LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C294 Lin Dong Followed Him He Was Targeted the Moment He Arrived
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C294 Lin Dong Followed Him He Was Targeted the Moment He Arrived
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C294 Lin Dong Followed Him He Was Targeted the Moment He Arrived

"Chung Xiong, isn't he the slacker who was always chauffeured to school in a Mercedes-Benz?" Zhang Xinrui exclaimed in surprise.

"That's the one. Chung Xiong may be a slacker, but he's loaded! Rumor has it his family's company went public and raked in a fortune these past few years, amassing assets worth hundreds of millions. He's the mastermind behind this reunion! Plus, he's footing the bill for all the expenses. He's managed to round up everyone from our class who could be reached, so I think you should come along. It's been years since we've all seen each other," Ruan Qingqing chimed in, her excitement for the event palpable.

"I'd rather not, I need to prepare for my class this afternoon," Zhang Xinrui declined outright. Her reluctance to attend wasn't due to any pretense of cool detachment; it was because Lin Dong, her stand-in boyfriend, wasn't suited for such an event. If her ruse was uncovered, all her careful planning would be for naught, and she'd be the laughingstock of her classmates. Besides, Zhang Xinrui's personality didn't mesh well with such social settings, and she didn't share any significant bond with Chung Xiong. Ruan Qingqing, on the other hand, was quite invested in the idea.

Pointing at Lin Dong, she urged, "We're just going to have fun, and it's all on Chung Xiong's dime! Plus, with a boyfriend as handsome as yours, you'd be the envy of all our friends at the reunion!"

Before Zhang Xinrui could decline again, Ruan Qingqing took her hand and pleaded, "Come on, I don't really want to go by myself. If you and Lin Dong come along, you can keep me company. If you're not enjoying it, we can always leave—no one's going to force us to stay."

Ruan Qingqing's enthusiasm was infectious. Zhang Xinrui was inclined to refuse, but faced with her friend's heartfelt plea, she didn't want to let her down. She nodded in agreement, "Alright, I'll swing by, but I'll just make a quick appearance and head back."

She glanced at Lin Dong as she spoke the final words, signaling to him that she'd need his assistance for a brief appearance at the reunion.

Lin Dong remained noncommittal.

He stayed seated, opting not to join the conversation between the two.

Upon hearing Zhang Xinrui's agreement to attend the class reunion, Ruan Qingqing let out a cheer.

She then grabbed her shoulder bag and hurriedly said, "Well, let's get going. We'll arrive just in time for dinner!"

"You're such a foodie."

Zhang Xinrui teased with a smile.

She glanced over at Lin Dong and noticed he didn't seem opposed to the idea.

So, she stood up and grabbed her purse.

Zhang Xinrui had already applied her makeup for school that day.

It was a subtle look, but with her natural beauty, she was quite stunning.

She hadn't changed out of her morning's attire, a black dress she wore to school.

With Lin Dong and Ruan Qingqing in tow, she walked out the door.

Lin Dong trailed behind them.

He had just showered and was feeling invigorated.

Watching Ruan Qingqing and Zhang Xinrui chat and laugh ahead of him, he felt remarkably at ease.

Class reunions didn't pique Lin Dong's interest.

He was only going to eat and drink, and then he'd return home after completing his task – a straightforward plan.

Hands in his pockets, he walked on, observing the two girls ahead of him and feeling quite content.

Zhang Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing were indeed attractive, with elegant figures, straight postures, and long hair cascading over their shoulders. Their silhouettes were a pleasant sight from behind.

Lin Dong leisurely followed the girls downstairs.

They then hopped into Zhang Xinrui's Volkswagen Beetle and drove out of the neighborhood.

Ruan Qingqing was familiar with the venue for the gathering.

She pulled out her phone for navigation, and in about twenty minutes, the trio arrived at an upscale restaurant.

Once there, Ruan Qingqing led Zhang Xinrui and Lin Dong to the reserved dining room.

The room was bustling with noise, and waiters bustled about delivering dishes.

Suddenly, a young man in a suit approached.

He seemed to have just returned from the restroom.

Upon spotting Zhang Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing, he exclaimed in surprise, "Hey, isn't that Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing?"

Lin Dong followed the sound and spotted a man with a round face and large ears, sporting a side-parted hairstyle. He wasn't particularly attractive, appearing somewhat greasy, and looked older than his years. Lin Dong remained silent upon seeing him; they weren't acquainted, and since Lin Dong was posing as Zhang Xinrui's boyfriend, he wouldn't initiate conversation without her lead to avoid slipping up. He knew Zhang Xinrui wouldn't forgive him if he botched this act.

Meanwhile, Ruan Qingqing and Zhang Xinrui caught sight of the portly man approaching. They looked on with mild surprise. The man straightened his suit and lifted his chin, saying, "How come two such beauties don't recognize me? I'm Chung Xiong."

He was the organizer of this class reunion and the wealthiest classmate Ruan Qingqing had referred to—Chung Xiong. Realization dawned on Zhang Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing.

Zhang Xinrui gave Chung Xiong a once-over and exclaimed, "Chung Xiong, I wouldn't have recognized you if you hadn't introduced yourself. How much weight have you gained?"

"Haha, life's been good, and I've wanted to control it, but just can't seem to manage," Chung Xiong replied with ease.

He then glanced at Zhang Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing with a twinkle in his eye and smiled. "You two have only grown more beautiful over the years. I wonder who will be lucky enough to become your boyfriends?"

"Chung Xiong, you sure have a way with words these days. Haven't you been sweet-talking quite a few girls?" Ruan Qingqing teased, arms folded.

At her comment, Chung Xiong waved his hand dismissively and said, "Not at all, I'm a gentleman through and through! Enough chit-chat, let's head inside. Everyone's started eating already! The guys from our class will be absolutely stunned when they see the two of you!"

With that, Chung Xiong extended his hand, ready to usher Zhang Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing through the door.

Zhang Xinrui subtly stepped back to dodge his clumsy attempt to touch her.

Ruan Qingqing also stepped back, adding, "We're all classmates here; no need for formalities.

Plus, just so you know, Chung Xiong, Xinrui is already taken. Watch your step!

You wouldn't want to upset her boyfriend." She gestured towards Lin Dong, who was standing behind Zhang Xinrui.

Chung Xiong seemed to notice Lin Dong for the first time.

He gave Lin Dong a once-over, his gaze betraying a flicker of barely noticeable jealousy and annoyance.

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