LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C377 When He Drove over His Brother Mo Panshan Arrived
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C377 When He Drove over His Brother Mo Panshan Arrived
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C377 When He Drove over His Brother Mo Panshan Arrived


The Lamborghini Poison Engine roared as it drove forward.

Lin Dong increased his speed to its maximum!

The sports car moved close to the ground like a green flying sword, charging forward quickly.

The cars along the way heard the roaring sound and instinctively moved to the side of the road to avoid it.

In a flash, the Lamborghini poison had already flown past.

All that was left was a puff of smoke!

The driver of the small car stuck his head out of the window and stared at the Lamborghini Poison that had already disappeared into the distance with his eyes wide open. He was extremely shocked!

"F * ck! What kind of car is this? It's so fast! "

" It seems to be the Lamborghini poison. This is a sports car worth tens of millions! "

"Good boy, no wonder it's so fast! It's comparable to lightning!"

"If I could get such a sports car in my lifetime, how good would that be? I would be willing to live less than ten years!"


The drivers behind them were discussing with envy.

Lin Dong was steering the steering wheel with one hand while driving the Lamborghini poison. However, he was quickly approaching Liang Yu's house.

The place where he was just now was about half an hour away from Liang Yu's house.

The situation was urgent and he had to speed up.

Lin Dong drove the car at an extremely fast speed!

The Lamborghini Poison was a world-class limited sports car, and its speed was even faster than the Pagani Huayran!

Furthermore, Lin Dong had obtained the God of Cars skill, and his control over the car was very exquisite.

Many dangerous sections of the road, he was able to rely on his extremely powerful control to rush past them, and his speed did not decrease at all!

Under Lin Dong's powerful control, it only took more than ten minutes for the half hour drive to arrive!

Lin Dong saw a villa in the distance.

This was Liang Yu's home.

The place where Lin Dong and Liang Yu met was another place in Liang Yu's house.

Under normal circumstances, it was empty, and it was mainly for him to live there.

When Lin Dong drove to the gate of the manor, the security guard who was guarding the gate couldn't help but open the gate.

The security guard at the gate was very discerning to be able to guard the gate of such a villa.

Lin Dong drove very fast, but the logo of the big bull in front of the car was very eye-catching.

People who drove such a car were either rich or noble, they could not be offended!

The security guard saw the Lamborghini logo at a glance and made the appropriate moves.

Lin Dong was anxious, but he did not slow down. With a whimper, he rushed over from the main door.

The security guard at the gate could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had opened the gate in time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to protect his job if such a violent car hit the gate.

At the same time, he looked enviously at the Lamborghini Poison that was disappearing into the distance.

Such a car was worth at least tens of millions!

He would never be able to afford a car!


With the roaring sound of the engine, the Lamborghini poison, under Lin Dong's control, arrived at the location of a villa.

When he just arrived, Lin Dong saw several Mercedes-Benz BMW, as well as a luxurious nanny car, Alpha, and a few others parked in the parking lot in front of the villa.

At the entrance of the villa, there were more than ten people.

The few people in the lead were about forty to fifty years old, and they kept shouting.

"Liang Yu, you unfilial son, open the door for me!"

"Hiding in the house is nothing. You trash and that useless mother of yours are not qualified to own the company's shares!"

"Hand over the shares, or I will burn your home!"

"Get out here!"


These people kept shouting, their voices were ear-piercing and unpleasant to hear.

No wonder Liang Yu was so sad when he called.

His father was still alive, but his uncle had already forced him to the door to ask for shares. He was so f * cking shameless!

Lin Dong's heart was burning with anger. He drove the car and rammed into the crowd!

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