LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C37 I Drive a Bmw Why Do You Drive a Car?
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C37 I Drive a Bmw Why Do You Drive a Car?
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C37 I Drive a Bmw Why Do You Drive a Car?

Lin Dong didn't give off the impression of being wealthy.

What kind of car could he possibly drive?

A BYD or perhaps a Chery QQ?

Yan Guanglee sneered to himself as he reminisced about the service he had received at the cellphone store.

His eyes sparked with excitement, and he turned to the woman by his side, saying, "Let's go, babe, time to hit the road in our car!"

He planned to later flaunt his luxury vehicle, to make Lin Dong green with envy and utterly astonished. Ideally, Lin Dong would reach out in admiration, and then Yan could dismiss him with a scornful glance and drive off.

Ah, the perfect scenario. Hahaha!

Yan Guanglee was elated, thinking of his plan as he and his companion headed to his car.

He owned a BMW 3 Series, a flagship model of the brand, priced well over 300,000.

Only those from affluent backgrounds could afford such a car!

Yan Guanglee was all set. He started the engine but stayed put, eagerly anticipating Lin Dong's arrival to surprise him.

Lin Dong made his way to the parking lot.

He stood by a trash can, finishing off his last skewer of grilled gluten and tossing the stick away, along with his empty bubble tea cup.

After dusting off his hands, he entered the parking lot.

He usually refrained from indulging in such street food.

He was saving every penny for cosmetics and treats for Zhang Xiaofeng, supplementing her living expenses when they fell short.

If he splurged on snacks, he feared he wouldn't even afford pickles with his meals!

Thankfully, his dorm mates occasionally treated him to a good meal, or his life would be unbearably tough.

Reflecting on it, he realized that being with Zhang Xiaofeng was a financial drain!

Lin Dong was a simple soul.

One evening, while jogging alone, he spotted a girl crying by the riverbank. Worried she might fall in, he approached her, only to be embraced immediately.

After her tears subsided, she confided in him about her loneliness, lacking friends, and her desire for someone to talk to.

Moved by her plight, Lin Dong offered words of comfort and even shared his WeChat contact with her.

Lin Dong hadn't expected the girl to reach out to him the very next day, and that's when he learned her name was Zhang Xiaofeng.

Aware of his own circumstances, Lin Dong had initially been reluctant to get involved with another girl, but Zhang Xiaofeng was persistent, and eventually, they became an item.

He was constantly worried that Zhang Xiaofeng couldn't take care of him on her own, so he always made sure to bring her food.

When she mentioned running out of cosmetics, he didn't hesitate to give her money to buy more, even when he was short on cash himself. He scrimped and saved, working odd jobs to make ends meet.

It wasn't until he saw Zhang Xiaofeng's true colors that Lin Dong realized he was nothing more than a loyal dog in her eyes.


Looking back, Lin Dong found his past self somewhat laughable.

He had done so much for such a woman, and it truly wasn't worth it.

Thankfully, he had acquired the Wealth System, which rewarded him with three random tasks daily, transforming him from a struggling student into a billionaire.

The ordeal with Zhang Xiaofeng had made Lin Dong quite indifferent to romantic relationships.

That's why he was so dismissive when Tian Hui made advances towards him, coldly ignoring her and telling her to get out of the car!

Now, Lin Dong was determined to live for himself!

Carrying his handbag, Lin Dong approached his Pagani Huayran.

The security guards must have taken their break for a meal, as they weren't around to keep watch.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

As Lin Dong was about to unlock his car, a BMW pulled up, honking its horn.

Turning his head, Lin Dong recognized a vaguely familiar face peering out from the driver's window.

It was Yan Guanglee.

He had been eager to flaunt his success in front of Lin Dong, so he had followed him into the parking lot.

Lin Dong's brow creased slightly; he couldn't recall having wronged this man and wondered what he was up to.

At that moment, Yan Guanglee gave Lin Dong a once-over and chuckled, "Oh, it's you. What brings you here to drive?"

Lin Dong's frown deepened, yet he remained silent since they were strangers to each other.

Yan Guanglee, however, mistook Lin Dong's silence for awe at the sight of his car's emblem!

With a smug grin, he extended his hand to give the car a pat and boasted, "Kid, I'm behind the wheel of a BMW. What kind of car do you drive?"

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