LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C295 Chung Xiong Is Here to Show off His Power
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C295 Chung Xiong Is Here to Show off His Power
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C295 Chung Xiong Is Here to Show off His Power

Chung Xiong managed to mask his expression quite effectively.

Neither Zhang Xinrui nor Ruan Qingqing noticed it, but Lin Dong caught it.

He sensed something off. Chung Xiong appeared to be much darker than he let on.

Then, with a boisterous laugh, Chung Xiong said, "Xinrui's got a boyfriend now, quite the catch! Since everyone's here, let's all have some fun together!"

He spoke as he swung the private room door open.

Zhang Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing stepped inside.

As Lin Dong approached the door, Chung Xiong abruptly blocked him.

Lin Dong's brow furrowed. "What's the problem?"

He had already pegged Chung Xiong as bad news.

Now, with Chung Xiong holding him back, Lin Dong wondered what he was scheming.

Under Lin Dong's watchful eye, Chung Xiong just smiled and said, "Oh, it's nothing. I just didn't expect a classmate to bring extra guests to the gathering, so we're short on stools. Could you pop over to the storeroom and grab a round stool?"

Chung Xiong's words were delivered with a grin.

Had Lin Dong not seen the flash of jealousy and irritation in his eyes earlier, he might have believed Chung Xiong's intentions were pure.

With that in mind, Chung Xiong's request clearly seemed targeted at him.

Besides, would a restaurant really be short on stools?

And if they were, couldn't they just have a waiter fetch one?

But no, they asked him to go get a round stool for himself. If that wasn't being singled out, what was?

The so-called round stool was a basic, backless seat.

It was a far cry from the regular dining stools, typically used by staff for quick breaks or even as a makeshift spot to pile up odds and ends.

Yet now, Lin Dong was expected to fetch this stool and sit on it.

It was obvious; Chung Xiong was trying to put him in his place.

Lin Dong might have kept quiet so far, but he wasn't one to take things lying down.

Given his current status and capabilities, Chung Xiong was nothing more than an ant in his eyes.

Chung Xiong thought he could intimidate Lin Dong with his antics, but he picked the wrong target!

Lin Dong wasn't looking for trouble; he had the responsibility of assisting Zhang Xinrui in her performance, and picking a fight with Chung Xiong was unnecessary. He simply stated, "If there's no place for me to sit, I can just leave with Zhang Xinrui when it's time."

With that casual remark, he deflected Chung Xiong's scheming.

Chung Xiong's face fell. He had noticed Lin Dong earlier and intentionally spoke to him last, aiming to cozy up to Zhang Xinrui and Ruan Qingqing. Both girls were attractive, and Chung Xiong harbored intentions towards them.

As Zhang Xinrui's boyfriend, and with Ruan Qingqing's evident admiration, Lin Dong was an obstacle for Chung Xiong. However, he couldn't confront Lin Dong directly in Zhang Xinrui's presence, so he planned to assert his dominance later on.

Once Lin Dong sat on a low stool, making him appear shorter than the others, Chung Xiong intended to belittle him, hoping to make Lin Dong feel inferior and embarrass Zhang Xinrui. His ultimate goal was to break them up and have Zhang Xinrui seek comfort with him instead.

But Chung Xiong hadn't anticipated Lin Dong's swift response, which completely turned the tables on him.

As Chung Xiong was about to speak, Zhang Xinrui, who was ahead of him, realized Lin Dong hadn't followed her inside. She turned back and found Lin Dong outside the door. "What's the matter, Lin Dong? Why aren't you coming in?" she asked.

"There's no issue. One of your classmates mentioned there weren't enough stools in the room and asked me to fetch one," Lin Dong explained truthfully.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xinrui couldn't help but furrow her brow.

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