LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C54 Wang Chengxin Retaliated and Lin Dong Arrived
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C54 Wang Chengxin Retaliated and Lin Dong Arrived
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C54 Wang Chengxin Retaliated and Lin Dong Arrived

Lin Dong sped on his electric motorcycle, arriving in the vicinity of Hongmei Disco.

"Beep Beep Beep!"

An alarm sounded.

Lin Dong glanced at the dashboard and realized the sports car was out of fuel.

Reflecting on his recent activities, it made sense; since acquiring the car, he had bought a new phone, attended social events, and even driven Zhou Pinru to the city outskirts.

Given that sports cars are notorious gas guzzlers, it was no surprise he had run the tank dry.

Fortunately, there was a gas station conveniently located at the roadside.

Lin Dong pulled in.

The sleek, futuristic Pazini Wind God sports car turned heads as the gas station attendants stared in amazement.

They had never seen such an exquisite sports car before.

Moreover, the car exuded luxury, clearly not something within reach for the average person.

Noticing the attendant frozen in place, Lin Dong instructed, "Fill it up with 95 octane."

"Oh, right away!" the attendant snapped to attention, hurrying to operate the fuel pump.

"Lin Dong, where are you? Liu Wenming and the others are losing their cool. They can't hold their own against Wang Chengxin's crew. You need to get here fast!" Ma Chenchen's urgent message came through.

Lin Dong saw that he was merely a hundred meters from Hongmei Disco.

He quickly stepped out of the car, instructed the attendant to wait for his return after refueling, and hurried off.

The attendant nodded vigorously.

Lin Dong's sports car was clearly worth millions; there was no chance he would leave without paying for the fuel.

In no time, Lin Dong covered the short distance to Hongmei Disco.

Inside, the party was still in full swing with music blaring. The students from the mixer had departed, replaced by others seeking entertainment.

Such events rarely wrapped up before the early hours of the morning.

Lin Dong ascended the steps and made his way into Hongmei Disco.

"Wang Chengxin, stop it! Don't hit anyone else!"

Ma Chenchen's voice, sharp with urgency, greeted Lin Dong as he entered.

His expression turned grave, and he quickly moved toward the source of the commotion.

He found himself at the dance floor, the very area reserved for the mixer.

The mixer had wound down, and only a dozen boys and a few girls remained. Ma Chenchen was among them. She stood at the forefront of the crowd, facing off against Wang Chengxin and Yan Zhuang. The two boys, flanked by their posse, exuded a menacing air. Yan Zhuang was even gripping a chair in his hand.

Earlier, after a scuffle with his cousin left him fuming, Yan Zhuang had stormed off to confront Lin Dong, only to deflate upon seeing Lin Dong's Pagani Huayran sports car. Lin Dong was untouchable. However, these others who had beef with Wang Chengxin were fair game! Yan Zhuang, still seething with pent-up rage, eagerly threw himself into the fray.

From a distance, Lin Dong could see Liu Wenming, Tian Chao, and Zhou Hengyu sporting fresh bruises and cuts. Liu Wenming's clothes were particularly shredded. Had Ma Chenchen not shielded him, the boys opposite would have surely given him a worse beating.

Liu Wenming was not one to shirk his duties. Wiping his nose, he stepped forward and said to Ma Chenchen, "Step aside, Ma Chenchen. We're not cowards. Don't get caught in the crossfire!"

Ma Chenchen pushed him back several steps with a shove and shot him a fierce glare. What a knucklehead! If Lin Dong hadn't charged her with their safety, she'd let Wang Chengxin pummel them senseless. But a promise to Lin Dong was a promise to keep. Despite her easygoing nature, Ma Chenchen was not lacking in resolve, nor did she want to disappoint Lin Dong.

Wang Chengxin, brandishing a beer bottle, barked at her, "Ma Chenchen, my patience has limits. If you're in my way, I'll take you down too!"

Ma Chenchen stood her ground, hands on hips, and retorted, "Go ahead and try! Don't think you can bully others just because you're loaded. Watch out, or I might just knock that nose of yours crooked!"

Her boldness was unmistakable. As Wang Chengxin realized she wouldn't back down and their classmates looked on, embarrassment flushed his face.

He clenched his jaw and swung his leg to kick Ma Chenchen, intent on pushing her away.

"Watch out!"

Liu Wenming, Tian Chao, Zhou Hengyu, and the two remaining girls all yelled.

They were too far to intervene in time!

Ma Chenchen hadn't anticipated that Wang Chengxin would actually strike.

Despite her typically carefree demeanor, she was still a girl, and the threat left her terrified. She closed her eyes tightly, bracing herself for the harsh kick.

But as the kick was about to connect, a dark figure suddenly appeared and pounced on Wang Chengxin.


Wang Chengxin let out a pained scream and collapsed.

When Ma Chenchen opened her eyes, she saw Wang Chengxin on the ground, clutching his stomach and yelling, with a chair lying next to him.

"Are you okay?"

A pair of warm hands steadied Ma Chenchen.

Looking up, Ma Chenchen saw a handsome young man emerge, bathed in the glow of the spotlight from behind, which made him shine radiantly.

"Lin Dong!"

Ma Chenchen called out, her voice laden with emotion.

The situation had been incredibly tense, and she had been the only one standing firm in the face of fear and helplessness. Lin Dong's arrival gave her a sudden sense of support.

Overwhelmed by instinct, she threw her arms around Lin Dong, her tears flowing as she began to sob.

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