LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C6 Dog Bit Dog
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LitRPG: Sudden Wealth/C6 Dog Bit Dog
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C6 Dog Bit Dog

Lin Dong received the system reward, feeling elated. He harbored no regrets about losing Zhang Xiaofeng; recognizing the true nature of such a deceptive person was far better than being kept in the dark.

"Mr. Lin, how do you plan to handle this money?" Han Qingxue leaned in toward Lin Dong, her voice a soft murmur. A fragrant breeze caressed his face.

Lin Dong snapped back to reality. He glanced at Han Qingxue. Perhaps it was her inadvertent gesture, but as she spoke, she leaned in closer, allowing Lin Dong to take in the sight of her fair cheeks, dark eyes, and meticulously groomed eyelashes. Han Qingxue was undeniably stunning, and she carried with her a subtle scent that was soothing to the heart and mind, drawing one in irresistibly.

Instinctively, Lin Dong took a deep breath. Han Qingxue's cheeks flushed a delicate pink, yet she didn't step back. Instead, she remained by Lin Dong's side, her faint fragrance lingering.

Lin Dong was thoroughly impressed by Han Qingxue's demeanor. She was capable, perceptive, and knew how to manage emotions. In this regard, she was leagues ahead of the discontented Zhang Xiaofeng.

Without a trace, Lin Dong regained his composure. He surveyed the scene around him. The crowd of students hadn't yet dispersed, and now they gazed at him with eyes filled with envy and admiration.

Many of the girls clasped their hands, gazing at Lin Dong with longing, as if they were watching their beloved departing on a long journey. Just a minute earlier, these same girls had looked upon him with disdain, as if he were the butt of a joke. Such was the allure of wealth.

With a light chuckle, Lin Dong turned to Han Qingxue and said, "Put all the money away. I'm not one for showiness. Today's events had their reasons. Thank you for your cooperation; you've done well, and I'm quite fond of you."

Lin Dong's smile caused Han Qingxue's heart to skip a beat, her excitement palpable. She had gone to great lengths today, even personally delivering the cash, all to make a lasting impression on Lin Dong and secure her place with this affluent patron.

Now that Lin Dong was pleased with her services, it meant that he would become her personal client from here on out. With 100 million in cash, assets worth over a billion, and inheritance rights of 30 billion, Han Qingxue could only imagine the immense benefits that a tycoon with such a substantial background would bring her in the future!

She was too excited to contain herself and quickly leaned forward, nodding with care. "Mr. Lin, you're too kind. Serving you is truly an honor for me! I'll manage this batch of funds diligently. Please, feel free to contact me anytime you need anything," she said with utmost humility.

Han Qingxue presented herself with great deference. Lin Dong, observing her graceful, swan-like neck, gave a contented hum. Although he maintained a composed exterior, he was internally basking in immense satisfaction. The sight of such a beautiful woman showing him such deference was a pleasure he had rarely experienced before—a joy reserved for the truly privileged.

"Lin Dong..." Zhang Xiaofeng's face was etched with grief as she looked at him. Her dreams had shattered. Driven by instinct, she took a few steps forward, only to be halted by the armed bank security guard. They had all witnessed Lin Dong's ownership of 100 million in cash.

But Zhang Xiaofeng was not the owner of that wealth. What if she had attempted to steal it? Tears welled up in her eyes, especially as she watched Lin Dong and Han Qingxue converse with ease. It felt as if a piece of her heart had been violently torn away, causing her unbearable pain.

She remembered Lin Dong's warning that she would regret her actions. It wasn't an empty threat but a final token of his affection for her. Ironically, she had dismissed him, thinking he was just a sore loser. Now, it was clear that she was the one who had been truly childish.

Overwhelmed with remorse, she felt like she was on the brink of collapse. If only she had stayed with Lin Dong, if only she had ignored Wang Lei's advances, if only she had realized sooner—perhaps then she would have had a share in that fortune.

But the world offers no cure for regret.

Unable to stand, Zhang Xiaofeng slowly sank to the ground, weeping uncontrollably. From a distance, Han Qingxue glanced at her with a hint of scorn. This woman, blinded by petty gains and lacking discernment, had foolishly thrown away her chance with an exceptional man like Lin Dong, choosing instead to chase after another.

She brought this on herself by being so foolish and worthless. She got what she deserved!

Han Qingxue felt not an ounce of pity for her.

The onlookers whispered and gestured towards Zhang Xiaofeng with similar disdain.

Most shared Han Qingxue's sentiment, some even reveling in Zhang Xiaofeng's misfortune, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

After all, Zhang Xiaofeng had been so full of herself earlier, and many were annoyed by her attitude.

Wang Lei approached, his expression grim. The ten thousand yuan he had withdrawn from the ATM had already been pocketed.

This sum was laughable compared to Lin Dong's hundred million in cash. It was downright humiliating.

Though he had lost face, he couldn't let Zhang Xiaofeng lose hers.

Wang Lei hadn't sealed the deal with Zhang Xiaofeng yet. He had invested a lot in her, treating her to meals, entertainment, and even a new trendy smartphone. He couldn't afford to lose out now!

He reached for Zhang Xiaofeng, his face set with resolve. "Xiaofeng, stand up. Lin Dong isn't worth your tears. You still have me!"

Zhang Xiaofeng looked up, her eyes brimming with tears, her nose twitching and sniffling.

Broad streaks of tears had washed away her foundation, revealing freckles and instantly diminishing her attractiveness.

Next to the stunning Han Qingxue, Zhang Xiaofeng looked downright hideous in Wang Lei's eyes.

He felt a surge of revulsion but masked it well. He was so close to winning her over; he just had to secure Zhang Xiaofeng first. If necessary, he could simply turn off the lights and make do.

But Zhang Xiaofeng suddenly jerked her hand away!

She leapt up furiously, flailing her fingers at Wang Lei's face, her eyes wide with rage as she screamed, "It's all your fault! You made me lose Lin Dong! You jerk! I'll claw you to death! Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Wang Lei was taken aback. It was too late to dodge, and Zhang Xiaofeng's sharp nails left his face riddled with scratches!

Wang Lei's scream pierced the air as his bloody wound throbbed. He tried to shove Zhang Xiaofeng away, but she clung to him like a vine, viciously clawing at his neck. The scene was utter chaos.

Lin Dong stood there, dumbfounded. He had never seen Zhang Xiaofeng unleash such ferocity; she was like a shrew straight out of a soap opera!

Meanwhile, the fight raged on, and the onlooking students were thoroughly entertained, none of them stepping in to intervene.

The drama unfolded like a soap opera: an original couple torn apart by a wealthy interloper, only for the unassuming boyfriend to reveal himself as a billionaire, delivering a stunning blow to the face of presumption. The seduced girlfriend, filled with regret and rage, lashed out at the wealthy rival.

In this tumultuous fray, it was a case of dog eat dog—no one was innocent, and there was no sympathy to be had.

A bystander whipped out their phone, eager to capture the melee and share it online. Videos like this were dynamite, sure to rack up a hefty number of views.

A procession of portly school officials approached, led by none other than Principal Zhang Hongwen.

When Han Qingxue arrived at the school with a cash entourage, and the upper echelons were informed, Zhang Hongwen sensed trouble brewing. Normally, such transactions were arranged well in advance with the school.

But this was different—there was no time for formalities, no need for vehicles. The money was hand-delivered, flanked by armed guards. Such a spectacle was unprecedented at Jiangyang University.

Zhang Hongwen had summoned the Education Bureau, the disciplinary staff, the head of the Finance Department, and several security guards to the scene. He was determined to get to the bottom of things.

As fate would have it, he arrived just in time to hear the commotion of a fight, seemingly between a man and a woman. This was unacceptable!

He ordered the school security to clear a path through the crowd. As the onlookers parted, a wall built entirely of cash came into view—five meters long and two meters high. The sight nearly blinded Zhang Hongwen with its sheer extravagance.

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