, he was rewarded with another 100 million.

Lin Dong's personal account was now flush with 200 million in cash, solidifying his status as a bona fide billionaire!

He also had the Haorui KTV worth a billion yuan and a school district building waiting for him to claim.

As for the inheritance rights to 30 billion in assets, Lin Dong would deal with that in due time; it wasn't going anywhere.

Just then, Lin Dong's phone flickered and the screen went black.

He tapped it a few times, but there was no response.

It looked like it had finally reached the end of its life.

Lin Dong realized that his immediate priority was to buy a new phone to replace this outdated smartphone.

Otherwise, what would happen if he needed to pay for something at the mixer and his phone wouldn't turn on? How embarrassing would that be?

He definitely didn't want to repeat today's experience of not having enough money to settle the bill after a meal.

Even though Ma Chenchen would be at the mixer, it was better to be safe than sorry. He'd get a new phone before the event.

After all, with Lin Dong's current net worth, picking out a new phone was a trivial matter.

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