LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C41 A Car Key Deterred the Small Fry
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C41 A Car Key Deterred the Small Fry
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C41 A Car Key Deterred the Small Fry

"Lin Dong, that's Yan Zhuang! He's the cousin of the Red Sister's Didi Bar manager and does nothing but loaf around all day. He's really annoying!"

"He's also a junior in the Arts Department and the one who organized this mixer."

Ma Chenchen whispered to Lin Dong.

Lin Dong now understood the background of the guy with the buzz cut.

That explained why Ma Chenchen had been so insistent on Lin Dong coming; she had been pestered by this guy.

"Ma Chenchen! Who's this?"

Yan Zhuang pointed at Lin Dong, hostility written all over his face.

Ma Chenchen immediately edged closer to Lin Dong and huffed, "This is my boyfriend, so stop bothering me!"


"What's so great about a guy dressed so plainly?"

"Add up everything he's wearing, and it's barely worth a hundred bucks. He doesn't hold a candle to me!"

Yan Zhuang scoffed.

Lin Dong bristled at Yan Zhuang's insults.

He hadn't done anything to Yan Zhuang, so why was he being targeted?

He stepped forward, his expression stern, and said, "Better than you, for sure! Back off!"

Ma Chenchen couldn't help but cover her mouth in shock.

She hadn't expected Lin Dong to stand up to Yan Zhuang, especially after she had mentioned his deep connections as the cousin of the bar manager!

But watching Lin Dong stand up for her with such conviction, Ma Chenchen felt a surge of sweetness.

She might be easygoing, but she was still a girl.

No matter how tough she acted, she longed to be protected when danger loomed.

Lin Dong was that kind of person.

In that moment, Ma Chenchen thought Lin Dong was incredibly manly!

Yan Zhuang was taken aback as well.

He hadn't anticipated Lin Dong would actually talk back to him.

Being the Arts Department's go-to guy for organizing events and the cousin of the Red Sister's Didi Bar manager, he was used to students sucking up to him.

Now, Lin Dong, a guy he deemed insignificant, had stood up to him and told him to get lost.

Yan Zhuang's ego couldn't take it!

His eyes bulging with rage, he blurted out, "You're scolding me? You dare to scold me! I..."

"Chenchen, we'll head out first," Lin Dong said, cutting off Yan Zhuang mid-sentence.

He walked past Yan Zhuang with Ma Chenchen in tow, making their way into the club without giving Yan Zhuang a second glance. Lin Dong wasn't trying to show off; at his level, he genuinely had no regard for someone like Yan Zhuang.

Ma Chenchen's eyes shimmered with excitement.

So commanding!

So impressive!

Absolutely badass!

She felt a tender spot deep within her heart get struck, leaving her utterly captivated. Clinging tighter to Lin Dong's arm, her gaze softened, wishing this moment could last forever.

"You can let go now," Lin Dong remarked.

Jolted back to reality, Ma Chenchen realized they had already entered the club. The pulsating beats filled the air, energizing the crowd and setting the scene ablaze with excitement.

"Thank you," she said, her voice tinged with shyness as she released Lin Dong's arm.

As he stepped away, a hollow feeling washed over her, leaving her with a sense of loss.

"No worries. We're all good friends here, and besides, I can't stand that idiot," Lin Dong said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Hearing Lin Dong refer to them as 'brothers,' the warmth in Ma Chenchen's heart vanished. Her nose twitched, and her fingers curled into a fist. She was suddenly overcome with the urge to give Lin Dong a piece of her mind.

"Ma Chenchen! Come over here; I need to talk to you!" someone called out from across the club.

Her brewing anger was cut short. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile at Lin Dong and said, "My friend's calling me over. You go ahead and have fun; I'll catch up with you later."

"Sure, go ahead," Lin Dong replied, oblivious to her emotional turmoil.

Ma Chenchen's heels clicked assertively on the floor as she walked away, each step deliberate, as if she were trying to leave an imprint on the ground itself.

Watching her leave, Lin Dong shook his head in bemusement. Despite her striking appearance when dressed up, she still carried herself with a tomboyish air. He wondered how she would ever find a boyfriend with that attitude.

Fortunately, Ma Chenchen had walked off into the distance.

Had she known what was going through Lin Dong's mind, she might have returned to throttle him on the spot!

Wandering aimlessly, Lin Dong strolled down the disco's corridor into the main hall, where he encountered a massive dance floor bathed in a kaleidoscope of lights that cast ghostly shadows over the revelers.

Men and women alike were grooving to the music with infectious enthusiasm.

Despite the lively scene, Lin Dong wasn't fond of such settings.

He had only come because Ma Chenchen had asked him to, and now he reluctantly took a seat to wait for her and a few dormitory friends.

A server approached to take his drink order, and Lin Dong opted for a glass of fruit juice, setting his car keys on the table.

He had to drive later.

No alcohol when driving; fruit juice would suffice.

Meanwhile, Yan Zhuang, fuming with anger, marched into the disco with several young men in tow.

He was irate at Lin Dong, who, despite his modest attire and apparent lack of wealth, had somehow won over Ma Chenchen, the very girl Yan Zhuang desired.

How could Lin Dong possibly be worthy?

Moreover, Lin Dong had had the audacity to insult him outside the disco, telling him to get lost!

Such insolence was intolerable!

Yan Zhuang quickly rounded up a few close friends and set out to confront Lin Dong and settle the score.

They soon located him.

With a hardened expression, Yan Zhuang gestured to his entourage and approached, an empty bottle gripped in his other hand, ready to smash it over Lin Dong's head.

After all, he could act with impunity here, in a place run by his cousin.

As they reached Lin Dong, Yan Zhuang caught sight of the car keys on the table.

The emblem of the Pagani Huayran sports car caught his eye.

As a prominent figure among his peers, Yan Zhuang had some knowledge of high-end vehicles.

He recognized the Pagani Huayran immediately upon its release.

Such a car, with its futuristic design and exceptional performance, was bound to be coveted the moment it hit the streets!

It was bestowed with the title of Wind God for its unmatched speed.

Equally renowned was its jaw-dropping price tag of tens of millions!

For the average person, this was an insurmountable chasm.

Yan Zhuang could only admire from afar, yet now he was witnessing Lin Dong with a set of Pagani Huayran sports car keys in hand.

This meant Lin Dong owned a Pagani Huayran worth tens of millions!

He simply dressed casually and preferred to keep a low profile.

Given this, Lin Dong was not someone to be trifled with.

Anyone who could afford a sports car worth millions, let alone a student organizing events, even the wealthiest heirs who burn through cash would think twice before picking a fight with Lin Dong.

It's no surprise Ma Chenchen was so eager to stick by Lin Dong's side.

She must have known about Lin Dong's status all along, which explained her behavior.

And the way Lin Dong had just sternly reprimanded Yan Zhuang, even telling him to scram, was a clear display of his powerful connections!

Reflecting on this, Yan Zhuang's thoughts crystallized, and he began to backpedal.

Just then, Lin Dong sensed something.

He looked up to see Yan Zhuang with several others standing nearby.

Lin Dong's heart tightened, and he frowned, asking, "What's going on here? Are you looking for revenge with your crew in tow?"

Yan Zhuang, having confirmed Lin Dong's influential background, was filled with respect.

At Lin Dong's question, he shuddered involuntarily, quickly plastering on a smile as he approached, "Not at all! I just noticed how distinguished and extraordinary you looked, big brother. I wanted to introduce my friends and get to know you better. Come on, big brother, let me pour you a drink!"

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