LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C282 At Lunch Time Qian Daloong Invited Him to Dinner
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C282 At Lunch Time Qian Daloong Invited Him to Dinner
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C282 At Lunch Time Qian Daloong Invited Him to Dinner

"Jiang Keke, you don't seem to be in good spirits today," a voice tinged with concern floated from behind Lin Dong.

Turning around, he spotted Liu Wenming. As Liu Wenming's roommate, Lin Dong knew exactly what was on his mind. Liu Wenming was feigning concern to cozy up to Jiang Keke!

Liu Wenming, a bit on the heavier side, was quick-witted and always had a compliment at the ready. He generally got along well with the girls, but they only ever saw him as the funny friend, nothing more. Yet, Liu Wenming was nothing if not persistent. Even when a girl made it clear she wasn't interested in dating him, he wouldn't give up and was always reaching out to someone new—like Jiang Keke, the recent transfer student.

The exchange between Jiang Keke and Lin Dong had gone unnoticed by the others; they had kept their voices low. Liu Wenming didn't know the reason behind Jiang Keke's mood; he just noticed she seemed down and struck up a conversation. In his mind, if he managed to charm her, it would be a major win for him.

Lin Dong didn't bother with Liu Wenming's intentions. He remained silent, idly thumbing through a textbook at the table.

Thanks to Lin Dong's earlier words, Jiang Keke had managed to regain some composure. She mustered a smile for Liu Wenming and said, "Thank you. Maybe I just didn't sleep well last night?"

"You really should watch out for that. Experts say that sleeping late can lead to dull skin due to pigment settling. There's this hydrating face mask that works wonders—I could recommend it to you," Liu Wenming offered eagerly.

"Thanks, I'll just make sure to get some extra rest," Jiang Keke replied, not keen on prolonging the conversation. She was still feeling low and had already exerted herself by engaging with Liu Wenming.

Liu Wenming, taking her response in stride, nodded with a grin. "No need to thank me—we're all classmates here. By the way, Keke, what's your WeChat ID? We should add each other as friends!"

"This..." Jiang Keke hesitated. She wasn't one to casually add people as friends, but she struggled to find the words to decline.

"Hey, hey, Liu, what are you up to? Class is about to start and you're still asking for someone's WeChat?" Tian Chao's voice rang out. He glanced at Jiang Keke and smiled reassuringly. "Liu's always like this. Don't mind him!"

Once Tian Chao finished, Lin Dong chimed in, hands clasped, "Exactly, Liu's just the type who likes making friends. He means no harm. Add him if you want, or don't—it's all good."

Jiang Keke offered a small smile in response. Without a word, her expression said it all—she wasn't interested in adding Liu Wenming as a friend.

Liu Wenming, feeling regretful, stealthily stepped on Tian Chao's foot under the desk and shot her a sharp glare. If Tian Chao hadn't interjected, he might have already gotten Jiang Keke's WeChat by now! When would such a chance come again? But Liu Wenming's eyes lacked any real intimidation.

Tian Chao nudged Liu Wenming, grinning, "Better take your seat, quick. Today's lesson is with Zhang Meili. If you don't make a good impression, your standing in her eyes will definitely take a hit."

"Oh right, it's Zhang Meili's lesson today—I nearly forgot!" Liu Wenming promptly straightened up, his face a picture of concentration. Everyone knew he had a one-sided interest in Zhang Xinrui, who was blissfully unaware of his affections.

Liu Wenming's antics didn't escape the amused glances of Lin Dong, Tian Chao, Zhou Hengyu, and Jiang Keke. His often comical behavior was perfect for lightening the mood. Even Jiang Keke felt her spirits lift, the earlier gloominess now a distant memory.

The sound of footsteps approached from outside the classroom. Lin Dong looked up to see a familiar figure in a black dress, her hair cascading down her back, her oval face radiant and charming.

The individual who arrived was Lin Dong's English teacher, Zhang Xinrui. Upon entering the classroom, she immediately surveyed the students with a keen eye. Her gaze lingered on Lin Dong for a brief moment, causing his heart to stir. He couldn't fathom why Zhang Xinrui would single him out with such a look, and it gave him an uneasy feeling.

Just then, Zhang Xinrui shifted her attention away. She positioned herself beside the teacher's desk, unfolded the attendance book, and began calling out names. Once roll call was completed, she started the lesson.

Throughout the class, Lin Dong was preoccupied with thoughts of Zhang Xinrui, anticipating that she might call on him to answer questions as a way to trouble him. However, to his surprise, the class ended without her asking him a single question. What had changed? Lin Dong was puzzled.

Since the incident where he had unintentionally offended Zhang Xinrui, she had been consistently finding ways to make things difficult for him. There was that one time he had helped her by pretending to be her boyfriend in front of her family, after which she seemed to ease up on her criticisms. But despite the apparent calm today, Lin Dong couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, especially after the pointed look she had given him. Unable to pinpoint the source of his discomfort, he eventually decided to let it go and focus on the class.

During the break, Jiang Keke pulled Lin Dong aside for a private conversation. She shared some details about Qian Daloong, revealing that he hailed from another province and was involved in a lucrative jewelry business, far surpassing the wealth of her own family's enterprise. This explained why, after being pursued by Qian Daloong and the subsequent events, her family had whisked her away to attend university in Jiangyang City instead of staying behind to resolve the issues.

After their talk, Jiang Keke earnestly cautioned Lin Dong to avoid meeting Qian Daloong alone if he ever sought him out. Lin Dong nodded in agreement, though internally, he remained unconcerned.

Qian Daloong's character was crystal clear to Lin Dong from their initial encounter.

He epitomized the classic 'rich second generation,' with an air of arrogance that surpassed both Liang Yu and Lee Zhan.

Moreover, he possessed a cunning edge sharper than Wang Tiancheng's.

Such a person might pose a significant challenge to the average individual.

However, for Lin Dong, it was hardly a concern.

As noon approached,

Liu Wenming was eager to obtain Jiang Keke's WeChat information.

With genuine warmth, he proposed that the group dine together in the small kitchen, his treat.

As everyone was in high spirits, ready to accompany Liu Wenming for the meal, an unfamiliar young man approached.

Spotting Lin Dong, he didn't hesitate to say, "You're Lin Dong, correct? I come on behalf of Qian Daloong, Brother Long. He regrets the morning's unpleasantness and has gone to the trouble of preparing a spread of food and drinks for you off-campus. He cordially invites you to join him and intends to offer his apologies in person."

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